Lila Avocado vs. Hass Avocado

Bowl of avocados

Lila Avocado vs Hass
When comparing Lila and Hass avocados, Lilas are medium-sized with a smooth, green skin and offer a slightly sweeter taste. On the other hand, Hass avocados are commonly found with a distinctive pebbly skin and deliver a rich, buttery flavor. Both have unique benefits, making them favorites in various culinary settings.


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As a former Registered Nurse and avid plant-muncher, I’m in love with how simple plant-based foods make it easy to be beautiful.

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Every beautiful soul out there seeking to nourish herself with nature’s finest treasures has, at some point, encountered the magnificent avocado. The joy of slicing it open, removing the pit, and scooping out the creamy flesh is a ritual many of us cherish. And while the versatile and delightful avocado has long been a favourite in our plant-based journeys, today, we’re taking a closer look at two specific varieties that have made waves in the avocado world: the Lila avocado and the ever-popular Hass avocado.

Lila Avocado

The Lila Avocado, often regarded as a type of cold-hardy avocado, originates from the vast family of Mexican avocado varieties. One might wonder, with such an exotic name, what does the Lila avocado taste like? Imagine a creamy texture, thanks to its high oil content, paired with a distinct flavour that leans slightly sweeter than some of its counterparts.

Lila avocado vs Hass - lila avocado

Hass Avocado

On the other side of our delicious spectrum is the Hass Avocado, the star you’ve probably encountered more than once during your grocery store runs. Known and loved worldwide, the Hass variety is the pear-shaped fruit many associate with a classic avocado. Its taste? Rich, buttery, and consistently delightful – a flavour that has made it a global favourite.

Lila avocado vs Hass - Hass avocado

Spotting the Difference

In the vibrant realm of avocados, two stars stand out: Lila and Hass. Though each holds its own special place in the hearts of avocado aficionados, it’s worth delving into their unique characteristics to appreciate them even more. Let’s dive in!

Lila Avocado

  • Appearance: Lila presents itself as a medium-sized fruit, gracefully donning a thin, Debby skin. It’s sleek, smooth exterior is like a gentle call to nature lovers, whispering tales of pure, untouched beauty.
  • Texture: Lila boasts a skin so smooth that it seems to glide under your fingers. This easy-to-peel beauty ensures that accessing its creamy treasure inside is a breeze.
  • Colour: Bathed in a consistent shade of dark green, the Lila stands as a testament to the rich, verdant tapestries of nature.

Hass Avocado

  • Appearance: The Hass, with its iconic pear-shaped form, is the face many visualise when they think of avocados. Its transformative journey, from a youthful green to a mature black as it ripens, is a visual treat in itself.
  • Texture: The Hass is the epitome of rustic allure. Its exterior, rough and pebbly skin, contrasts beautifully with the buttery softness that lies beneath.
  • Colour: The Hass is nature’s chameleon. Beginning its life as a bright green fruit, it transitions to a sultry black skin upon ripening, a tell-tale sign of its readiness to be savoured.

Now, with this guide in hand, our beautiful readers can navigate the avocado aisle with confidence, choosing the variety that speaks to their heart on any given day.

The Best of Both Worlds

While both Lila and Hass avocados have their own charm and delightful attributes, let’s delve into what makes each of these varieties truly stand out. Whether it’s the high oil content that gives them their irresistible creaminess or their distinctive flavours that make our taste buds dance, there’s so much to love about both.

Benefits of Lila Avocado

  • Creamy Delight: One of Lila’s standout features is its high oil content, which translates into a velvety texture that melds seamlessly into smoothies, spreads, or just as a stand-alone treat.
  • Flavour Profile: Lila doesn’t just stop at being creamy; it tantalises with a good flavour, bearing a slightly sweeter note compared to some other varieties. It’s this unique taste that makes it perfect for those looking to add a touch of sweetness to their savoury dishes.

Benefits of Hass Avocado

  • Ubiquitous Charm: Hass avocados are the celebrities of the avocado world. They’re easily found and loved in many a grocery store, making them a reliable pick for avocado aficionados everywhere.
  • Consistent Goodness: With the Hass, what you see (and taste) is what you get. Its consistently good taste, coupled with a buttery texture, makes it the go-to choice for many. Whether you’re whipping up some guacamole or slicing it for a salad, Hass never disappoints.

Regardless of your choice, both Lila and Hass promise a delightful culinary experience. And remember, beautiful reader, while each avocado has its unique attributes, they all lead to one thing: an easier, more enjoyable life filled with nature’s goodness.

Beyond Hass and Lila

While the Lila and Hass avocados are two main types of avocados, there are many other varieties of avocados brimming with unique flavours and textures. Let’s embark on a brief journey to explore a few other avocados that grace our world, each offering its own twist on nature’s green gem.

Fuerte Avocado

A harmonious blend of the Mexican and Guatemalan types, the Fuerte avocado is truly ‘fuerte’ (strong) in flavour and presence. With a skin that strikes a balance between the smoothness of Lila and the ruggedness of Hass, it offers a taste that’s both nutty and slightly sweet.

Zutano, Choquette, and Bacon Avocados

These three varieties each bring something unique to the table:

  • Zutano avocado: With a lighter taste and a thin skin, it’s a refreshing choice for those wanting a milder avocado experience.
  • Choquette avocado: Known for its large size and watery texture, it’s perfect for those who prefer their avocados less creamy.
  • Bacon Avocados: A smooth-skinned variety with a taste that’s subtly different from the more common types, making it a delightful surprise for the palate.

Pinkerton, Reed, and Mexicola Avocados

Dive deeper into the avocado world with:

  • Pinkerton avocados: A long, slender fruit with a small seed, it promises more creamy flesh to enjoy.
  • Reed avocados: Round and green even when ripe, this summer variety offers a buttery taste that rivals the Hass.
  • Mexicola avocados: Falling under the cold-hardy Mexican avocados, its thin skin and rich flavour make it a favourite among many.

West Indian Type

Distinctly different, the West Indian type of avocado boasts large fruits with a smooth skin and a flavour profile that’s slightly sweeter, making it an exciting alternative to the more familiar varieties.

In the ever-expanding universe of avocados, each variety is a world unto itself, waiting to be tasted and treasured. 

So, next time you’re looking for a culinary adventure, remember: the avocado aisle is your passport to a world of flavours.

Avocado: Nature’s Answer to Radiant Skin

Beyond avocado’s delightful presence in our meals, this creamy, green fruit holds the secrets to vibrant, rejuvenated skin. Let’s unveil the magic it can weave for our beautiful readers.

Woman with avocados

Rich in Vitamins and Antioxidants

Packed with vitamins E and C, avocados are nature’s gift to your skin. While vitamin E is known to combat harmful free radicals and slow down the ageing process, vitamin C aids in the creation of elastin and collagen, maintaining skin’s elasticity and firmness.

Natural Moisturiser

Thanks to its high content of oleic acid, an omega-9 fatty acid, avocado deeply nourishes the skin. Applying avocado oil or mashed avocado as a face mask can offer intense hydration, leaving your skin feeling soft and supple.

Sun Protection

Avocados come loaded with antioxidants like beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin. These compounds offer a protective layer against harmful UV rays, minimising UV-induced inflammation and the appearance of age spots.

Reduces Inflammation

The myriad of nutrients in avocados, including polyhydroxylated fatty alcohols, can soothe inflammation, reducing the redness and irritation commonly associated with conditions like psoriasis and eczema.

Natural Exfoliation

When combined with other ingredients, avocado can serve as a gentle exfoliant. A mask made of mashed avocado, oats, and honey can slough off dead skin cells, revealing a fresher, more radiant complexion.

Eye Care

Those dark circles under your eyes? Avocado can help! With its high folate content, it promotes improved blood circulation, which in turn can reduce the appearance of dark circles and puffiness around the eyes.

Embracing avocados in skincare routines isn’t just about tapping into a trendy beauty secret; it’s about harnessing the raw, natural power of Mother Nature to feel and look rejuvenated. 

So, the next time you’re indulging in a creamy avocado toast or a refreshing salad, remember: this fruit is nourishing not just your body, but also your beautiful skin.

FAQ: Lila Avocado vs. Hass

What is a Lila avocado?

Lila avocado is a variety that’s known for its medium size and smooth, dark green skin. Originating from Mexico, the Lila is celebrated for its thin, easily peel-able skin and a slightly sweeter taste compared to some other avocado types.

Which avocado variety is best?

The “best” avocado variety often depends on personal preference and the intended use. For instance, Hass avocados, with their creamy texture and rich flavour, are popular for guacamole. Meanwhile, someone might prefer the Fuerte or Pinkerton variety for salads. Each variety brings its unique taste and texture to the table.

What are the best avocados in Australia?

Australia boasts several avocado varieties, with the Hass being the most widely grown and consumed. Other varieties cultivated in Australia include Fuerte, Shepard, and Wurtz (often referred to as “Little Cado”).

What is the number one avocado?

In terms of global recognition and cultivation, the Hass avocado stands out as the “number one” or most popular avocado. Its versatile flavour, consistency in taste, and adaptability to various dishes make it a favourite among many.

What is the healthiest avocado to eat?

All avocado varieties offer a wealth of health benefits, packed with monounsaturated fats, fibre, vitamins, and minerals. While subtle differences in nutrient content might exist among varieties, generally, any fresh avocado can be considered a healthful choice.

Is it ok to eat an avocado every day?

Yes, it’s generally okay to eat an avocado every day. Avocados are nutrient-dense and provide beneficial fats, fibre, and essential vitamins. However, due to their calorie and fat content, it’s essential to consider portion size and individual dietary needs.

Is it bad to eat avocado every day?

Eating avocado daily can offer numerous health benefits, from improved heart health to better skin. However, like all foods, moderation is key. It’s important to balance avocado intake with other foods and nutrients in one’s diet. Always consult with a nutritionist or healthcare professional regarding specific dietary concerns.


Henning SM, Guzman JB, Thames G, et al. Avocado Consumption Increased Skin Elasticity and Firmness in Women – A Pilot Study. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2022;21(9):4028-4034. doi:10.1111/jocd.14717