Plant-Based Perks: Weight-Loss Made Easy

Plant-based weight loss - woman enjoying walking at the beach

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It’s very simple: eating unprocessed plant-based foods naturally leads to weight gain.

Examples include whole fruits instead of fruit juice, natures carbs (e.g. sweet potatoes) instead of processed carbs (e.g. bread).


Be beauty. Be plant-based!

As a former Registered Nurse and avid plant-muncher, I’m in love with how simple plant-based foods make it so easy to be beautiful.

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Radiant Skin, Naturally: 5 Plant-Based Foods for Beautiful Skin

Ava is exhausted. She has spent years trapped in the vicious cycle of calorie counting and restrictive dieting. Feeling ashamed of her lack of willpower, she desperately wants a solution to her weight-loss struggles. 

But deep down, she also longs to break free from the constant burden of self-monitoring and feeling dissatisfied with her meals. Ava dreams of a sustainable approach to healthy living that ensures a slim waist and the ability to enjoy herself.


Ava is convinced that she needs to limit her food intake to achieve her weight-loss goals. Everybody knows that. All of her friends count calories and restrict themselves to small portions since they were teenagers.

While scrolling down her Instagram feed one day, Ava sees a post about plant-based eating and its potential for weight loss. She becomes intrigued but also skeptical.

The idea of plant-based eating seems foreign and intimidating, and Ava fears sacrificing taste, variety, and fullness in her meals. She is already sick of feeling hungry so often. The thought of giving up meat also worries her, as she wonders if she will get enough protein on a plant-based diet.

However, curiosity tugs at Ava’s mind as she discovers more information about weight loss and plant-based eating. While still skeptical, Ava is intrigued and decides to give it a little go.

Constant monitoring of her food intake is so restrictive and tiring. What if there really is another way?

With newfound determination, Ava embarks on her plant-based journey. She starts by experimenting with adding more plant-based foods to her meals. 

Instead of meticulously counting calories, she focuses on nourishing her body with whole, plant-based foods in greater quantities. She begins by adding extra fruit to her diet because she saw some fabulous science showing that eating more apples and pears makes you weigh less.

You may also like: Eating More for Weight-Loss: From Fruit Fear to Fruit Freedom

Thinking about her protein concerns, Ava educates herself on plant-based protein sources. It turns out that you can meet your protein needs through a variety of plant-based foods, including legumes, tofu, tempeh, and quinoa. 

Plant based weight loss - chickpea salad

Ava starts adding chickpeas or beans to her salads, and to her surprise, she finds that she feels satisfied and full without the need for strict portion control. Armed with this knowledge, she feels more confident about embracing a plant-based lifestyle.

Skip to: How Do Plant-Based Foods Help With Weight Loss?

Ava also gradually incorporates other simple plant-based changes into her daily routine. 

She adds nuts or ground flaxseeds to her breakfast oats to make herself feel fuller for longer, and swaps dairy milk for soy milk and this is associated with a slimmer waistline. 

Ava also explores the vibrant world of vegetable stir-fries that are quick and easy to prepare, and indulges in colourful grain bowls that leave her feeling nourished and satisfied.

Ava also learns to experiment with herbs and spices so that every meal she makes tastes delicious without the need for lots of oil or salt. 


She also discovers the joy of exploring new, satisfying plant-based options like black bean tacos. These are so satisfying that she never gets hungry!

As Ava continues her plant-based journey, a transformation occurs. Not only does she start losing weight that first week, but it continues week after week because for the first time she is able to keep with a ‘diet’. Mainly because it’s not really a diet!

Even better, these plant-based changes to her diet are so easy and enjoyable that she becomes less anxious about losing weight. If the scales don’t move too much one week, she knows it is still possible to happen again next week (especially if she eats more potatoes).


After a few months, Ava lets go of her misbelief that she needs to count calories and restrict her food intake to lose weight. Embracing plant-based eating leads her to the freedom she has yearned for. 

With healthy, unprocessed plant-based foods, Ava can nourish her body with wholesome, nutrient-dense foods without sacrificing taste or satiety. She has finally discovered a sustainable approach to weight loss, and a newfound sense of confidence and self-acceptance grows within her.

How Do Plant-Based Foods Help With Weight Loss?

Are you ready to unlock the secret to shedding those extra pounds whilst also indulging in delicious and filling meals? But want to know why this is possible? Look no further!

The Plant-Based Paradigm

Contrary to common misconceptions, embracing a plant-based diet doesn’t mean sacrificing taste or feeling deprived. Instead, it offers a plethora of exciting culinary adventures and incredible health benefits, including weight loss. Let’s explore why:

Nutrient-Dense and Low-Calorie Foods

Plant-based diets centre around nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts. These foods are naturally lower in calories compared to their processed or meat-based counterparts, making it easier to create a calorie deficit necessary for weight loss without compromising on nutrition.

High Fibre Content

Fibre is a superpower for weight loss, and plant-based foods are packed with it! Fibre-rich foods keep you feeling fuller for longer, curbing cravings and preventing overeating. They also support healthy digestion, regulate blood sugar levels, and promote satiety, all of which contribute to successful weight management.

Reduced Consumption of Processed Foods

Plant-based diets encourage minimising or eliminating processed foods, which are often laden with added sugars, unhealthy fats, and empty calories. By cutting back on these culprits, you not only reduce calorie intake but also improve the nutritional quality of your meals, leading to healthier weight loss (and radiant skin!).

Embracing Healthy Fats

Plant-based diets emphasise the consumption of heart-healthy fats found in foods like avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil. These fats are satisfying, contribute to improved nutrient absorption, and support overall well-being. They can also aid in weight loss by promoting satiety and providing a balanced energy source.

Boosting Metabolism

Certain plant-based foods, such as spicy peppers and green tea, have metabolism-boosting properties. For example, capsaicin, the compound responsible for the heat in chilli peppers, has been linked to increased calorie burning and fat oxidation, potentially aiding in weight loss efforts.

Mindful Eating

A plant-based diet encourages mindful eating, allowing you to savour and appreciate the flavours, textures, and colours of your meals. This practice cultivates a deeper connection with your food, promoting a healthier relationship with eating and reducing the likelihood of mindless snacking or overindulgence.

Less Period Drama

By incorporating nutrient-rich whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts, and avoiding processed fats (like oils), plant-based diets provide a wide range of vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals that support hormonal balance and reduce period pain. The fibre content of plant-based foods helps regulate blood sugar levels, preventing sudden spikes and crashes that can lead to cravings for sugary or processed foods. Additionally, plant-based diets are typically lower in saturated fat and higher in healthy fats, such as those found in avocados and nuts, which can help reduce inflammation and promote satiety. By alleviating PMS symptoms and addressing cravings, plant-based eating sets the foundation for successful weight loss journeys.

Enhanced Overall Health

Weight loss is just one piece of the puzzle. A plant-based diet offers a multitude of health benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, lower risk of chronic diseases, increased energy levels, and improved digestion. When you feel better from the inside out, maintaining a healthy weight becomes more achievable and sustainable.

Want to Know More?

My favourite source of unbiased and high-quality nutrition evidence is from Dr Greger at He goes into much more scientific detail and is a great website for nerds and the skeptical.