Apricot vs Nectarine: Comparing The Sweet And Succulent

apricot vs nectarine - woman with apricots

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Apricots and nectarines are both excellent choices for a healthy, plant-based diet, each offering a rich supply of vitamins and nutrients. While they belong to the same family and share many health benefits, they differ in taste, texture, and nutritional profile — apricots have a slightly higher content of vitamin A and vitamin C, while nectarines have a bit more vitamin K and are larger, making them slightly higher in sugar content. Choose apricots for a firmer, tart flavor and nectarines for a sweeter, juicier bite; both can enhance your skin health and boost your immune system.


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As a former Registered Nurse and avid plant-muncher, I’m in love with how simple plant-based foods make it easy to be beautiful.

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Summer is here, and with it comes the tantalising aroma of ripe delicious fruits beckoning from the grocery store aisles. Amidst the range of jewel-toned offerings, the choice of apricot vs nectarine stands out as a delightful option to nourish your body and satisfy your sweet cravings, all while keeping you on track in your health and beauty journey.

Apricot vs Nectarine

The Look and Feel: Fuzzy vs. smooth skin

One of the most noticeable differences between the two is their skin texture. Apricots boast a delicate fuzzy skin that whispers secrets of summer orchards, while nectarines offer a smooth skin that is delightful to touch and even more delightful to bite into.

Yellow-orange flesh meets white

Cut them open, and you are greeted with a splash of colours that are nothing short of a summer palette. Apricots, with their warm yellow-orange flesh, evoke a sense of early July afternoons spent in the sunshine, while the nectarines can offer a beautiful white flesh (yellow too), painting a picture of late summer joy with every bite. This is not just a feast for the eyes; this colour difference hints at the distinct flavours and nutritional value packed in each fruit.

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From the same family but different trees

Yes, they are part of the same family – the vast genus Prunus family, which is home to a variety of stone fruits including cherries, plums, and almonds. But when it comes down to their immediate family, they hail from different trees. While apricots are nurtured to perfection on apricot trees, nectarines owe their juicy goodness to nectarine trees, under the scientific name Prunus persica. A stroll through an orchard in early spring would let you witness the blossoming of these fruit trees, each promising a bounty of fresh produce in the summer.

The Nutritional Shootout: Apricot vs. Nectarine

The Malic Acid Miracle

Amidst the rich tapestry of nutrients, Malic acid stands as a beacon of youth and radiance. Abundantly found in both apricots and nectarines, this naturally occurring compound works like a charm in rejuvenating your skin. It is like having a fountain of youth encased in the succulent flesh of these fruits, ready to grant you a radiant glow and youthful vigour as you savour each bite. Let the miracle of Malic acid work its magic, bringing out your inner glow as you navigate through your health-conscious journey, embracing the beauty and richness that these summer stone fruits have to offer.

Vitamin C Powerhouse

Both apricots and nectarines shine brightly in the league of summer stone fruits, taking the centre stage with their impressive Vitamin C content. This essential nutrient is your immune system’s knight in shining armour, bravely fighting off free radicals that threaten to harm your body.

A Symphony of Vitamins

Let’s not forget the marvellous support cast featuring vitamin B and vitamin K. The vibrant orange colour of apricots gives away their rich content of vitamin A, a fantastic fat-soluble vitamin that champions eye health. Meanwhile, nectarines boast a hearty dose of vitamin K, nurturing your bones and playing a vital role in blood clotting. These fruits truly are a symposium of vitamins, bringing a well-rounded nutritional profile to your table.

Sweetness in Moderation

As you indulge in the natural sweetness these summer jewels offer, a pertinent question might arise — “Are they too high in sugar?” The good news is, these fruits offer a moderate sugar content, allowing you to indulge without no guilt. Particularly apricots, being a quarter of the size of nectarines, naturally contain less sugar, serving sweetness in delightful moderation.

The Fibre Factor

Another star player in this nutritional lineup is dietary fibre, generously present in both apricots and nectarines. This unsung hero works diligently in the background, aiding digestion and promoting a feeling of fullness, assisting you gracefully in your journey towards a healthier lifestyle.

Apricot vs Nectarine: When to Enjoy Them

Late Summer vs. Early July

Understanding the rhythm of stone fruit season is key to enjoying them at their best. While apricots herald the start of the summer season, ripening in the warm embrace of early July, nectarines wait a bit longer for their growing season, coming into their full glory in late summer. This timeline ensures that you can enjoy a continuous supply of fresh, juicy fruits throughout the season.

Daily Consumption

Navigating daily consumption doesn’t have to be a puzzle. Apricots, with their smaller size, allow for a bit more leniency in daily consumption. 

Are you wondering specifically how many apricots can be enjoyed in a day? While there isn’t a strict number, enjoying them in moderation, keeping in tune with your overall diet, can be a delightful and healthy choice. 

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Eating More to Weigh Less: Fruitful Freedom

With fresh apricots, there is the water content which will help you feel full. So it’s unlikely that you will overeat them. Dried apricots however don’t have this water so try to limit yourself to a handful a day. 

Versatile Usage

Understanding when to use apricots and when to choose nectarines can truly elevate your culinary adventures. Their unique flavours and textures can transform everyday dishes into gourmet experiences right in your home kitchen.

Salads and Smoothies

Apricots, with their slightly tart note, pair beautifully with salads, giving them a fresh and vibrant kick. Think of a crunchy salad with a burst of sweetness and colour from apricot slices — it’s the epitome of a summer dish!

Nectarines offer a smoother, sweeter note, making them a delightful addition to your morning smoothies. Picture starting your day with a nectarine smoothie, its smooth skin blending seamlessly, offering a refreshing and energetic start to your day.


When it comes to desserts, both nectarines and apricots can be your stars. While apricots lend themselves wonderfully to jams and tart fillings with their firm texture, nectarines can bring a juicy, sweet note to your pies and crumbles. Experiment with both and discover your favourite!

Grilling and Sautéing

Venture into the savoury world with nectarines and apricots. Their firm flesh holds up well to heat, making them great companions to your grilled dishes or sautéed delights. Imagine a warm summer evening with grilled nectarines alongside your favourite protein – it’s a match made in heaven!

Try these: Grilled Apricots With Toasted Walnuts by Vegan on Board

Chilling with a Bowl of Ice Cream

As the summer heats up, there’s nothing more refreshing than indulging in a bowl of ice cream topped with succulent slices of apricots or nectarines. Their vibrant colours not only enhance the visual appeal but add a burst of summer freshness to your dessert, harmonising perfectly with the cool creaminess.

FAQ: Apricot vs Nectarine

As we immerse ourselves in the world of apricots and nectarines, a few questions naturally arise. Let’s address some of the common queries to give you a rounded understanding of these summer treasures:

Are nectarine and apricot the same?

No, they are different fruits but belong to the same large family, the genus Prunus. While they share many similarities, their distinct textures and flavours set them apart.

Is a nectarine just a bald peach?

While nectarines are often termed as “bald peaches” due to their smooth skin, they are indeed a variety of peaches with their unique characteristics. They are not just bald peaches but have their identity in the fruit world.

Is a nectarine a cross between a peach and an apricot?

Nectarines are not a cross between peaches and apricots; they are a variety of peaches. The smooth-skin characteristic is due to a recessive gene, and they belong to the same species as peaches, Prunus persica.

Freestone fruit explained

Freestone refers to the type of fruit where the flesh separates easily from the pit or the “stone” at the centre of the fruit. Both apricots and nectarines can be freestone varieties, offering you a fuss-free eating experience.

What is the centre of the fruit?

The centre of the fruit houses a hard pit, which is the seed enclosed in a hard shell. It’s advisable not to consume this part of the fruit, but it holds a pivotal role in the propagation of new apricot and nectarine trees.

A quarter of the size but packed with nutrients

While apricots are generally a quarter of the size of nectarines, they pack a punch when it comes to nutritional value, offering a rich array of vitamins and minerals that are vital for maintaining good health.

As we wrap up our excursion into the vibrant world of apricots vs nectarines, we hope you feel equipped and inspired to make the most of these summer jewels, turning your kitchen into a canvas of vibrant colours and explosive flavours, all while nurturing your body with nature’s best offerings. Let’s embrace the joy of summer with open arms and a basket full of the freshest apricots and nectarines!