Dragon fruit vs starfruit: Are you struggling to choose?

Shall we roar or shine today?

dragon fruit vs star fruit

Are you struggling to choose between dragon fruit vs starfruit? It’s easy to get confused when both exotic fruitspromise to boost your health and add flair to your meals. If you’re interested in skincare, looking good and saving time, you’re in the right place to see which one truly deserves a spot in your kitchen.

Hi, I’m Hazel

I gave up on skincare after years of issues with acne and sensitive skin.

But after going plant-based, my skin cleared up and even started to glow. Now I help women reveal their natural beauty with simple, delicious plant-based food.

I also used to be a nurse, and love nerding out on nutritional science (high-quality science, that is).

As usual, this post is based on the strongest nutritional evidence I could find with a focus on the simplest, most delicious foods

…because who has time to waste on actions that don’t work?

Is Dragon Fruit and Starfruit the Same?

No, dragon fruit and starfruit are not the same. These exotic fruit differ significantly in appearance, taste, and nutritional content. 

Dragon fruit, also known as pitaya, has a vibrant red skin with black seeds. The flesh of the fruit comes in varieties like red dragon fruit, yellow dragon fruit, and white dragon fruit. It offers a mild sweet taste and is known for its crunchy texture. It is native to Central America and South America but has been widely cultivated in Southeast Asian countries like Vietnam and Thailand.

Red dragonfruit

Starfruit, or angel starfruit, has a unique star shape when sliced and a sweet-tart flavour. It is native to Southeast Asia. Unripe star fruit is green, while ripe starfruit is bright yellow with distinct dark star lines. This tropical fruit is juicy and crisp, making it a refreshing addition to many dishes.


So, in the choice of dragon fruit vs starfruit, both are delicious fruits, but have several differences to consider.

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What do they taste like?

Dragon fruit offers a mild sweet taste with a somewhat crunchy texture that can be quite refreshing. The flesh of the fruit is subtly sweet, making it a versatile ingredient for various dishes. Whether it’s red dragonfruit, yellow dragonfruit, or white dragonfruit, the flavour remains pleasantly light.  

In contrast, starfruit brings a unique sweet-tart flavour that’s both juicy and crisp. This tropical fruit is perfect for those who enjoy a bit of zing in their food. Eating unripe starfruit is known as a sour fruit, while the ripe ones offer a balance of sweetness and tartness.

The quick version:

Both are excellent choices for those looking to improve their health and enjoy delicious, nutritious foods. Try them out and see which one becomes your new favourite!

Culinary Uses

How can you incorporate these tropical fruits into your meals? 

Dragon fruit is incredibly versatile. Its mildly sweet taste makes it perfect for smoothies, salads, and desserts. You can add red dragonfruit, yellow dragonfruit, or white dragonfruit to your fresh fruits platters for a vibrant, visually appealing spread. It can also be blended into juices or used as a topping for yogurt and oatmeal.

Dragonfruit vs starfruit

Starfruit is excellent for garnishes, fruit salads, and juices. Its unique shape adds a decorative touch to dishes, making it a popular choice for party platters and cocktails. The leaves of starfruit can even be used in some culinary traditions. Whether you want to eat it fresh or incorporate it into your favourite recipes, starfruit offers a refreshing and unique taste.

In the culinary comparison of dragon fruit vs starfruit, both fruits shine in their own ways. Depending on your preference for mild sweetness or a tangy kick, you can find a place for either in your kitchen.

Availability and Cost

Dragon fruit is typically available year-round in most supermarkets and specialty stores. However, its price can vary depending on the variety and season. Red dragonfruit and yellow dragonfruit might be more expensive due to their vibrant colours and unique tastes, while white dragonfruit is often more commonly available and slightly cheaper.

Starfruit is less commonly found, but more so duringits peak season from late summer to early winter. While generally affordable, the price can increase for high-quality, ripe fruit.

Yellow starfruit

How are they good for me?

When it comes to health, how do dragon fruit vs starfruit stack up? 

Dragon fruit offers a variety of nutrients. It’s known for its antioxidant properties and contains gallic acid, which is associated with combating free radicals and reducing oxidative damage. This fruit is also a good source of vitamins, particularly vitamin C, which is thought to support the immune system and skin health. Additionally, it has a high amount of fiber, which is beneficial for digestion.

Starfruit, on the other hand, has a high water content and is low in calories, making it suitable for hydration and weight management. It’s rich in vitamin C and has antioxidant properties that may help in maintaining skin health and supporting the immune system. 

However, those with kidney problems should be cautious. The oxalic acid in starfruit can be problematic for people with chronic kidney disease or kidney stones.

Health Benefits for a Plant-Based Diet

Why are these popular fruits ideal for a plant-based diet? 

Dragon fruit provides essential vitamins and nutrients that help maintain a balanced diet. It contains a high amount of fiber, which aids digestion and helps you feel full longer. The antioxidant properties from vitamin C and gallic acid may support overall health. This fruit also contains fat-soluble vitamins and fatty acids, which can contribute to skin health and boost high-density lipoprotein levels.


Starfruit offers its own nutritional benefits. With its high water content and low calorie count, it’s good for hydration and weight management. It’s rich in vitamin C, which is beneficial for the immune system and skin health.

In the context of a plant-based diet, dragon fruit vs starfruit both provide significant health benefits. Your choice might hinge on specific nutritional needs and personal health considerations.

Dragon fruit vs starfruit

To wrap it up, both dragon fruit and starfruit are fantastic additions to a health-conscious, plant-based diet. Their unique flavours, vibrant appearances, and nutritional benefits make them worth incorporating into your meals. Whether you prefer the mild sweetness of dragon fruit or the tangy bite of starfruit, both fruits can enhance your diet and contribute to your overall well-being. So, next time you’re at the market, remember the benefits of these exotic fruits and choose the one that best fits your lifestyle.


Most references below will link to the original peer-reviewed study itself. However, sometimes I will link to a video over at NutritionFacts.org instead, which is by far the single best resource of brutally transparent nutritional evidence you will ever see. Dr Greger tells a great story about the realities of the science and if I think you will benefit more from one of his videos, the link will take you there instead.

Happy nerding!

  1. Cheok A, Xu Y, Zhang Z, Caton PW, Rodriguez-Mateos A. Betalain-rich dragon fruit (pitaya) consumption improves vascular function in men and women: a double-blind, randomized controlled crossover trial. Am J Clin Nutr. 2022;115(5):1418-1431. doi:10.1093/ajcn/nqab410
  2. Nishikito DF, Borges ACA, Laurindo LF, et al. Anti-Inflammatory, Antioxidant, and Other Health Effects of Dragon Fruit and Potential Delivery Systems for Its Bioactive Compounds. Pharmaceutics. 2023;15(1):159. Published 2023 Jan 3. doi:10.3390/pharmaceutics15010159
  3. Poolsup N, Suksomboon N, Paw NJ. Effect of dragon fruit on glycemic control in prediabetes and type 2 diabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS One. 2017;12(9):e0184577. Published 2017 Sep 8. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0184577

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