Date Paste: 5 Reasons Why Your Skin Will Adore It 

Date paste in a jar


Sara is a busy software engineer, juggling tight deadlines and a demanding work schedule. Despite her hectic lifestyle, Sara’s determined to stay healthy and feel beautiful from the inside out. Inspired by her grandmother’s tales of old-world whole-food nutrition and natural beauty remedies, she decides to try the path of a plant-based lifestyle, aiming to find the perfect balance between health, taste, and beauty. But what’s an easy way to do this? Little did she know that date paste would be the trick.

One sunny afternoon, after a gruelling morning of code debugging, Sara found herself craving something sweet. She contemplated the usual go-to options – a granola bar, a packet of cookies, maybe even a piece of cake from the nearby bakery. But her newfound commitment to a plant-based diet held her back. She yearned for something sweet, but without the guilt and the empty calories.

Skip to: Five Reasons Your Skin Will Adore Date Paste
Woman sitting wth her laptop

While scrolling through her social media feeds during lunch, Sara stumbled upon a post about date paste. Intrigued by the description of this all-natural sweetener described as “nature’s caramel”, she decided to give it a shot. After all, it seemed to tick all the boxes – it was natural, plant-based, and reputed to be deliciously sweet.

With her decision made, Sara spent her Sunday afternoon making her own batch of date paste. The process was easier than she’d imagined – the dates softened in warm water, then transformed into a smooth, luxurious paste under the blades of her blender. The end product was a rich, caramel-like spread that tasted divine.

Skip to the recipe

In the following weeks, Sara found multiple ways to incorporate date paste into her daily diet. Her morning toast, her mid-day smoothie, her afternoon tea – all were made sweeter and healthier with a spoonful of extra date paste. 

Skip to: But what about all that sugar?

But the real surprise came when she noticed changes in her skin.

Sara had always struggled with dull skin. Despite trying numerous skincare products and regimes, she never quite achieved the vibrant, glowing skin she really wanted. However, after introducing date paste into her diet, she noticed a difference. Her skin started to appear brighter and she noticed that she was glowing like never before.

Skip to: Incorporating Date Paste into Your Daily Diet

Feeling curious, Sara researched more about the connection between date paste and skin health. She discovered that dates are rich in Vitamin B6 and Vitamin C, both of which contribute to healthy skin. Vitamin B6 aids in collagen production, maintaining skin elasticity, while Vitamin C fights against the damage caused by free radicals. It all made sense now.

Through her journey with date paste, Sara found a sweet, healthful solution that catered to her taste buds, supported her wellness goals, and boosted her skin health. This simple act of embracing date paste was a testament to how easily one can blend health and beauty with simple plant-based food.

Don’t Want to Read the Whole Post?

Here’s the scoop: date paste is your new best friend for both beauty and waistline management. This natural sweetener is packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and fibre that enhance skin radiance, promote elasticity, and aid detoxification. Plus, its high fibre content and natural sugars can help curb hunger, provide sustained energy, and support a healthy digestion, all while satisfying your sweet tooth in a waistline-friendly way. It’s the sweet secret weapon you’ve been waiting for!

You might also like:
1. Deglet Noor Dates vs Medjool: Choosing Your Perfect Date
2. Date syrup vs maple syrup: Embracing Sweetness for Beauty
3. Radiant Skin, Naturally: 5 Plant-Based Foods for Beautiful Skin

Five Reasons Your Skin Will Adore Date Paste

1. It’s a Hydration Hero

 Working around the clock can leave your skin feeling as tired as you are, longing for a tall drink of water. Cue date paste! Packed with essential fatty acids, this natural sweetener moonlights as a super hydrator, quenching your skin’s thirst and leaving it soft, supple, and ready for a close-up.

2. Vitamin Va-Va-Voom

 Juggling a demanding schedule leaves little room for skincare missteps. Thank heavens for the vitamin A, B, and C trifecta in date paste. Together, they form the skincare dream team – maintaining radiant skin, preventing pesky disorders, and aiding in skin regeneration. It’s like having your own personal beauty squad!

3. Your Antioxidant Avenger

 Environmental stressors are no match for the antioxidant army found in dates. Their secret weapons? Flavonoids, carotenoids, and phenolic acid. These warriors fight off harmful free radicals, keeping signs of ageing at bay and helping you retain that youthful glow, even on your busiest days.

How much more anti-oxidants does date sugar have have? A lot: Granulated sugar has an anti-oxidant score of 2, while date sugar has an anti-oxidant score of 1300! (1)

4. Think of Dates as an Elasticity Empress

 Say goodbye to sagging skin and hello to firm, youthful radiance. Date paste, rich in Vitamin B6, is a collagen-production powerhouse. It’s like a natural facelift, maintaining skin elasticity and making you look as vibrant as you feel.

5. But Also Your Detox Diva

When your digestive system is in harmony, it’s a win-win for you and your skin. The high fibre content in dates encourages efficient detoxification, leading to clearer, brighter skin. It’s like a spa day for your skin, without stepping foot outside your kitchen.

So, ladies, it’s time to let date paste take centre stage in your health and beauty routine. With its enticing taste and stunning skincare benefits, it’s the secret ingredient your skin has been waiting to adore. Brace yourselves for an irresistible beauty revolution, one delicious spoonful at a time!

Plate of medjool dates

Five Reasons Why Your Waist Will Adore Date Paste

1. It’s a Satiety Superstar

Wrestling with those hunger pangs between meals? Enter date paste. Packed with dietary fibre, it helps to keep those hunger gremlins at bay, reducing unnecessary snacking and helping you control your calorie intake. It’s the perfect ally for a slim, satisfied waistline.

2. Also Sweet, Not Sinful

Craving something sweet but dreading the waist-widening consequences? Have no fear, date paste is here. Delivering a lusciously sweet kick without the empty calories of refined sugars, it’s a dessert dream come true for your waistline.

3. And an Energy Dynamo

Long days can drain you, but they don’t have to derail your diet. Date paste, bursting with natural sugars, provides a steady release of energy, keeping you fuelled without resorting to those calorie-laden, waistline-harming energy drinks.

4. Even Better, Your Digestive Diva

A happy gut equals a happy waistline. The fibre-rich date paste promotes healthy digestion, aiding in regular bowel movements and helping to prevent bloating. It’s the digestive grace your waistline has been longing for.

5. With Nutrient Nobility

Why fill up on empty calories when you can feast on nutrient-rich foods? Date paste is a kingpin of key nutrients – potassium, magnesium, copper, and more. They nourish your body, keeping you healthier and reducing the chances of unhealthy weight gain.

Embrace date paste, and your waistline will thank you. This natural sweetener is a triple threat – delicious, nutritious, and waistline-friendly. 

But why stop here? Let’s spill all the tea…

Embracing the Sweetness of Health with Date Paste

In the pursuit of that enviable plant-based goddess glow, navigating the world of healthy eating can feel like an odyssey. The quest is not only about finding nutritionally balanced food but also discovering palate-pleasing delights. Amid the whirlwind of trending superfoods and diet plans, let’s set our sights on an ancient, time-tested gem: date paste, an all-natural sweetener that pairs perfectly with the mantra of living beautifully, inside and out.

Date paste, you say? That sounds a bit gross. 

Well, luckily for us, it isn’t! If you’re new to this all-natural sweetener, think of it as nature’s caramel. It’s delicious, nutritious, and a perfect companion for your plant-based journey.

Let’s get a bit historical here. Dates are revered as the “bread of the desert,” and have been a staple in Middle Eastern cuisine for centuries. Date paste, derived from these sweet fruits, is not a new-age invention but rather an age-old sweetener that our ancestors swore by. The process of making it is simple and straightforward – it’s as easy as soaking dates in warm water, then blending them into a smooth, creamy paste.

So What Exactly is Date Paste?

So, what exactly is date paste? Simply put, date paste is a natural sweetener made from dates, which are sweet fruits from the date palm tree. Dates are pitted, soaked in warm water to soften, then blended into a smooth, creamy paste. This natural sweetener can be used as a replacement for refined sugar in a variety of recipes, providing the same sweet satisfaction without the unwanted sugar crash.

The natural sugars in date paste provide a sustained release of energy. If you’ve ever experienced that mid-afternoon energy slump, a spoonful of date paste could be just the pick-me-up you need. The fructose found in dates is easily converted into energy, ensuring that you’re fuelled for your busy day ahead. 

Think of it as nature’s energy gel!

Historically, dates hold significant cultural importance, particularly in the Middle East and North Africa where date palm trees naturally thrive. Referred to as “bread of the desert”, dates have been a nutritional staple in these regions for thousands of years, prized for their sweet taste and energising properties. The creation of date paste was a natural progression, offering a versatile and storage-friendly way to enjoy and utilise dates year-round.

How Do You Make Date Paste?

Creating your own pasty date spread at home is surprisingly simple. All you need are dates, water, and a blender or food processor

First, you remove the pits from the dates and soak them in warm water for about 15-30 minutes to soften. Then, you drain the dates, reserving the soaking water, and blend the softened dates into a paste, adding back a bit of the soaking water as needed to achieve the desired consistency. 

The result is a naturally sweet, velvety paste that can be stored in the fridge and used in a variety of dishes.

Embracing date paste means embracing a piece of ancient dietary wisdom that is still relevant in today’s world. It’s a natural, nutritious alternative to refined sugar that doesn’t sacrifice flavour or sweetness. So, whether you’re a plant-based goddess or simply someone seeking a healthier lifestyle, date paste is a fantastic addition to your culinary repertoire.

Incorporating Date Paste into Your Daily Diet

Now that we’ve covered the numerous health and beauty benefits of date paste, you’re probably wondering how you can incorporate it into your daily diet. Fear not, it is incredibly versatile and easy to use, fitting seamlessly into your busy lifestyle.

Spread It

Let’s start with the simplest way to enjoy date paste – as a spread. Swap out the jam or honey on your morning toast for date paste, or dollop some on your overnight oats. You’ll be amazed at how it can elevate your breakfast with its unique, sweet, and caramel-like flavour.

Smoothie It

If you’re a smoothie lover, add a spoonful of date paste to your blender. Whether it’s a green detox smoothie or a protein-packed post-workout shake, date paste adds a natural sweetness that’s hard to resist. Plus, it pairs well with virtually any combination of fruits and veggies.

Bake It

Date paste is also a fantastic baking ingredient. It’s a healthier alternative to refined sugar, and it gives baked goods a wonderfully moist and rich texture. Whether you’re making banana bread, brownies, or oatmeal cookies, replacing sugar with date paste is a nutritious upgrade that won’t compromise on taste.

Date paste used in baking

Cook It

Moreover, date paste can be used to sweeten savoury dishes. Stir some into your salad dressing, use it as a glaze for roasted vegetables, or mix it into a marinade for tofu or tempeh. The possibilities are endless!

Dessert It!

And let’s not forget about dessert! You can whip up a quick and healthy dessert by mixing date paste with cocoa powder to make a delicious chocolate sauce. Drizzle it over fresh fruits or vegan ice cream for a guilt-free treat.

Adding date paste to your diet is not just about reducing sugar intake; it’s about embracing a holistic approach to health and beauty. Remember, it’s the small changes in our daily habits that often make the most significant impact. So, go ahead and sweeten your life with date paste – your body and your taste buds will thank you!


But what about all that sugar?

Yes, dates are very sweet. Yet despite the fact that dates are 80% sugar, in a study eating dates didn’t produce a negative effect on blood sugar when tested (3). 

This might be due to the low glycemic index of dates. When the same amount of sugar is consumed as either refined sugar, or in dates, the blood sugar rise is lower when dates are eaten (4). 

Unfortunately, we don’t know the exact outcome when dates are eaten as processed paste instead. Presumably the GI will be higher. However it’s still good to see that the starting GI is low to begin with. 


Feeling Lazy?

If you want to spend no time at all in the kitchen, then skip past my recipe for date paste and purchase date sugar instead. Date sugar is essentially whole dates which have been broken down into sugar-like granules. 

If you want something more budget friendly, then making date paste is for you.


Which Dates Are Best?

Compard to the Deglet Door dates, Medjool dates have 15 times more Vitamin A and almost twice the amount of calcium (5). It also has a bit more Zinc and vitamin B (5).

However, the amber coloured Hallawi dates have more antioxidant power than Medjool dates (3).  Overall from a health perspective, Hallawi dates beat out the Medhool date (3).


How to Store Your Paste

Store your date paste in the fridge in an air-tight container. It will keep for 2-3 weeks. It can also be frozen for up to three months. Fortunately, date paste doesn’t set hard like ice and is quite easy to spoon out.

Let’s be honest though, once you know how well date paste works you will eat it all up before it can expire!


At Beautiful with Plants, every recipe has been created to give your skin the most antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-ageing benefits possible while maintaining a great tasting experience.

Yield: 2 cups

Date Paste: The Sweetener Your Skin Shouldn't Live Without

Date paste
Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes


  • 2 cups of pitted dates
  • 2 cups of hot water
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice


    1. CHECK THE DATES FOR PITS. Why do I say this in caps? Once I chipped a tooth because a stray pit had made its way into my date paste. It broke down into little shards that I couldn’t see well enough to dig them out, so I thought “It will be ok”. It wasn’t.
    2. Place the pitted dates into a heat-proof bowl and pour the hot water over*
    3. Leave aside for at least one hour.
    4. Once the dates are cooled and softened, add to a high-speed blender and blend until smooth.


*Would you like the lazy version?
Personally I just fill a (heat-proof) bowl with dates and fill it up with enough hot water to cover them. That’s it. You will learn with time whether you have poured enough water or not.

Easy peasy!


  1. Video: The Healthiest Sweetener at
  2. Video: Are Dates Good for You? at 
  3. Rock, W., Rosenblat, M., Borochov-Neori, H., Volkova, N., Judeinstein, S., Elias, M., & Aviram, M. (2009). Effects of date ( Phoenix dactylifera L., Medjool or Hallawi Variety) consumption by healthy subjects on serum glucose and lipid levels and on serum oxidative status: a pilot study. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 57(17), 8010–8017. 
  4. Alkaabi, J. M., Al-Dabbagh, B., Ahmad, S., Saadi, H. F., Gariballa, S., & Ghazali, M. A. (2011). Glycemic indices of five varieties of dates in healthy and diabetic subjects. Nutrition journal, 10, 59.
  5. Vayalil P. K. (2012). Date fruits (Phoenix dactylifera Linn): an emerging medicinal food. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition, 52(3), 249–271.
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