Deglet Noor Dates vs Medjool: Choosing Your Perfect Date

Deglet noor dates vs medjool - woman with dates

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Deglet Noor Dates vs Medjool: Choose Deglet Noor for baking brilliance and a delightfully firm bite, or indulge in Medjool for an energy boost and smoothie-ready sweetness. Beyond taste, their rich vitamin content and fibre promise glowing skin and a radiant you!


Be beauty. Be plant-based!

As a former Registered Nurse and avid plant-muncher, I’m in love with how simple plant-based foods make it so easy to be beautiful.

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Date Paste: The Sweetener Your Skin Can’t Live Without

Picture yourself strutting down the supermarket aisle, on a mission to find a guilt-free sweet treat that doesn’t compromise your radiant health and beauty. Suddenly, you stumble upon the world of dates, where countless varieties are vying for your attention. But two catch your eye – the tantalising Deglet Noor and the seductive Medjool. Now, you’re in the midst of an exciting dilemma: Deglet Noor Dates vs Medjool?

Fear not, gorgeous! This fun guide is here to help you navigate the world of these date varieties. Are you ready to flirt with some fruits? Let’s dive in!

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When to Choose Deglet Noor Dates
The Deglet Noor Dates vs Medjool Dates Shopping Guide
Beauty Nutrients in Dates

Deglet Noor dates vs. Medjool dates: The Sugar-Filled Stand-Off

In one corner, we have the understated but classy Deglet Noor – smaller, firm, with a subtle sweetness that whispers in your ear rather than shouting. Then, in the other corner, we have the bold and charming Medjool – bigger, softer, with a rich caramel-like sweetness that will serenade your taste buds.

In terms of nutritional value, it’s like watching a reality show where both contestants are winners! Both are filled with natural sugars, fibre, and minerals, but Medjool tends to steal the calorie spotlight.


Delving into Deglet Noor

Let’s get to know Deglet Noor a bit more. Hailing from the Middle East, these dates have taken their charm to places like the United States, Algeria, and Tunisia. Their lesser-known title is “queen of dates,” a nod to their delicate flavour and versatility.

Get ready for a meet-cute with the charming Deglet Noor dates! Like the mysterious stranger at a party, these dates aren’t as flashy as their Medjool counterparts, but boy, do they have a unique appeal!

Imagine this: a date that’s delightfully firm to the touch, with a texture that stands out, adding an unexpected crunch to your favorite dishes. Deglet Noor dates are that perfect balance, neither too soft nor too hard, just right for those who enjoy a little adventure in every bite.


As for their flavor? These dates are like that perfect summer’s day, not too overpoweringly sweet, but just subtle and light enough to keep you coming back for more. Their tantalising taste carries a hint of a nutty after-note, like a secret whispered at the end of a delightful story.

So, whether you’re baking a batch of delicious date muffins or stirring up a delectable tagine, Deglet Noor dates are ready to wow you with their unique charm. Give them a try, and they might just dance their way to the top of your grocery list!

Deglet Noor for Beauty

Think of Deglet Noor as an exotic “queen of dates”.  She’s smaller than Medjool, but don’t underestimate her power to make your skin glow and hair shine. High in antioxidants and Vitamin E, Deglet Noor is like that stylish friend who always knows how to protect your skin against environmental damage and keep your hair healthy. As they are packed with fibre and natural sugars, perfect for a beauty like you, who needs a steady release of energy. Whether you transform them into date paste or use them as a natural sweetener, these dates will surely add a dash of sweetness to your healthy life.

Skip to: Beauty Nutrients in Dates

More on Medjool

Deglet noor dates vs medjool - medjool

Now, let’s meet the “king of dates,” the alluring Medjool. Born in the exotic lands of Morocco, these dates have expanded their kingdom to include the United States, among other countries.

Imagine a date so plump, so decadently soft, it’s like biting into a sweet, caramel-kissed cloud. That’s Medjool for you!

Their flavor? A sweet symphony of rich, honeyed goodness that unfurls on your tongue, a delightful mix of wild honey, caramel, and a hint of vanilla.

Their size? Medjool dates are like the supermodels of the date universe, larger, curvier, and packed with a luscious, melt-in-your-mouth texture. They’re the dates you want by your side, whether you’re crafting a divine smoothie, curating a vibrant salad, or simply seeking a natural energy booster that doubles as a guilt-free treat.

Deglet noor dates vs medjool - date paste for smoothies

So go on, embrace the Medjool marvel. Once you’ve tasted this heavenly fruit, your sweet tooth will forever be smitten!

Their health benefits are as royal as they come – high levels of potassium, copper, and manganese. Their calorie count is a bit higher than the Deglet Noor’s, which means they offer a more generous energy boost. Enjoy these dates straight out of the box, or turn them into a naturally sweet, caramel-flavoured date paste. Remember, like all good things, they’re best savored in moderation!

Medjool for Beauty

Now, let’s turn the spotlight to the “king of dates,” Medjool. Larger and richer, he’s a feast of beauty benefits. With an abundance of Vitamin B5 and potassium, Medjool is like that personal trainer for your hair, promoting strength and combating hair loss. Plus, its high fibre content can aid digestion and promote clearer skin. Think of Medjool as the secret ingredient in your date paste for your post-workout smoothie.

Deglet Noor Dates vs Medjool: When to Choose…

When to Choose Deglet Noor Dates

  • Baking Purposes: If you’re baking or cooking, Deglet Noor dates might be your go-to. They hold their shape well when cooked and provide a light sweetness, making them an ideal choice for baking projects or stews.
  • Texture Preference: If you prefer a firmer, less sticky texture in dates, you might enjoy Deglet Noor. They’re often described as having a “crunchy” bite, which can be a pleasant contrast to the soft and squishy texture of Medjool dates.
  • Long-Term Storage: If you’re looking to store dates for an extended period, Deglet Noor dates, with their lower moisture content, are more suited to long-term storage than their Medjool counterparts.
  • Calorie Counting: If you’re watching your caloric intake, Deglet Noor dates can be a better choice. They’re slightly smaller and less calorie-dense than Medjool dates, allowing you to satisfy your sweet craving without a significant calorie commitment.

That said, calorie counting is a thing of the past with plant-based food. Find out more in: Eating More to Weigh Less: Fruity Freedom

When to Choose Medjool Dates

  • Snacking: If you’re looking for a rich, sweet snack that can substitute for candy or other sugary treats, Medjool dates are a terrific choice. Their soft, chewy texture and sweet, caramel-like flavour make them a satisfying and healthier snack option.
  • Energy Boost: If you need a quick energy boost, especially before or after workouts, Medjool dates are perfect due to their larger size and higher natural sugar content.
  • Dietary Fibre: Medjool dates contain more fibre than Deglet Noor dates, so if you’re looking to add more fibre to your diet, Medjool might be the way to go.
  • Sweet Recipes: For making smoothies, energy balls, date paste, or other raw recipes, Medjool dates are often the preferred choice due to their creamy texture and rich sweetness.

Remember, both Deglet Noor and Medjool dates offer great health benefits, and your choice between the two often depends on the specific use and personal preference.

Can I substitute deglet noor dates for medjool?

Ladies, let’s talk date swaps! Picture this: You’re whipping up your favorite healthy smoothie, and you reach for that sweet touch of Medjool dates, only to find – gasp – you’re fresh out! But don’t despair, your scrumptious Deglet Noor dates are ready to come to the rescue.

You see, these dashing Deglet Noor dates, while a bit smaller and more subtle in sweetness compared to the diva-like Medjool, are still oozing with all the deliciousness and health benefits you crave. If you’re making a smoothie or a sauce, they’ll blend right in, happily adding their sweetness to your culinary creation.

But let’s say you’re shaking things up with a date-studded salad or a baked delight. Here’s where the choice gets exciting! If you want a softer, melt-in-your-mouth experience, stick with the Medjools. But if you’re looking for a bit of firm bite, the Deglet Noor dates are your new best friend.

Now, if you’re swapping in Deglet Noor dates for Medjools, remember, they’re like the petite version of their Medjool sisters. So, you might want to invite a few more to the party to match the sweetness and size.

And let’s talk about that healthy date paste, a pureed paradise. Medjools might blend more easily thanks to their soft texture, but don’t underestimate the Deglet Noors. Give them a little spa treatment with a warm water soak, and they’ll blend up beautifully.

Remember, the power is in your hands. Taste as you go, adjust as you like, and let your date swap be an adventure in flavour!

Woman shopping in grocery store

The Deglet Noor Dates vs Medjool Dates Shopping Guide: The Fruitful Hunt

How do you pick out these handsome heroes amidst the array of date varieties at your local grocery store? Medjool dates are the big, bold types – dark and soft, a little wrinkly, hanging out in the fresh produce aisle. Deglet Noor dates are the more petite, amber-toned types, smooth-talking their way into your heart, often found chilling with the dried fruit crew.

Once you’ve successfully courted your dates, keep them fresh in an airtight container – they prefer a cozy, sealed environment to maintain their alluring flavours.

Tasty Ways to Incorporate Dates into Your Diet

Now that you’re acquainted with our delectable date duo, let’s play matchmaker and introduce them to your kitchen.

For a breakfast fit for a queen, why not invite Deglet Noor to your morning oatmeal? A handful of these subtly sweet dates, chopped and sprinkled on top, will make your heart (and taste buds) flutter.

Or perhaps you’re craving something more decadent? Medjool’s your guy. Whip up a delightful date paste – think of it as a healthier, caramel-esque alternative to sugar in your baking. Now imagine that in your chocolate protein smoothie. Tempting, isn’t it?

You may like: Date Paste: The Sweetener Your Skin Can’t Live Without

And remember, whether it’s Deglet Noor or Medjool, the key to a harmonious relationship with these dates is moderation.


So, there you have it, lovely – a whirlwind romance with the charming Deglet Noor and the captivating Medjool. Each date variety brings something unique to the table, whether it’s Deglet Noor’s delicate sweetness or Medjool’s bold, caramel-like flavour.

When picking your date, don’t forget to consider both nutritional aspects and your taste preference. After all, a relationship with your food should be both healthy and satisfying, right?

Let Me Know How You go!

Now, let’s hear from you, gorgeous! Have you had a date with Deglet Noor or Medjool before? Got a favorite? How about some date-based recipes that make your heart skip a beat?

Don’t be shy – share your fruity affairs in the comments below. After all, variety is the spice of life, and we can’t wait to add a little more flavour to ours through your shared experiences!

Beauty Nutrients in Dates

Deciding on Deglet Noor Dates vs Medjool gets easier when you realise that both have an abundance of beauty nutrients to help keep you radiant and glowing. These include..

Vitamin C: This potent antioxidant aids in skin regeneration, promotes healthy aging, and supports the immune system. It also plays a key role in collagen production, which is essential for maintaining skin elasticity and reducing wrinkles. A dose of vitamin C can make you feel and look more radiant!

Thiamine (Vitamin B1): This nutrient helps convert food into energy, so it’s crucial for maintaining a healthy metabolism. It also supports the function of the heart and nerves. A well-functioning metabolism can enhance your energy levels, making you feel more vibrant and active.

Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): Riboflavin is essential for skin health. It helps maintain collagen levels, keeping the skin youthful and glowing. It also plays a role in energy production and red blood cell production, which can contribute to overall well-being.

Niacin (Vitamin B3): Niacin is a powerhouse for skin health. It helps reduce inflammation, redness, and can even out skin tone. It also supports the digestive system and nerve function, promoting overall health.

Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5): This B-vitamin is crucial for making blood cells, and it helps you convert the food you eat into energy. It also plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy digestive tract and helps your body use other vitamins, particularly Vitamin B2 (riboflavin).

In terms of beauty benefits, Vitamin B5 is a skin-enhancing vitamin with powerful reparative properties. It helps maintain skin health by improving the skin barrier, retaining moisture, soothing irritated skin, and promoting wound healing. This contributes to a healthier complexion and can help make your skin appear smoother and more radiant.

Vitamin A: Known for its critical role in vision health, Vitamin A is also a key player in skin health. It promotes the production of healthy skin cells, aids in cell reproduction, and has antioxidant properties. Regular intake of Vitamin A can result in smoother, healthier skin.

Dietary Fibre: Besides aiding digestion and promoting feelings of fullness, dietary fibre can also help control blood sugar levels. A healthy digestive system can also lead to better skin health, as many skin issues arise from gut-related problems.

Pectin: This is a type of dietary fibre that acts as a prebiotic, supporting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. Healthy gut flora is associated with numerous health benefits, including a stronger immune system, improved digestion, and potentially clearer skin.

FAQs on Dates: Your Sweet Queries Answered

1. What is the difference between soft dates and dried fruit dates?

  • Soft dates, like Medjool, are a type of date that’s plump and moist, similar to fresh fruit, while dried dates, such as Zahidi, have a longer shelf life and a texture more like dried fruit.

2. Where do dates come from?

  • Dates are the fruit of the date palm tree, one of the oldest cultivated fruits, traditionally grown in Middle East. However, they’re now also grown in areas like southern California, specifically the Coachella Valley.

3. What is date sugar and how is it different from regular sugar?

  • Date sugar is a natural sweetener made from dried, ground dates, retaining the fruit’s high fibre content and low glycaemic index. It offers a caramel flavour that’s perfect for satisfying your sweet tooth.

4. What’s the best way to store dates?

  • Dates should be stored in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. They can be kept at room temperature, but for a longer shelf life, consider refrigerating them.

5. What are some popular types of dates?

  • Medjool dates, known for their large size and sweet, caramel-like flavour, are one of the most popular types. Deglet Noor, Halawi, and Zahidi dates are also well-loved. The preferred variety often depends on the individual’s taste and use.

6. Can I use dates in baking?

  • Absolutely! Dates, especially soft dates like Medjool, can be used whole, chopped, or made into date syrup or sugar for baking. They provide a natural sweetness and higher content of fructose than regular sugar.

7. Are dates healthy?

  • Yes, dates are high in fibre, antioxidants (including phenolic acid), and various minerals and vitamins. They’re a healthy choice for pregnant women, those with heart disease, or anyone wanting to maintain a balanced diet. Remember, while they’re healthier than many sweet snacks, they should still be eaten in moderation due to their sugar content.

8. What is an Amer Hajj date?

  • Amer Hajj, also known as Safawi, is a type of date from Saudi Arabia. While they’re not as large as their Medjool counterparts, they’re equally loved for their rich flavour and high fibre content.

9. Can I buy organic Medjool dates?

  • Yes, many date farms, including those in the United States, produce organic Medjool dates. Always check the packaging or product description when buying.

10. What are Mazafati dates?

  • Mazafati is a popular date variety from Iran, known for its sweet flavour and brown colour. These semi-dry dates are smaller than Medjool dates and are typically eaten fresh during late summer.


1. Aljaloud, S., Col- leran, H.L. and Ibrahim, S.A. (2020) Nutri- tional Value of Date Fruits and Potential Use in Nutritional Bars for Athletes. Food and Nutrition Sciences, 11, 463-480.

2. Al-Shahib W, Marshall RJ. The fruit of the date palm: its possible use as the best food for the future?. Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2003;54(4):247-259. doi:10.1080/09637480120091982