Blueberry Matcha Latte (Vegan)

Turn ‘healthy’ green matcha tea into a beautiful three-layered blueberry matcha latte instead.  It pleases your eyes, your skin and your tastebuds!

Blueberry Matcha Latte

Meet Sarah, a hardworking entrepreneur who runs her own eco-conscious fashion line. Juggling between designing, sourcing, marketing, and administrative tasks, Sarah’s days are bustling with endless to-dos. In her relentless hustle, one thing she often found slipping away was her self-care time. Dark circles began making a home under her eyes, and her energy levels started dipping more frequently.

One day, Sarah decided it was time to change. She knew she needed a healthy pick-me-up, something that could give her the energy she needed and contribute to her wellness without taking too much time out of her packed schedule.

And that’s when she discovered the magical Matcha Blueberry Latte.

The first time she made it, she was taken by the beautiful fusion of colours, the vibrant green of the matcha mingling with the deep blue of the blueberries in her glass. It felt like she was brewing a potion for vitality. And in some ways, she was.

Every morning, Sarah began her day with this special ritual, making her Matcha Blueberry Latte. With each sip, she could taste the slightly grassy, earthy flavour of the matcha balanced by the sweet, fruity notes of blueberries. It was a moment of calm in her busy day, a time when she was doing something just for herself.

Within a few weeks, Sarah started noticing changes. The bags under her eyes were less pronounced, and her skin was regaining its glow. She felt more energised throughout the day, managing her tasks with renewed vigour. And above all, she was happier. She had found a way to take care of herself amidst her busy life.

Now, whenever Sarah sips her Matcha Blueberry Latte, she feels a sense of pride. This drink isn’t just a tasty treat—it’s a symbol of her commitment to her own wellness. The sense of fulfilment she gets from it goes far beyond its delicious taste and the energy boost it provides—it’s a loving nod to her health, her vitality, and ultimately, to herself.

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From Bitter to Better: Distinguishing Good Matcha vs Bad Matcha

Hello, radiant goddesses! We know your days are packed with tasks, and you’re balancing a hundred different things like a pro. But amidst the rush, you’re also trying to take care of your health and preserve that divine glow of yours. Not an easy task, we know. Life’s like a kaleidoscope, swirling with demands and distractions. 

But don’t worry. We’ve got something that’s quick, delicious, healthy, and yes, oh-so-radiant for you. Introducing the star of our show (and soon-to-be star of your mornings): the Matcha Blueberry Latte.

What is a Matcha Blueberry Latte?

The Matcha Blueberry Latte is a sippable, savourable, health and beauty elixir that you never knew you needed. This delightful beverage dances in the realm of vitality-boosting matcha and antioxidant-rich blueberries, all tied together with the creaminess of plant-based milk. It’s a cup of goodness, crafted for the goddess in you.

Matcha, that verdant, ground green tea from the East, meets the juicy sweetness of blueberries in this drink, creating a fusion of flavours that your taste buds will celebrate. It’s not just a beverage; it’s a feast, a nutrient powerhouse, and a beauty secret, all in one. And the best part? You can make it right in your own kitchen, between answering emails and completing your morning yoga stretches. Intrigued? Let’s get brewing!

Health and Beauty Benefits of the Matcha Blueberry Latte

Your Matcha Blueberry Latte isn’t just a feast for the senses; it’s also a balm for your body and skin.

Rich in Antioxidants 

Matcha is a well-known powerhouse of antioxidants, including a type called catechins, which are believed to have cancer-fighting properties. Blueberries are no slouches either; they’re packed with antioxidants like anthocyanins that help your body fight off harmful free radicals. This antioxidant cocktail can contribute to better overall health and stronger immunity.

Energy Booster 

Matcha contains a natural form of caffeine that provides a gentle energy boost without the jittery effects associated with coffee. Combined with the natural sugars in blueberries, this latte can provide a sustained release of energy, helping you power through your busy day.

Beauty Enhancer 

The antioxidants in both matcha and blueberries can also contribute to healthier skin. They may help to reduce inflammation, combat acne, and even slow the aging process by fighting oxidative damage from environmental stressors. So every sip could be contributing to a brighter, more youthful complexion.

Now, how’s that for a cup of latte?

How to Make a Matcha Blueberry Latte at Home

Here’s your guide to creating this magical potion, step by step.

  • Ingredients – You’ll need a teaspoon of matcha green tea powder, a handful of fresh or frozen blueberries, your favourite plant-based milk (we recommend almond or oat milk), and a sweetener if you like (try a natural option like stevia or agave syrup).
  • Blend the Blueberries – Start by blending your blueberries into a smooth puree. You can add a splash of water if needed. Set aside this luscious purple goodness.
  • Whisk the Matcha – Next, sift your matcha powder into a bowl to get rid of any lumps. Add a little hot (not boiling) water and whisk until it becomes a smooth paste.
  • Heat the Milk – Gently heat your milk until it’s warm but not boiling. If you want to add a sweetener, now’s the time.
  • Combine – Pour your matcha into a glass, add the blueberry puree, and then slowly pour in the warm milk. Watch as the colours swirl together in a mesmerising dance. Give it a gentle stir.
  • Savour – Take a moment to breathe in the aroma, then take a sip. Let the flavours play on your tongue. You’ve just created a health-boosting masterpiece!

A Brief Education on Matcha and Blueberries

Although the matcha and blueberries combination is a modern twist, each has a rich history and traditional use. Let’s explore, shall we?


Originating from Japan, Matcha is essentially green tea leaves ground into a fine powder. For centuries, it has been a part of traditional Japanese tea ceremonies and is highly valued for its health benefits. More than just a tea, matcha represents a meditative approach to life, celebrating mindfulness and simplicity.


Blueberries, native to North America, have been consumed for their delightful taste and health benefits for thousands of years. Native American tribes revered blueberries as a sacred element and used them for their medicinal properties. These little berries are nutritional powerhouses and are widely acknowledged as a “superfood.”

Together, matcha and blueberries create a perfect harmony of taste, health, and beauty benefits, making your Matcha Blueberry Latte not just a drink, but a tradition of wellness.

Fun Ways to Customise Your Matcha Blueberry Latte

While our standard Matcha Blueberry Latte recipe is certainly a crowd-pleaser, we love the idea of making it uniquely yours. Here are some ideas to play with:

Change Your Milk – If you usually go for almond milk, why not try coconut or oat milk for a change? Each brings its own subtle flavour and nutritional profile.

Spice It Up – Adding a dash of cinnamon or nutmeg can bring a warm, comforting twist to your latte. Or if you’re feeling adventurous, a pinch of cayenne can kickstart your morning!

Add Some Superfoods – Consider stirring in a spoonful of chia seeds for extra fibre, or a splash of acai berry juice for an additional antioxidant boost.

Make it Iced – On warmer days, why not serve your latte over ice for a refreshing twist?

Top it Off – Sprinkle some crushed nuts, cacao nibs, or a dollop of coconut cream on top for a cafe-style treat.

Remember, your Matcha Blueberry Latte should be a celebration of your personal tastes and nutritional needs. Have fun with it!


We get it, radiant goddess, maintaining your health and beauty amid the whirlwind of life isn’t always a breeze. But with small, delicious steps like adding a Matcha Blueberry Latte to your routine, it’s not just possible – it’s pleasurable.

As you savour your latte, remember that you’re nourishing your body, treating your taste buds, and giving yourself a moment of much-needed calm. That’s what being a goddess is all about – taking care of yourself in a way that feels as good as it looks.

So, why not try making a Matcha Blueberry Latte tomorrow morning? And when you do, we’d love to hear about your experience or any creative twists you’ve added to your recipe. Share the goodness, because every goddess deserves a taste of this celestial brew!

Yield: 1

Blueberry Matcha Latte (Vegan)

Blueberry Matcha Latte (Vegan)

Turn ‘healthy’ green matcha tea into a beautiful three-layered blueberry matcha latte instead. It pleases your eyes, your skin and your tastebuds.

Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes


  • ice
  • 1/3 cup of blueberries (frozen)*
  • 1 1/12 tbsp of water
  • 1/2 tbsp of maple syrup**
  • 1/2 cup of plant-based mylk
  • 1/3 cup of water
  • 1/2 tsp of matcha***


  1. Start with the blueberry layer. Blend the blueberries, maple syrup and water together in a bullet blender. Add ice into your glass and then pour the blueberry layer in.
  2. Prepare the matcha layer. In a small cup, blend the matcha with a small amount of water. Then blend with the remaining water.
  3. Gently pour the plant-based milk over the ice/blueberry layer. The gentler you are, the cleaner it will look.
  4. Gently pour the matcha layer on top.
  5. Enjoy immediately.


*Using frozen blueberries makes the latte more refreshing

**This latte is subtly sweet. If you want a sweet version, then add a whole tablespoon of maple syrup.

***If you aren't bothered by the grassy taste of matcha, then feel free to use a whole teaspoon.

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FAQ: Blueberry Matcha Latte

Q: What is matcha?

Matcha is a type of powdered green tea that originated in Japan. It’s made by taking the whole leaf of premium green tea and grinding it into a fine powder. This means you’re consuming the entire leaf, and all the nutrients it contains, when you drink matcha.

Q: Can I use any type of milk for my Matcha Blueberry Latte?

Absolutely! You can use any kind of plant-based milk you prefer – almond, oat, soy, coconut. Each will lend a slightly different flavour to your latte.

Q: I’m not a fan of sweet drinks. Do I have to add sweetener?

Not at all. The Matcha Blueberry Latte can be enjoyed without added sweeteners. The natural sweetness of the blueberries might be just enough for you.

Q: Can I use frozen blueberries?

Yes, frozen blueberries work just as well as fresh ones. In fact, using frozen berries can give your latte a thicker, smoothie-like texture.

Q: How can I make my Matcha Blueberry Latte frothier?

For a frothier latte, try frothing the milk before adding it to the matcha and blueberry mixture. You can use a milk frother or just give it a vigorous whisk.

Q: Can I prepare this latte in advance?

For the best flavour and nutritional benefits, it’s recommended to drink your Matcha Blueberry Latte soon after making it. However, if you’re pressed for time, you could prepare the matcha and blueberry mixture in advance and just heat and add the milk when you’re ready to drink it.

Q: Can I use a different fruit instead of blueberries?

While blueberries offer a unique taste and nutrient profile, you could certainly experiment with other fruits. Strawberries or raspberries could make interesting substitutes.

Q: Can I have more than one Matcha Blueberry Latte per day?

While it’s a healthy drink, remember that matcha does contain caffeine. It’s advisable to listen to your body and consume in moderation. If you’re sensitive to caffeine, limit yourself to one per day, or switch to a caffeine-free alternative in the evenings.

Q: Is blueberry matcha good for you?

Yes, a Blueberry Matcha Latte is good for you. Both matcha and blueberries are rich in antioxidants that help protect your cells from damage. Matcha also provides a calm, focused energy boost thanks to its caffeine content, while blueberries contribute natural sweetness and additional vitamins.

Q: What does the Blueberry Matcha Latte taste like?

The Blueberry Matcha Latte has a uniquely refreshing taste. The matcha provides a rich, slightly grassy flavour, which is beautifully complemented by the sweet, fruity taste of blueberries. The plant-based milk ties it all together with a creamy finish.

Q: How to make matcha latte taste good?

The key to a tasty matcha latte is high-quality matcha powder and the right balance of flavours. Make sure your matcha is fresh and vibrant green, and use just enough to provide a rich taste without being overwhelming. Balance the matcha with a sweet element, like blueberries or a natural sweetener, and a creamy one, like your favorite plant-based milk.

Q: What flavours are good in a matcha latte?

Matcha pairs well with a variety of flavours. On the sweet side, you could try vanilla, coconut, almond, or even chocolate. For something a little different, spices like cinnamon, ginger, or cardamom can complement matcha beautifully. And of course, fruits like blueberries, strawberries, or bananas can add a nice freshness.

Q: What can you not mix with matcha?

Matcha is versatile and can be paired with many flavours. However, it’s best to avoid overly acidic or sour ingredients, like citrus fruits, as they can overpower the delicate taste of matcha.

Q: What can I add to matcha to make it taste better?

If you find matcha’s taste too strong, consider adding a natural sweetener like stevia or agave syrup. Adding creamy plant-based milk can also help balance the flavour. For a fruity twist, try adding a fruit puree like blueberry or strawberry.

Q: What flavours go well with matcha?

Matcha pairs well with both sweet and savory flavours. It works particularly well with vanilla, coconut, sweet fruits like berries or peaches, and even dark chocolate. For a savory spin, matcha can be used in dishes with nutty flavours, like almond or sesame.

Q: What fruit goes with matcha?

Many fruits pair well with matcha. Berries, particularly blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries, complement matcha’s slightly grassy flavour beautifully. Bananas, peaches, and mangoes can also work well.


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