Get Spicy, Stay Beautiful: Jalapeño vs Chilli Peppers

jalapeno vs chili pepper - a variety of coloured peppers

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Jalapeños are a type of medium-hot chili pepper often used in Mexican cuisine. They are not the same as chili peppers, which is a broader category including various types and heat levels.


Be beauty. Be plant-based!

As a former Registered Nurse and avid plant-muncher, I’m in love with how simple plant-based foods make it easy to be beautiful.

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Hello, beautiful! Today we’re diving into the spicy world of jalapeño vs chilli peppers. If you’ve ever wondered how to add a little heat to your plant-based lifestyle in a way that also enhances your beauty, you’re in the right place. Spicy foods like these are not just about firing up your taste buds; they can also be your secret weapons for looking and feeling gorgeous.

Answers to Your Top Questions

First things first, let’s address some of the questions you might have about jalapeños and chilli peppers.

Are chilli peppers and jalapeños the same?

No, they are not. While both are types of peppers, they come from different plants and have unique flavour profiles and heat levels.

jalapeno vs chili pepper

Which pepper is hotter?

Generally, jalapeños are milder compared to most other chilli peppers. If you’re new to the world of spicy foods, jalapeños might be a good starting point.

How to tell the difference between a jalapeño and a chilli pepper?

When you’re choosing between a jalapeño and a chili pepper, look at their size and shape first. Jalapeños are generally shorter and rounder, while other chili peppers can be longer and thinner. Now, about the color: green peppers, including jalapeños, usually have a fresher, spicier kick. As they ripen and turn red, they often get a bit sweeter and milder in heat. So, the color can give you a good idea about both the flavor and spiciness of the pepper.

When is it best to use a jalapeño or a chilli pepper?

Both have their unique uses, especially in Mexican cuisine. Jalapeños are great for adding a mild kick to salsas and dips, while hotter chilli peppers may be better suited for curries and stir-fries.

Are green chilli peppers very hot?

It depends, but generally speaking, green chilli peppers are usually on the milder side. However, it’s always a good idea to test a small piece first, as their heat can vary.

What Are Jalapeños?

Jalapeños are a type of chilli pepper commonly used in Mexican cuisine. They range from medium heat to hot but are generally considered a medium-hot pepper. The key differences between green jalapeños and red jalapeños lie in their maturity and flavour. Green jalapeños offer a spicier kick, while red jalapeños provide a milder flavour due to their ripe, red colour.

What Are Chilli Peppers?

Chilli peppers come in many types and heat levels. Unlike jalapeños, which are a specific type of chilli pepper, chilli peppers can range from very mild like bell peppers to very hot like ghost peppers. They are a popular pepper in cuisines worldwide and come in various flavour profiles.

Red chili peppers

How to Pick Fresh Quality Ones

Whether you’re at a local grocery store or a farmer’s market, look for peppers with a bright, vibrant colour and firm skin. Avoid any with soft spots or wrinkles.

Recipes and Uses

  • Jalapeños: Perfect for adding a spicy kick to homemade salsas, dips, and even smoothies for an adventurous twist.
  • Chilli Peppers: A main ingredient in curries, stir-fries, and soups. Also great for making your own spicy sauces.

The Beauty of Heat

Alright, beautiful, let’s get to the really good stuff—how these peppers can benefit your health and beauty!

Skincare and Beauty Benefits

But it’s not just about weight loss. These peppers are also rich in vitamin C, which can make your skin glow. Vitamin C helps to build collagen, the protein that keeps your skin looking young and fresh. A little spice might just be the secret ingredient your skincare routine has been missing!

Woman holding many peppers

Health Benefits

One exciting fact is that capsaicin, the substance that gives peppers their heat, can actually help you lose weight. How? It boosts your metabolism, helping your body burn more calories. So adding a little spice to your meals can help you on your weight loss journey.

Tailoring the Spice Level

If you’re new to the world of spicy peppers, start with milder options like green peppers or green chillies and work your way up. You can control the heat level of green chillies and other peppers by removing the seeds and membranes inside.

Incorporate in Your Favourite Recipes

Red jalapeños peppers can add a pop of colour and a different heat level to your favourite recipes. Try them in salads, grain bowls, or as a garnish on top of hearty soups.

The Scoville Scale and Your Spiciness Choices

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s talk about the Scoville heat scale. This scale measures the heat level of peppers in units called Scoville heat units. The higher the number, the hotter the pepper. 

But don’t let what I call the “Scoville heat scare” keep you away from trying new peppers. The scale is just a guide, and everyone’s tolerance for heat is different. For a point of reference, the hottest pepper recorded is the ghost pepper, while jalapeños are much lower on the scale.

How to Use Jalapeños and Peppers in Your Diet

So, you’re ready to bring some heat into your life, beautiful? Let’s talk about the best ways to include these spicy wonders in your meals.

  • Fresh vs. Dried: Both have their merits. Fresh peppers add a vibrant taste to your dishes, while dried peppers can be more convenient and long-lasting.
  • Spice Levels: From mild peppers to those with intense heat, you have many options. Always remember to start small and adjust to your liking.
  • Popular Hot Sauces: There’s a sauce for every level of heat. Whether you’re into classic Tabasco or want to try something new, hot sauces can be a quick way to add heat and flavour.
Jalapeno vs chilli pepper - hot sauce

Dive into Different Types of Peppers

Ready to add more spice to your life, beautiful? Let’s look at other peppers you can try.

Bell Peppers

These are the go-to for anyone who prefers mild flavours. They’re sweet and can add colour and crunch to your salads and stir-fries.

Serrano Peppers

These offer a bit more heat than jalapeños but are full of flavour. They’re a great addition to Mexican dishes and salsas.

Cayenne Peppers

These are commonly used in hot sauces. They’re hotter than jalapeños and are perfect for kicking up the heat in your dishes.

Anaheim Peppers and Fresno Peppers

These are popular choices for Mexican dishes. They’re less spicy than jalapeños but still offer a good amount of heat.

Green Chilis vs. Green Chile:

What’s the main difference? It’s mostly about where they come from. Green chilis are often from Mexico, while green chiles are usually from the southwestern U.S. Both are great for adding a moderate amount of heat to your meals.

Red Jalapeños vs. Green Jalapeños

The main difference here is maturity. Red jalapeños are ripe and offer a sweeter, more complex flavour compared to their green counterparts.

FAQ: Jalapeno vs Chilli pepper

Which chilli is hotter: cayenne or jalapeño?

Cayenne peppers are hotter than jalapeños. While jalapeños are considered medium-hot peppers, cayenne peppers have a higher heat level, making them a spicier pepper option.

Are green chiles just unripe red ones?

Yes, that’s often the case. Green chiles are usually just unripe versions of red ones. As they mature, they can turn into red jalapeños or other red chillies, bringing with them a milder heat and more complex flavour profiles.

What is the mildest chilli pepper?

The mildest chilli pepper commonly available in the United States is the bell pepper. It has a moderate heat level, which is actually so low it’s considered a zero on the Scoville scale, making it an excellent choice for those who prefer milder heat in their food.

Is it ok to eat raw green chillies?

Yes, it’s okay to eat raw green chillies. However, be mindful of the heat level if you’re not used to spicy food. Green chillies can add a quick kick to salads, salsas, and other dishes.


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