How to choose between Navy beans vs Great Northern beans

Nave beans vs great northern beans

How to choose between navy beans vs. great northern beans?  While they can be substituted pretty easily, there are subtle differences to be aware of. Let’s uncover the secrets behind these oval-shaped beans and see which one can make your meals delicious and your life easier.

Hi, I’m Hazel

I gave up on skincare after years of issues with acne and sensitive skin.

But after going plant-based, my skin cleared up and even started to glow. Now I help women reveal their natural beauty with simple, delicious plant-based food.

I also used to be a nurse, and love nerding out on nutritional science (high-quality science, that is).

As usual, this post is based on the strongest nutritional evidence I could find with a focus on the simplest, most delicious foods

…because who has time to waste on actions that don’t work?

Table: Navy beans vs great northern beans

The Basics

Navy Beans

Navy beans, aka haricot beans are small white beans which are versatile with a mild flavour and creamy texture. 

They are perfect for those busy days when you need a quick and nutritious meal. Imagine whipping up a comforting navy bean soup in no time. 

Navy beans are quick to cook and blend seamlessly into your favourite dishes. Plus, their white colour adds a lovely aesthetic to any plate.

Bowl of navy beans

Great Northern Beans

Have you ever tried great northern white beans in your recipes? 

These beans are slightly larger than navy beans, giving them a firm texture and a mild flavour with a hint of nutty flavour. Known for their thicker skin, they hold their shape well, making them ideal for hearty salads and casseroles. 

Think about adding them to a delicious Tuscan white bean soup. Their white colour and ability to absorb flavours make them a delightful addition to any dish.

Great northern beans

Do Navy Beans Taste Like Great Northern Beans?

Both have a subtle flavour, but navy beans are known for their creamy texture and mild flavour. In contrast, great northern beans offer a slightly nutty flavour with a firmer bite due to their thicker skin. 

If you’re looking for a bean that blends smoothly into soups and purees, navy beans are your go-to. 

For a firmer, more textured bite in salads and casseroles, great northern beans are the better choice.

The quick version:

Navy beans vs. great northern beans: Choose navy for creamy, quick-cooking soups; great northern for firm, nutty salads and casseroles. Both are a great healthy choice so feel free to rely on your taste preference!

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Can I Substitute Navy Beans for Great Northern?

Yes, these different types of white beans can be substituted for each other.

While there are subtle differences in texture and cooking time, both beans have a subtle flavour that works well in various dishes. 

Garlic and herb great northern beans

Navy beans will give you a creamier consistency, while great northern beans will retain a firmer bite. So, if you’re in a pinch, feel free to swap them out in recipes, just remember to adjust the cooking times accordingly.

Typically, navy beans will cook faster, so you might need to reduce the cook time by about 15-20 minutes. This adjustment ensures your dish has the right texture and flavour without a big difference in the final outcome.

Cooking and Texture Differences

Navy beans cook faster, making them perfect for quick meals. They develop a creamy texture that blends seamlessly into dishes like soups and stews. 

On the other hand, great northern beans hold their shape better due to their thicker skin, making them ideal for recipes where a firmer texture is desired. 

Both beans absorb flavours well, but navy beans tend to enhance the overall taste with their smooth integration.

What is the Healthiest Bean?

When comparing navy beans vs great northern beans, both offer significant health benefits so ultimately it comes down to your personal preference. Here’s a snapshot:

Navy Beans

  • Protein & Fibre: High, great for muscle building and digestion.
  • Iron & Magnesium: Higher levels, essential for energy and muscle function.
  • Calories: Low, aiding in weight management.
  • Texture: Creamy, making dishes more palatable and satisfying.
Mason jars

Great Northern Beans

  • Protein & Fibre: Great source of protein and dietary fibre, supporting overall health and digestion.
  • Calcium & Potassium: Higher levels, important for bone health and blood pressure regulation.
  • Calories: Low, supporting weight management.
  • Texture: Firmer, adding a satisfying bite to salads and casseroles.

Both navy beans and great northern beans are great source of nutrition. If you need more iron and magnesium, choose navy beans. If you need more calcium and potassium, go for great northern beans. Including both in your diet provides a broad range of nutrients to support your overall health.

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Which Is Better: Navy Beans or Great Northern Beans?

So, which is better: navy beans or great northern beans? It depends on your needs:

  • Quick Cooking & Creamy Dishes: Choose navy beans. Ideal for soups, stews, and purees with their mild flavour and creamy texture.
  • Firm Texture & Nutty Flavour: Opt for great northern beans. Perfect for salads and casseroles, holding their shape well.

Both beans are packed with nutrients, so either choice is a win for your diet.

Best Uses in Plant-Based Diets

Incorporating navy beans and great northern beans into your plant-based diet can be a game-changer.

Navy Beans:

  • Best For: Creamy soups, purees, and baked beans.
  • Examples: Navy bean soup, refried beans.
  • Benefits: Blends smoothly, cooks quickly, saves time.
Dried beans

Great Northern Beans:

  • Best For: Hearty salads, casseroles, slow-cooked dishes.
  • Examples: Tuscan white bean soup.
  • Benefits: Thicker skin, nutty flavour, satisfying texture.

Both beans enhance your meals with nutritional benefits, supporting your journey to looking and feeling your best.

Comparison with Other Beans

How do navy beans and great northern beans stack up against other types of beans? If you’re looking for best substitutes, consider cannellini beans, pinto beans, black beans, or butter beans. Each of these beans has its unique characteristics. 

For example, cannellini beans are large white beans with a buttery flavour, while pinto beans have an earthy flavour perfect for hearty dishes. Understanding the variety of common beans available can help you make informed choices in your plant-based diet.

Navy beans vs. great northern beans

Deciding between navy beans vs. great northern beans can make a significant difference in your cooking and nutrition. Navy beans are best for quick, creamy dishes with their mild flavour and creamy texture. They blend seamlessly into soups and stews, making your meals delicious and time-efficient. Great northern beans, with their nutty flavour and thicker skin, are ideal for firmer, textured dishes like salads and casseroles. Both beans offer unique benefits and can be used creatively in a plant-based diet. Embrace the variety and enjoy the journey to a healthier, more attractive you with the right bean choice.


Most references below will link to the original peer-reviewed study itself. However, sometimes I will link to a video over at instead, which is by far the single best resource of brutally transparent nutritional evidence you will ever see. Dr Greger tells a great story about the realities of the science and if I think you will benefit more from one of his videos, the link will take you there instead.

Happy nerding!

  1. Mullins AP, Arjmandi BH. Health Benefits of Plant-Based Nutrition: Focus on Beans in Cardiometabolic Diseases. Nutrients. 2021;13(2):519. Published 2021 Feb 5. doi:10.3390/nu13020519

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