Is Hibiscus Tea Safe Every Day?

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Hibiscus tea, consumed in moderation, can be a daily health booster, especially for heart health and blood pressure management. However, it should be enjoyed cautiously, particularly by pregnant women and those with low blood pressure or liver issues.


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Can you drink hibiscus tea everyday? In our search for wellness and beauty, many of us turn to herbal tea. Among them, hibiscus tea, with its vibrant colour and tart flavour made from hibiscus flowers, has garnered significant attention. Let’s see if it can be added safely to your daily companion on the journey to health and attractiveness.

Can You Drink Hibiscus Tea Everyday?

The allure of a pretty, soothing red cup of hibiscus tea might have you reaching for it every day. But is it safe and beneficial to include it in your daily routine? 

The straightforward answer is yes, but with a caveat of moderation and individual health considerations. Unlike the more common green tea or black tea, hibiscus tea stands out with its tart taste and deep red colour. Known for its refreshing zing, it’s not just a pleasant beverage but also a healthful one, when consumed in appropriate amounts.

How much Hibiscus Tea Can I Drink Everyday?

Jug of hibiscus tea

It’s generally safe for adults to drink up to about a quart (approximately four cups) of hibiscus tea daily, and for children half a quart (two cups)

This recommendation is based on considerations about the manganese content in the tea. While manganese is an essential mineral, too much of it can be a concern. Hibiscus tea contains significant amounts of manganese, and consuming more than a quart per day could lead to an intake exceeding the advisable limit of manganese.

It’s also important to consider the aluminium content in hibiscus tea. While the exact absorption rate of aluminium from hibiscus tea into the body is not clear, it’s recommended to err on the side of caution. Based on the World Health Organisation’s weekly safety limit for aluminium, it’s advised not to drink more than 15 cups of hibiscus tea per day for an adult weighing about 150 pounds. 

Remember, this is general advice, and individual needs may vary. It’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare provider, especially if you have specific health conditions or concerns.

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When is the best time to drink hibiscus tea?

The optimal time to drink hibiscus tea varies based on your goals and lifestyle. 

For relaxation, evening consumption is ideal, but avoid it too close to bedtime due to its diuretic effect. 

can you drink hibiscus tea everyday - woman enjoying tea

Drinking it with meals may aid in digestion and blood pressure management. 

Post-exercise, hibiscus tea can be refreshing and hydrating. 

If enjoyed for general health, sipping throughout the day is beneficial, but be aware of your total daily intake. Since it’s caffeine-free, it won’t disrupt sleep if consumed in the evening. 

Always tailor the timing to your personal health needs and consult a healthcare professional if you’re drinking it for specific health reasons.

What happens if I drink too much hibiscus tea?

Drinking too much hibiscus tea can indeed lead to several potential negative side effects, especially when consumed in excessive quantities:

Lowered Blood Pressure

Hibiscus tea is known to lower blood pressure. If you already have low blood pressure or are on medication for hypertension, excessive consumption could lead to dangerously low blood pressure levels​​​​.

Liver Health

While hibiscus tea supports liver health, there’s a potential risk of liver damage when consumed in very high doses. This is particularly a concern if you have pre-existing liver conditions​​​​.

Cup of deep red hibiscus tea

Manganese Overload

Hibiscus tea contains high levels of manganese. The body needs manganese for many vital functions, but too much can be harmful. Overconsumption of hibiscus tea can lead to an excessive intake of manganese. While the body regulates manganese absorption and excretion, chronic intake of very high amounts could potentially lead to manganese toxicity, although this is rare​​​​.

Aluminium Absorption

Hibiscus tea contains higher amounts of aluminium compared to other teas. The body’s absorption of aluminium from hibiscus tea isn’t fully understood, but high intake could potentially lead to an accumulation of aluminium. Excessive aluminium accumulation in the body is a health concern, particularly for individuals with certain health conditions like kidney failure, who might not be able to efficiently excrete it​​​​.

Effects on Infants and Pregnant Women

Hibiscus tea should be avoided by infants under six months old and consumed cautiously by pregnant women and children, mainly due to the concerns about aluminium content and potential effects on development​​​​.

In summary, while hibiscus tea offers numerous health benefits, it’s important to consume it in moderation. The general recommendation is not to exceed about a quart (four cups) per day for adults. As always, if you have specific health conditions or concerns, it’s best to consult with a healthcare provider.

Who Shouldn’t Drink Hibiscus Tea?

There are some people who should be cautious about drinking hibiscus tea every day:

  • Pregnant or Breastfeeding Women: Hibiscus tea might affect oestrogen levels. It’s often recommended to avoid it during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.
  • People Taking Certain Medications: Hibiscus tea can interact with some medications, like hydrochlorothiazide (a diuretic) or acetaminophen. If you’re on medication, check with your doctor.
  • Those with Low Blood Pressure: Hibiscus tea may lower systolic blood pressure. If you already have low blood pressure, drinking it regularly might cause issues.
  • People with Low Blood Sugar: Hibiscus tea might lower blood sugar levels. If you have diabetes or hypoglycaemia, monitor your blood sugar closely.
  • Those with Liver or Kidney Disease: While there’s limited research, some suggest that high amounts of hibiscus tea might not be good for liver or kidney health.
  • Allergy Sufferers: If you’re allergic to hibiscus, you should avoid the tea.

Always consider these factors and the use of hibiscus in your diet, especially if you have health concerns or are on medication.

Hibiscus tea with green background

Benefits of Daily Hibiscus Tea

Drinking hibiscus tea on a daily basis can help nurture your overall health. 

When consumed, hibiscus tea provides a rich source of antioxidants and vitamins that can have positive effects on your body, including your skin and hair. Here’s how drinking hibiscus tea can benefit your skin and hair:

Skincare Benefits of Hibiscus Tea

  • Antioxidant Boost: The high levels of antioxidants in hibiscus, such as vitamin C, can combat free radicals and oxidative stress, which are responsible for premature ageing of the skin.
  • Enhances Collagen Production: Vitamin C in hibiscus tea is crucial for collagen production, the protein that maintains skin elasticity and prevents wrinkles.
  • Hydration: Proper hydration is key for maintaining healthy skin. Hibiscus tea, being a hydrating beverage, can support skin hydration.
woman with glowing skin drinking tea

Haircare Benefits of Drinking Hibiscus Tea

  • Promotes Healthy Hair Growth: The vitamins and minerals in hibiscus tea can aid in stimulating hair growth and prevent hair loss.
  • Strengthens Hair Follicles: Regular consumption of hibiscus tea can strengthen your hair from within, leading to healthier, stronger hair.
  • Scalp Health: The anti-inflammatory properties of hibiscus tea can contribute to a healthy scalp, reducing issues like irritation and dandruff.

General Health Benefits

  • Improves Overall Health: The overall health benefits of hibiscus tea, such as improved digestion and immune support, indirectly contribute to healthier skin and hair.
  • Detoxifying Properties: Hibiscus tea has natural detoxifying properties, which can help to cleanse your body, including your skin.

Hibiscus tea is good for your heart and blood sugar. It can help control blood pressure, making it great for heart health if you have high blood pressure. It also lowers bad cholesterol and might raise good cholesterol, which is especially good for people with type 2 diabetes. Plus, it helps improve how the body uses insulin and supports the cells that make insulin. This means hibiscus tea can be really helpful for people with diabetes and those looking to keep their heart healthy.

Remember, while hibiscus tea can offer these benefits, it’s important to consume it in moderation. As previously mentioned, around a quart (four cups) per day is recommended for adults. It’s always advisable to consult with a healthcare provider for personalised advice, especially if you have specific health conditions or dietary restrictions.

Weight Loss and Diuretic Properties

Hibiscus tea increases diuresis, which means it helps your body make more urine. This is like turning on a tap to flush out waste more often. This flushing can help with weight loss, as it removes extra water and salts from your body. Also, because it keeps flushing your kidneys, it helps prevent kidney stones. Stones form when stuff in your kidneys stick together, but if they’re washed away regularly, they can’t stick and form stones. So, hibiscus tea helps keep your kidneys clean and might aid in managing your weight too.

Hibiscus extract also inhibits obesity and fat accumulation. 

Forms and Flavours

Tea Bags: The Quick-Steep Showstopper

Pop a hibiscus tea bag in your cup, and you’re moments away from a zingy escape. It’s like a speed-dating version of tea-making – fast, fun, and full of flavour surprises.

Iced Tea: The Cool Cousin

When the heat’s on, hibiscus iced tea is your cool companion. It’s like a tart, tangy oasis in your glass, perfect for those sizzling afternoons.

Tea Blends: The Flavour Fusionist

In the world of tea blends, hibiscus is the bold artist, splashing its tart, cranberry-esque notes across the canvas of your cup. It’s not just a tea; it’s a masterpiece in the making.

Conclusion: Can you drink hibiscus tea everyday?

In wrapping up our exploration of hibiscus tea, it’s clear that this vibrant and flavourful drink offers numerous health benefits, from managing blood pressure levels to providing valuable antioxidants. However, as with any dietary choice, it’s important to consider personal health circumstances and potential interactions with any existing conditions or medications. If you’re contemplating adding hibiscus tea to your daily routine, reflect on your individual health needs and, if necessary, consult with a healthcare professional. With this mindful approach, you can confidently answer the question ‘Can you drink hibiscus tea everyday?’ and decide whether this delightful tea deserves a place in your daily health regimen.

FAQ: Can you drink hibiscus tea everyday?

Are there any negatives to drinking hibiscus tea?

Yes, in excess, it can lower blood pressure too much, affect liver health, and it’s not recommended for pregnant women due to possible oestrogen effects.

How many times a week should you drink hibiscus tea?

Drinking hibiscus tea daily is generally safe for most people, but moderation is key. Up to 2 quarts per day is considered safe for adults.

When should you stop drinking hibiscus tea?

Stop if you experience adverse effects like low blood pressure, or if you’re pregnant. Also, consult your doctor if you have liver issues.

Is it good to drink hibiscus tea at night?

Hibiscus tea can be enjoyed at night. It’s caffeine-free, so it won’t disturb your sleep.

What medications does hibiscus tea interfere with?

Hibiscus tea can interact with medications such as hydrochlorothiazide (a diuretic) and acetaminophen. Always consult with a healthcare provider for specific concerns.


How Much Hibiscus Tea is Too Much? At

Chang HC, Peng CH, Yeh DM, Kao ES, Wang CJ. Hibiscus sabdariffa extract inhibits obesity and fat accumulation, and improves liver steatosis in humans. Food Funct. 2014;5(4):734-739. doi:10.1039/c3fo60495k

García-Muñoz AM, García-Guillén AI, Victoria-Montesinos D, Abellán-Ruiz MS, Alburquerque-González B, Cánovas F. Effect of the Combination of Hibiscus sabdariffa in Combination with Other Plant Extracts in the Prevention of Metabolic Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Foods. 2023;12(11):2269. Published 2023 Jun 5. doi:10.3390/foods12112269

Mozaffari-Khosravi H, Jalali-Khanabadi BA, Afkhami-Ardekani M, Fatehi F. Effects of sour tea (Hibiscus sabdariffa) on lipid profile and lipoproteins in patients with type II diabetes. J Altern Complement Med. 2009;15(8):899-903. doi:10.1089/acm.2008.0540

Nirumand MC, Hajialyani M, Rahimi R, et al. Dietary Plants for the Prevention and Management of Kidney Stones: Preclinical and Clinical Evidence and Molecular Mechanisms. Int J Mol Sci. 2018;19(3):765. Published 2018 Mar 7. doi:10.3390/ijms19030765

Prasomthong J, Limpeanchob N, Daodee S, Chonpathompikunlert P, Tunsophon S. Hibiscus sabdariffa extract improves hepatic steatosis, partially through IRS-1/Akt and Nrf2 signaling pathways in rats fed a high fat diet. Sci Rep. 2022;12(1):7022. Published 2022 Apr 29. doi:10.1038/s41598-022-11027-9