Do Fibroids Cause Acne? Pimples, Hormones and Your Uterus

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While there’s no direct evidence linking fibroids to acne, fibroids can cause hormonal imbalances which might indirectly affect skin health. Managing fibroids through diet, lifestyle changes, and medical treatments can help maintain hormonal balance, potentially improving skin conditions like acne.


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As a former Registered Nurse and avid plant-muncher, I’m in love with how simple plant-based foods make it easy to be beautiful.

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Today, we’re diving into an intriguing question: Do fibroids cause acne? It’s a topic that might touch many, especially when navigating the complexities of beauty and a healthy lifestyle. We will also explore how embracing a healthy diet can play a pivotal role in managing health concerns and enhancing your natural beauty.

Understanding Fibroids

Imagine your uterus deciding to throw a surprise party, inviting fibroids as guests. These non-cancerous growths, setting up camp in your uterine wall, are like partygoers who don’t know when to leave. They come in various types, from the submucosal fibroids that sneak into the uterine cavity to the pedunculate fibroids that dangle like eccentric decorations.

Size-wise, large fibroids are like those oversized balloons at a party – hard to miss and sometimes too much to handle. They don’t usually mingle with the fallopian tubes, but their presence is felt throughout the uterus.

And these fibroids love estrogen levels like plants love sunlight; the more estrogen, the more they thrive, potentially growing from quiet attendees to the life of the party.

Do fibroids cause acne

Now, let’s talk about party fouls. Fibroids can really crank up the volume during menstrual periods, leading to heavy periods. Think of it as the period party’s DJ going overboard, turning a chill event into a heavy metal concert. Painful periods are like uninvited guests, making you wish you could cancel the whole event.

But wait, there’s more. Fibroids can bring along friends like lower back pain and abdominal pain. It’s like having a party in your lower abdomen and back, where the music’s too loud, and the dancing’s too wild.

Navigating through this fibroid fiesta and understanding their impact on everything from your monthly cycle to your skin (yes, we’re looking at you, acne) is crucial. So let’s keep our sense of humor as we explore how to turn down the volume on these party-loving fibroids.

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Recognising Troublesome Fibroids

Heavy menstrual bleeding is a key sign of fibroids. It’s like your period is on overdrive. Severe menstrual cramps follow, more intense than usual.

Pelvic pain is another signal, a constant reminder from your lower abdomen. Then, there’s abnormal uterine bleeding, throwing your cycle off track.

These symptoms hint at the size of fibroids. Larger ones often cause more drama. In some cases, fibroids may aggravate cystic acne, adding to hormonal chaos.

Do Fibroids Cause Hormonal Imbalance

Let’s chat about how fibroids can be the behind-the-scenes directors of your body’s hormonal show. Picture your hormones as a well-rehearsed choir, each member hitting the right notes at the right time. Now, enter fibroids. These uterine party-crashers can throw off this harmony, turning your once melodious hormonal choir into a bit of a tone-deaf band.

Do fibroids cause acne - abstract of hormones

This hormonal imbalance is like a ripple effect. It’s not just about what’s happening in your reproductive system; it’s like a broadcast that’s sent out to the rest of your body, including your skin. 

How does this relate to your skin?

Hormones are like the skin’s stage managers, and when they’re out of whack, it can lead to all sorts of skin drama, including the dreaded acne.

Do fibroids cause skin problems and acne?

Imagine fibroids as little chaos creators in the world of hormones. This is like having an unbalanced diet for your skin – too much of one thing and not enough of another. And just like snacking on too much junk food can lead to skin breakouts, these hormonal imbalances might be causing trouble on your skin’s surface.

Beautiful woman

But here’s where it gets tricky – there’s no direct “Fibroids cause my acne” sign. It’s more like fibroids are hosting a rowdy hormonal party, and your skin is the neighbour dealing with the noise. The hormonal changes stirred up by fibroids could be sending mixed signals to your skin, potentially leading to issues like acne.

So, while fibroids might not be directly drawing dots on your face, they could be the reason your skin’s hormones are a bit out of tune, leading to those unwelcome acne guests. 

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Diet, Fibroids and Skin Health

Diet is key in handling fibroids and their symptoms. A plant-based diet, rich in greens, helps balance hormones and reduce fibroid issues. This eating style aids in regulating your cycle and keeping hormonal swings in check, which is good news for your skin. Essentially, a nutritious diet tackles fibroids’ symptoms and boosts skin health.

Plant-based diet for fibroids

Meanwhile, consuming lots of beef and ham might increase fibroid risk, while green veggies seem protective. Fibroids often go hand-in-hand with higher estrogen levels. Vegetarian diets, however, are linked to lower excess estrogen. This could be due to increased fecal output in vegetarians, leading to more estrogen being excreted, thus lowering its levels in the body.

Fibroid management is a personalized journey with various treatment paths. Uterine artery embolization stands out as a minimally invasive choice, effectively reducing fibroids by cutting off their blood supply.

When fibroids get tough, surgical treatment such as the removal of the uterus might be considered. For those not ready for surgery, oral contraceptives or birth control pills help regulate periods and alleviate fibroid symptoms.


Hormone therapy, including GnRH agonists, is another powerful option. These medications can shrink fibroids and lessen heavy bleeding. However, they may bring side effects like hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and weight gain.

In certain cases, Ulipristal acetate is used, especially for managing severe symptoms. It’s known to control bleeding and shrink fibroids, enhancing quality of life.

But treatment isn’t just about medications or procedures. Lifestyle changes play a crucial role. A balanced diet, regular exercise, and stress management can slow fibroid growth and improve overall health.

Each method not only aims to reduce discomfort but also to restore hormonal balance. This holistic approach can significantly improve skin health, marking a win in both fibroid management and personal wellbeing.

However, make sure to discuss your options with a trusted health professional. 

Do fibroids cause acne?

In conclusion, while the direct link between fibroids and acne isn’t conclusively established, it’s clear that fibroids can cause hormonal imbalances that might indirectly affect your skin’s health. Embracing a healthy diet and considering appropriate treatment options can significantly help in managing fibroid symptoms and maintaining hormonal balance.


Chiaffarino F, Parazzini F, La Vecchia C, Chatenoud L, Di Cintio E, Marsico S. Diet and uterine myomas. Obstet Gynecol. 1999;94(3):395-398. doi:10.1016/s0029-7844(99)00305-1

Goldin BR, Adlercreutz H, Gorbach SL, et al. Estrogen excretion patterns and plasma levels in vegetarian and omnivorous women. N Engl J Med. 1982;307(25):1542-1547. doi:10.1056/NEJM198212163072502

Video: Estrogen in Meat, Dairy and Eggs at