How Long Does Artichoke Last in the Fridge? The Ultimate Guide

how long does artichoke last in the fridge - artichoke stem

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Fresh artichokes can last 1-2 weeks in the fridge if stored in a perforated plastic bag. Open jars of artichoke hearts are good for 1-2 weeks in the fridge. For the best quality and longer life, avoid wrapping them in aluminium foil, which can cause discoloration.


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Welcome, beautiful! If you’re on the hunt to find out “how long does artichoke last in the fridge,” you’re in the right place. I know life gets hectic, but understanding the shelf life of artichokes can be a real game-changer for keeping your diet both healthy and convenient. So let’s dive in, shall we?

Shelf Life of Artichokes 

Fresh and Raw Artichokes

If you’ve got fresh or raw artichokes, the crisper drawer of your refrigerator is their best home. Stored this way, they can last between 1-2 weeks. For an extra layer of protection, you can wrap them in plastic wrap to seal in freshness.

Cooked or Leftover Artichokes

For those cooked or leftover artichokes, you’ll want to eat them within 3-5 days. Make sure to check the expiration date if you’ve used any ingredients with a short shelf life during the preparation. 

Store them in an airtight container to keep them fresh.

Cooked artichokes

Open Jar of Marinated Artichoke Hearts

An open jar of marinated artichoke hearts can also last 1-2 weeks in the fridge. The key here is to keep the jar well-sealed and always use a clean utensil when taking some out.

Jar of artichokes

In essence, the shelf life of an artichoke depends on its preparation method. Raw artichokes have a longer shelf life when properly stored in the crisper drawer, while cooked and leftover artichokes have a shorter shelf life.

Now you can quickly scan and know how to store your artichokes based on their form and how long you can expect them to last. 

Happy cooking!

How to Identify a Fresh Artichoke

So you’ve decided to add some fresh artichokes to your shopping list—great choice! But how can you tell if the artichoke sitting in front of you is of the best quality? 

how long does artichoke last in the fridge

Look for ones that are a vibrant green colour, have tight leaves, and feel heavy for their size. Yep, a fresh, high-quality artichoke should feel a bit like a dumbbell when you pick it up. 

These simple checks can help you make sure you’re not just buying an artichoke, but a fabulous one at that!

Storing Fresh Artichokes the Right Way

When you’ve found the best quality artichokes, keeping them fresh is the next step. 

For optimal freshness, place your fresh artichokes in a perforated plastic bag in the fridge. This method keeps any excess moisture in check and helps prolong their life. For an extra touch, wrap the stem in a damp paper towel before putting it in the bag.

You might be tempted to use aluminium foil for storage, but be cautious. Wrapping artichokes in aluminium foil can cause them to discolour. The artichokes may turn brown or black, which could affect their taste and appearance.

Recognising Bad Artichokes

Even with the best care, not all veggies can last forever. So it’s important to know when it’s time to say goodbye to your artichoke. If you notice mould, a bad smell, or any soft spots, it’s probably past its prime. In matters of food safety, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. So if it looks or smells off, it’s time to let it go.

Freezing Uncooked Artichokes

So you’ve stocked up on fresh artichokes and want to make them last even longer? Freezing is your friend here. To freeze uncooked artichokes, first clean and trim them. Then, you can store them in heavy-duty freezer bags. When done right, frozen artichokes can last a long time, making it easier to enjoy this tasty veggie whenever you want.

Skincare Benefits

Let’s not forget, artichokes aren’t just tasty; they’re also packed with minerals and vitamins such as vitamin C, which is great for your skin. Including them in your diet can give you that glow you’ve always wanted. From helping to keep your skin hydrated to fighting off the appearance of ageing, artichokes offer a range of skincare benefits. So the next time you munch on an artichoke, just think of it as a beauty treatment from the inside out!

Woman with artichoke

Artichokes and Seasonality

Did you know that artichokes have peak seasons where they’re at their freshest and tastiest? Yes, even veggies have their moment to shine! Look for artichokes especially during the spring and fall. During these times, you’re more likely to find artichokes that are at their best quality, making it even easier to enjoy this wonderful food.

Now you’re all set to make artichokes a regular part of your beautiful life!

In summary, knowing how to pick and store artichokes can make a big difference in both your diet and beauty routine. From keeping them at room temperature for short-term use to using cold water to refresh them, these little tips can go a long way. Remember, the better you store your artichokes, the longer you get to enjoy their health and skincare benefits. So go ahead, make artichokes a regular part of your menu and enjoy the boost they bring to your life!

FAQ: How long does artichoke last in the fridge?

Are artichokes in a jar healthy?

Yes, artichokes in a jar are generally healthy. They often come preserved in olive oil or water, which maintains most of their nutrients. Just be aware of added salt or preservatives, and choose a jar that fits your dietary needs.

Do jarred artichoke hearts go bad?

Jarred artichoke hearts can go bad if not stored under the right conditions. Once opened, keep the jar in the fridge and aim to use it within 1-2 weeks. For unopened jars, store them in a dark, dry place. Always check the outer leaves and the overall appearance to make sure they’re still good.

Should I rinse jarred artichokes?

Rinsing jarred artichokes can be a good idea, especially if they come in a brine or added seasoning. Rinsing them off can remove excess salt and give you the best flavour when cooking artichokes.

What is the best part of the artichoke to eat?

The heart of the artichoke is often considered the most delicious vegetable part. The outer leaves are also edible but are usually tougher and may require more cooking.

How can I make sure my artichokes last longer?

The key to long-lasting artichokes is proper storage conditions. Keep fresh artichokes in a perforated plastic bag in the fridge. For jarred artichokes, once opened, store them in the fridge, and for unopened jars, a dark, dry place works best.

Now you’re all set with the know-how to enjoy this delicious vegetable in the best way, whether you’re cooking them fresh or using a convenient jar!


D’Antuono I, Carola A, Sena LM, et al. Artichoke Polyphenols Produce Skin Anti-Age Effects by Improving Endothelial Cell Integrity and Functionality. Molecules. 2018;23(11):2729. Published 2018 Oct 23. doi:10.3390/molecules23112729