Unlock Flavor: How to Freeze Shallots Easily

How to freeze shallots

How to Freeze Shallots
Freezing shallots is easy and convenient. For long-term storage, place whole or chopped shallots in a quality freezer bag and squeeze out extra air to avoid freezer burn. This way, you can always have shallots ready to add wonderful flavour to your plant-based meals.


Be beauty. Be plant-based!

As a former Registered Nurse and avid plant-muncher, I’m in love with how simple plant-based foods make it easy to be beautiful.

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Hello, beautiful! Ever wondered how to freeze shallots? You’re in the right place! We already know that fresh shallots are a fantastic addition to your plant-based diet. Today, we’re diving straight into how to store these flavourful bulbs so you can have them ready whenever you want.

Quick Guide to Freezing Shallots

Let’s get to the point! There are a few ways you can freeze shallots to make your life simpler and tastier. The whole shallots method is as easy as it sounds. Clean your best shallots and place them in a freezer-safe bag. Make sure to seal the edge of the bag well, squeezing out any excess air.

Next, we have the chopped shallots method. Spend a little time upfront to save lots of time later. Peel, chop, and spread them flat on a tray. Freeze the pieces before transferring them to a quality freezer bag. Trust me, your future self will thank you!

Chopped shallots

Last but not least, portioned shallots are a game-changer. Divide your shallots into meal-sized servings and store them in ziplock bags. This way, you can just grab what you need for each meal, making your cooking process a breeze.

And why are we freezing shallots? 

Because it saves you money and ensures that the wonderful flavour and mild onion flavour are always at your fingertips. Whether you choose whole, chopped, or portioned shallots, you’re making a choice for an easier and more enjoyable life.

Step-by-Step Guide to Freezing Shallots

Ready for more? First up, the basics. Gather the best shallots you can find, a quality freezer bag, and if you have them, a mesh bag and airtight containers. Got everything? Let’s dive in!

How to freeze shallots - shallots in freezer bag

Storing Fresh Shallots for Longer Shelf Life

If you’re anything like me, you will fully intend to freeze your excess produce but are also easily distracted. Then all of a sudden, they have gone off.

For fresh shallots in good condition, find a dark, dry place. Brown paper bags or mesh bags are your go-to in this situation. Hang them up for air circulation and keep them at room temperature. This method offers a longer shelf life.

Easy Steps for Freezing Whole Raw Shallots

The easiest way to freeze shallots for the long term is the whole, raw method. Clean them and take off the skin. Then place the whole shallots in a freezer-safe bag. To avoid freezer burn, squeeze out all the air and seal the edge of the bag well. Stash them in the freezer, and you’re done!

Freezing Chopped Shallots for Best Results

Want your shallots in small pieces for later use? Peel and chop them into smaller pieces. Spread these pieces in a single layer on a baking sheet. 

The single layer is key in the freezing process to maintain the best quality. After freezing them this way, wrap them in a paper towel and transfer them into a quality freezer bag. Place the bag on your kitchen counter to double-check you’ve got everything and that the bag is properly locked, and then into the freezer it goes.

Freezing Shallots in Ice Cube Trays: An Excellent Option

Ice cube trays offer an excellent option for freezing chopped shallots. Fill each cube with small pieces of shallot. This is a great way to portion shallots for later use. Once frozen, transfer the cubes to a freezer-safe container to avoid freezer burn.

How to freeze shallots - chopped shallots in an ice-cube tray

Extra Tips

So you’ve got your shallots stored… what’s next? Keep in mind that the natural flavour of frozen shallots is best used within 6 to 12 months. For longer storage, dry shallots can also be kept in airtight containers. This method makes it easy to sprinkle some shallot goodness onto any meal.

Beauty Benefits of Shallots and Freezing Fresh Food

You’re not just cooking with shallots, you’re cooking up some beauty too! Shallots are rich in antioxidants, which are great for your skin. The mild onion flavour of shallots makes them easy to add to many dishes. So, not only are you enjoying wonderful flavour, but you’re also giving your skin a little extra love.

Woman chopping shallots

As for freezing fresh food, it’s not just a convenience; it’s a beauty hack. Freezing keeps the nutrients locked in, so you’re always getting the full benefits from your food. Nutrients like vitamins and antioxidants stay put, helping you look and feel your best. When your food is as fresh as you are, it’s easier to feel beautiful inside and out.

So go ahead, make freezing shallots and fresh food a part of your beauty routine. You’ll not only save time and money but also keep glowing, beautiful!

Let’s quickly recap the best way to freeze shallots. You have options: whole shallots for ease, chopped shallots for convenience, and portioned shallots to make meal prep a breeze. With a quality freezer bag and the right storage conditions, your shallots will keep their wonderful flavour, and you’ll save both time and money.

You’re busy, you’re beautiful, and you deserve an easier, more enjoyable life. Keep rocking that plant-based lifestyle, and remember, shallots are more than just a garnish; they’re a shortcut to flavour in so many dishes. Enjoy your cooking, and until next time, take care!

Bonus Tip: Using Freeze-Dried Shallots

Ever tried freeze-dried shallots? These differ from both fresh and frozen shallots. They’re great for a quick fix when you’re out of fresh options.

By following these easy steps, you’ll know how to store shallots in multiple ways, ensuring they remain in good condition for later use. You’ll get the best results, whether you use your shallots soon or at a later date.

Alternative Storage: Freeze-Dried Shallots

Heard of freeze-dried shallots? They’re a different beast from frozen shallots but still handy to have around. Unlike frozen shallots, freeze-dried shallots have had all their moisture removed. They’re great for dry rubs or when you don’t need the moisture that comes from fresh or frozen shallots.

So, whether you prefer whole, chopped, or portioned shallots, you’re covered. The next time you see a great deal on shallots, you’ll know exactly what to do. Stay tuned for some extra tips to make your shallot experience even better!