Unmasked: Do Avocados Cause Acne or Clear It?

Do avocados cause acne? Woman surround by avocados

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Do avocados cause acne?” For the modern health-conscious woman, the quick answer is no. Avocados, packed with skin-loving nutrients, generally promote healthy skin, but it’s essential to understand individual skin reactions and maintain balance in consumption.


Be beauty. Be plant-based!

As a former Registered Nurse and avid plant-muncher, I’m in love with how simple plant-based foods make it easy to be beautiful.

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Navigating the intricate world of food and its impact on our beauty, many of us find ourselves asking, “do avocados cause acne?” As modern women, we constantly juggle our bustling lives, ensuring we stay on top of our health game, while also aiming to glow with radiant beauty. We don’t want to waste time on food that isn’t helping us live the life we want. Amidst this whirlwind, avocados have carved a niche for themselves, reigning supreme in our plant-based platters and our quest for radiant health. But how exactly does avocado impact our skin? Let’s find out…

Avocado and Your Skin

In recent years, the avocado fruit and its myriad products have taken centre stage in the world of wellness, and for a good reason. With their creamy texture and delectable taste, they’ve become a staple for the health-conscious. But beyond the palate, avocados offer a treasure trove of skin benefits. Their rich profile, brimming with essential nutrients, ensures our skin stays plump and hydrated. The essential fatty acids and monounsaturated fats in avocados work like magic, promoting a healthier skin that looks and feels supple.

Avocado toast

Vitamins play a pivotal role in maintaining our skin’s vibrancy, and avocados are a powerhouse in this regard. Bursting with vitamin e, vitamin c, vitamin b and vitamin d, these green gems offer a holistic approach to skin health, combating free radicals and ensuring our skin remains resilient against external aggressors. 

And then there’s avocado oil—a topic of much discussion and intrigue. Does avocado oil make your skin oily? It might surprise many to learn about the comodogenic nature (blocking your pores) of avocado oil and the potential side effects it might have.

Avocados: Friend or Foe for Acne?

The relationship between our diets and our skin has always been complex, leaving many of us puzzled about where avocados fit into the acne equation. When we think of avocados, we often visualise their creamy goodness enriching our meals. But how does consuming them affect our skin’s health? 

Do avocados cause acne - woman eating avocado toast

Luckily, avocados are generally skin-friendly! Their anti-inflammatory properties can be a soothing balm for skin redness and irritations (however individual reactions vary). If you have acne-prone or sensitive skin take things slowly when adding avocado to your diet and monitor closely. While you probably wont get acne, an allergy is also undesirable. 

A question still remains—does eating avocado make your skin more oily? Sebaceous glands and their production of sebum, our skin’s natural oil, don’t spike with avocado intake. However, moderation is the key. Especially with avocado oil.

Other Foods That Cause Acne

As the saying goes, “You are what you eat.” And when it comes to skin health, this couldn’t be more accurate. Certain foods are real culprits in the rise of acne breakouts. Dairy products, with their complex hormonal compositions, are often linked to acne vulgaris – especially skim milk. 

Sugary culprits like dark chocolate, white bread, and ice cream can cause spikes in blood sugar levels, which, in turn, might boost sebum production, leading to those dreaded acne breakouts. Fast foods, with their high oil content, and whey protein have also been under the scanner for their potential to induce acne.

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Avocado brownies

Beyond immediate reactions, these foods also contribute to oxidative stress, gradually causing skin damage, skin ageing and other underlying skin conditions. To achieve overall health and particularly vibrant skin, be vigilant about these potential acne-triggering foods.

Foods That Fight Acne

The good news is, while some foods might be problematic, others are like knights in shining armor for our skin. Whole foods, laden with natural goodness, not only keep our blood sugar levels steady but also provide a wealth of nutrients promoting optimal skin health. Sweet potatoes, for instance, are rich in beta carotene, an antioxidant that the body converts into vitamin A—essential for skin repair and maintenance.

Linoleic acid and lauric acid have been gaining attention for their role in reducing acne breakouts. Found in foods like flaxseeds and coconut oil, they could be the secret weapons in your fight against acne. Then there’s collagen production, the key to maintaining a youthful, supple skin tone. Foods rich in vitamin C, like citrus fruits and bell peppers, are champions at boosting collagen, reducing skin redness, and minimizing skin irritations.

Skincare and Beyond

Of course, while our diet is a formidable force in the quest for flawless skin, the products we choose to adorn our skin with are equally pivotal. Avocado extract has found its way into numerous skincare products, ensuring we harness its benefits even topically. 

But how does it fare for different skin types? For dry skin, the hydrating qualities of avocado products can be a boon, while those with oily skin might need to be more discerning, if you use avocado oil.

Moreover, the daily assault of UV rays cannot be ignored. They are among the prime culprits behind skin damage. Skincare products infused with avocado extracts, rich in vitamins and essential fatty acids, may offer added protection against these external aggressors. 

But remember, individual reactions vary. What works like a charm for acne-prone skin might not be the elixir for sensitive skin. The key is to stay informed, experiment carefully, and always listen to what your skin is telling you.

Protecting Your Skin from Within and Without

The age-old adage, “beauty is skin deep,” takes on a whole new meaning when we realize the profound impact of our dietary choices on our skin’s health. By now, it’s clear that while avocados and many other foods offer skin benefits, it’s a holistic approach that truly makes the difference. The health benefits of a plant-based diet aren’t just about radiant skin but also about achieving robust overall health.

The protective properties of avocados are further amplified when combined with other superfoods. Imagine the combined effects of avocado, rich in monounsaturated fats, with turmeric, packed with anti-inflammatory properties. Or the synergistic glow achieved when avocado’s essential fatty acids meet the antioxidants in berries.

Conclusion: Do Avocados Cause Acne

Do avocados cause acne? In our pursuit to feel and look our best, it’s evident that beauty truly is a combination of the foods we ingest, the products we use, and the care we lavish upon our skin. Whether one has dry skin, oily skin, or acne-prone skin, understanding one’s unique skin type and catering to its specific needs is the foundation of achieving a radiant glow.

Avocados, with their myriad benefits, undoubtedly have a place in our beauty regimen. But it’s the comprehensive, informed approach that will ensure we continue to shine, radiating health and beauty from every pore. Here’s to celebrating the beauty within and without, and embracing the journey of holistic wellness!


Ford NA, Spagnuolo P, Kraft J, Bauer E. Nutritional Composition of Hass Avocado Pulp. Foods. 2023;12(13):2516. Published 2023 Jun 28. doi:10.3390/foods12132516

National Dairy Council on Acne and Milk

Telez-Diaz G, Ellis MH, Morales-Russo F, Heiner DC. Prevalence of avocado allergy among atopic patients. Allergy Proc. 1995;16(5):241-243. doi:10.2500/108854195778702594