The Big Question: Can Tea Stop Your Period?

Woman sitting on coach with tea

Can tea stop your period?
Tea, especially certain herbal varieties, might have an impact on your menstrual cycle, though scientific evidence is limited. It’s important to listen to your body and consider how different teas make you feel, especially within a balanced, plant-based diet.


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As a former Registered Nurse and avid plant-muncher, I’m in love with how simple plant-based foods make it easy to be beautiful.

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There’s something inherently comforting about the ritual of brewing and sipping on a cup of tea. For many, it’s a serene moment of pause amidst the whirlwind of daily life, a warm embrace from the inside out. As the steam wafts upwards, we’re often left pondering: can tea stop your period? In the universe of natural remedies and plant-based wonders, tea stands out as a beacon, with whispers of its myriad of benefits ranging from soothing an upset tummy to potentially calming menstrual mayhem.

Is There A Tea to Stop Your Period?

Diving straight into the heart of the matter, no tea can magically “stop” a period. Periods are a natural and essential part of our body’s rhythm, signaling health and vitality. However, while our trusty teapot might not grant this particular wish, certain teas can influence menstrual symptoms, offering relief in their own unique ways.

Teas and Their Potential Effects on Menstrual Flow

When it comes to the vast expanse of tea varieties, each holds its distinct character and potential benefits. Let’s meander through the tea garden and uncover what each might offer to our menstrual musings:

  • Chamomile tea: Often hailed as the night-time soother, chamomile tea is more than just a sleep aid. Many believe in its power to relax the body, potentially offering relief from those pesky menstrual cramps that creep in uninvited. Picture it as the gentle lullaby for your aching muscles.
  • Ginger tea: Known more for its fiery zest and capability to combat nausea, ginger tea is also a strong contender in the ring against menstrual pain. Some studies indicate that when made with ground ginger, it rivals the pain-relieving prowess of certain over-the-counter pain meds.
GInger tea
  • Green tea: Ah, the classic green. While many sip it for its antioxidant-rich profile, there’s a circulating myth about its power to stop periods. To set the record straight: there’s no concrete evidence to support that green tea consumption can halt your menstrual cycle. However, in moderation, it can be a refreshing pick-me-up during those low-energy period days.
  • Lemon tea: Beyond its vibrant citrusy appeal, lemon tea is more about hydration and infusing your body with some good old vitamin C. While it may not influence your period flow directly, staying hydrated can aid in overall well-being during menstruation.
Lemon tea
  • The other tea-talents: As for Oolong, Black, Fennel, Peppermint, Hibiscus, Cinnamon, Cramp Bark, Rose Petal, and Red Raspberry Leaf Tea? Each dances to its tune in the tea world. From soothing menstrual cramps to alleviating the emotional roller coaster of premenstrual syndrome, these teas bring a myriad of benefits to the table. Delving into each would be a journey in itself, so let’s keep that adventure for another day.

The Science Behind Why

The human body is a marvel, and understanding the “why” behind these tea effects can be both fascinating and empowering. Teas, particularly those with muscle-relaxing properties, can help relax the uterine muscles. 

can tea stop your period - woman with period pain

This relaxation may lead to reduced intensity in uterine contractions, which are often the main culprits behind that agonizing period pain. On another note, certain teas, especially the darker varieties like black tea, might influence the blood vessels, promoting relaxation and potentially easing blood flow. 

So, while they don’t stop the period, they certainly play a harmonious background score to your menstrual symphony.

But What About Stopping Your Period?

Juggling the demands of modern life can sometimes leave us yearning for a ‘pause button’ on our menstrual cycle, especially when it inconveniently collides with major events or plans. Unfortunately, in the vast realm of natural remedies, no tea – be it green, black, or any other shade – can genuinely halt or delay a period. While certain teas may have properties that seem to reduce blood flow or offer relief from menstrual cramping, this shouldn’t be mistaken for stopping menstruation altogether.

Personally, I have found eating a wholefood plant-based diet lengthens my cycle, so while I don’t stop my period, I do get less of them.

Woman drinking tea

The Bigger Picture

It’s tempting to view our menstrual cycle as an isolated monthly inconvenience. Still, it’s so much more than that – it’s an essential reflection of our overall health and vitality. A regular menstrual cycle is the body’s way of signaling that all systems are in harmony. Severe pain, on the other hand, or very heavy bleeding isn’t just a nuisance but potentially indicative of underlying issues that might need professional attention.

As we revel in the delightful brews from our tea collection, it’s essential to remember that our body’s natural processes, like menstruation, are in place for a reason. Embracing and understanding these processes, rather than attempting to suppress or alter them, allows us to connect more deeply with our bodies and their innate wisdom. However, if your menstrual symptoms are causing significant distress, always reach out to a healthcare professional. A cup of tea can comfort, but some matters require an expert’s touch.

Additional Tips for the Busy Goddess

Embracing your period doesn’t mean surrendering to pain and discomfort. While our discussions around tea have illuminated their soothing capabilities, there’s a broader world of natural remedies and lifestyle choices awaiting exploration.

Dietary Choices

Leading a plant-based lifestyle not only aligns with the environment but might also have potential benefits for making your period more manageable. Rich in essential nutrients and free from hormone-disrupting additives, a plant-based diet can help stabilize hormonal fluctuations, which can, in turn, alleviate some menstrual symptoms.

can tea stop your period -plant-based food

Natural Remedies for Pain Relief

Beyond your comforting tea mug, consider exploring other nature-inspired remedies for menstrual cramps:

  • Warm Compress: Nothing beats the gentle warmth of a hot water bottle pressed against a cramping belly.
  • Gentle Movement: While it might seem counterintuitive, light exercises or stretches can ease period pain by promoting blood flow.

Blood Flow and Hydration

Drinking ample water, complemented by your occasional tea, ensures your body stays hydrated, which can alleviate bloating and even reduce the severity of cramps. Remember, a well-hydrated body means a more effortless period experience.


Our journey through the tea gardens, while aromatic and revealing, has shown us that while no brew can halt the natural rhythms of our bodies, many can offer solace during the turbulent times of the month. From the gentle embrace of chamomile to the fiery zing of ginger, teas are our companions in menstrual comfort.

FAQ: Can tea stop your period?

Q: Can caffeine delay your period?

A: Interestingly, while many of us relish our morning cup of coffee, excessive caffeine intake can reduce the time in between your menstrual period. Some studies suggest that high caffeine consumption might be linked to irregular periods. However, it’s essential to understand that factors like stress, diet, and other lifestyle choices play significant roles as well. It’s always recommended to moderate caffeine intake, especially if you’re experiencing mood swings or severe period cramps.

Q: What can naturally delay your period?

A: While no home remedies can guarantee a delay in your menstrual period, certain practices in traditional medicine and anecdotal evidence suggest some possibilities:

  • Herbal teas: While we’ve touched on various types of tea, fennel tea stands out in this context. Some believe it has pain-relieving properties that can help with painful periods and however it’s also known to increase bleeding, so opt for ginger instead.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties: Consuming foods with anti-inflammatory properties may not directly delay your period, but they can certainly help manage painful periods.
  • Peppermint tea: Apart from being a delightful brew, peppermint tea has been considered in traditional medicine to help with muscle spasms. Some suggest it could relax the uterine contracts, potentially influencing the menstrual cycle. However, empirical evidence is sparse.

Always remember, if you’re considering making any significant changes to your diet or lifestyle or if you’re experiencing irregular periods, it’s crucial to consult a healthcare professional.

Q: Are there specific herbal teas that can help with mood swings and period cramps?

A: Yes, indeed! Herbal teas are renowned in both traditional and modern contexts for their soothing properties. Peppermint tea, for example, is not only refreshing but might help with muscle spasms, while fennel tea is believed to have pain-relieving properties that can alleviate period cramps. Moreover, chamomile tea, which we often associate with relaxation, can also be a gentle remedy for mood swings during your menstrual cycle. Ginger tea is great, especially as ginger is proven to be effective an pain alleviation.

Q: I’ve heard about the benefits of fennel tea for menstrual discomfort. How does it work?

A: Fennel tea, a staple in many traditional medicine practices, is believed to possess properties that can ease painful periods. Its potential pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties make it a sought-after remedy for menstrual discomfort. Additionally, some suggest it might influence the menstrual cycle, although concrete scientific evidence is still in the works. However it can increase bleeding though.

Q: Does a cup of coffee have the same effect on the menstrual cycle as teas?

A: While both coffee and certain types of tea contain caffeine, their effects on the body can differ. A cup of coffee typically contains much more caffeine than most teas. As mentioned earlier, excessive caffeine might be linked to irregular periods, or periods coming sooner, but it’s essential to consider other lifestyle factors too. If you’re a coffee aficionado, moderation is key, especially if you notice any menstrual irregularities.


Benefits of Ginger for Menstrual Cramps (video)

Fennel Seeds for Menstrual Cramps and PMS (video)

Fenster L, Quale C, Waller K, et al. Caffeine consumption and menstrual function. Am J Epidemiol. 1999;149(6):550-557. doi:10.1093/oxfordjournals.aje.a009851

Zeru AB, Muluneh MA. Thyme Tea and Primary Dysmenorrhea Among Young Female Students. Adolesc Health Med Ther. 2020;11:147-155. Published 2020 Oct 20. doi:10.2147/AHMT.S280800

Zhang X, Zhang R, Chen D, et al. Association of tea drinking and dysmenorrhoea among reproductive-age women in Shanghai, China (2013-2015): a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open. 2019;9(4):e026643. Published 2019 Apr 8. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2018-026643