Plum vs Peach: The Big Comparison

Plum vs peach

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Plums and peaches both offer unique benefits for health and beauty. While plums are rich in antioxidants and Vitamin C, aiding in skin health and collagen synthesis, peaches provide Vitamin C and A, essential for skin repair and overall well-being. Both can be delicious and nutritious additions to a plant-based diet for a more attractive and healthier you.


Be beauty. Be plant-based!

As a former Registered Nurse and avid plant-muncher, I’m in love with how simple plant-based foods make it easy to be beautiful.

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In your journey towards a more beautiful and healthy self, have you ever pondered the question, “Plum vs Peach – which one should I eat?” Both these fruits are not just delightful additions to your plant-based diet, but they also bring a world of flavour and nutrition.


Are known for their enticing purple colour and sometimes a dark bluish-red colour, adding a splash of vibrancy to your fruit bowl. Their smooth skin is easy on the palate, making them a pleasure to eat. 

Plum vs peach - plums


With their characteristic fuzzy skin, peaches offer a unique sensory experience. The fruit’s yellow flesh is succulent and flavourful, often with a red-tinted yellow skin that’s visually appealing. In some varieties, you’ll find white flesh, which tends to be sweeter and less acidic. 

Plum vs peach - bowl of peaches

This major difference in texture and appearance between plums and peaches not only affects how they’re eaten but also how they’re used in various culinary creations. Whether you’re biting into a fresh piece or using them in recipes, these textural differences play a significant role in your culinary adventures.

Varieties and Flavours

Diving into the world of plums and peaches, you’ll encounter an array of delightful varieties. 


The damson plum, known for its tart flavour, is perfect for cooking and baking, while the blood plum, with its deep red interior, offers a sweeter taste. For those who prefer something even sweeter, the yellow-fruit varieties of plums are a great choice. 


Moving onto to peaches, the yellow peaches stand out with their juicy flesh, offering a perfect balance of sweetness and acidity. These are contrasted by varieties with white flesh, which are generally sweeter and less tart. 

Bowl of peaches

Each variety brings its own unique flavour to the table, making them versatile for a range of dishes, from fresh salads to delectable desserts.

Plum vs Peach Benefits for Skincare

Taking care of your skin isn’t just about external applications but also about nourishing your body from within. So, enjoy these delicious fruits and allow your skin to reap their natural goodness.

Skincare benefits of plums and peaches

Plums for Collagen

Plums, particularly high in Vitamin C, help in collagen synthesis, which keeps the skin firm and youthful, and combating free radicals.

Peaches for Skin Repair

Peaches, also rich in Vitamin C, offer additional benefits from Vitamin A, crucial for skin repair and maintenance.

Plums and Peaches in Your Diet

It’s easy to include these fruits in your daily diet, and doing so can significantly improve your skin health. 

You can add a plum or a peach to your breakfast, be it in a fruit salad, a smoothie, or just on its own.

For a midday snack, fresh plums or peaches are not only refreshing but also skin-friendly.

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Are Plums Good Substitutes for Peaches?

When considering whether plums can be a good substitute for peaches in your recipes, it’s helpful to look at their similarities:

When snacking

  • Both fruits share a somewhat similar texture, with plums being a bit firmer. 
  • Peaches tend to be sweeter and more fragrant. Some plum varieties come close in sweetness and can pleasantly surprise your taste buds.

Cooking and Baking

In cooking and baking, plums can effectively replace peaches in many instances. 

  • In a fruit salad or a smoothie, swapping peaches with sweet plums can add a delightful twist. 
  • In baking, think of using plums in place of peaches for pies or tarts. Their firm texture holds up well in the heat of the oven, and their tartness can add an interesting depth to the dessert. 

So next time you’re in the kitchen, feel free to experiment with plums when peaches aren’t on hand. You might just discover a new favorite recipe!

Plum vs Peach: When Should I Use Them?

Deciding whether to use plums or peaches in your culinary creations often depends on taste preferences, seasonal availability, and the specific recipe. 


With their sweet to tart flavour spectrum, are great in dishes where a little tanginess is desired. They work wonderfully in savoury dishes, jams, and baked goods. 

For example, they can be a delightful addition to your ice cream on a warm day or baked into a tart for a comforting dessert. 


With their sweet, fragrant flavour, are ideal for desserts like pies, cobblers, or eaten fresh.

For example, it’s a classic choice for a homemade peach pie, their sweetness perfectly complementing the buttery crust. 

Peach pie

Both fruits thrive in hot summers. Whether you’re hosting a summer barbecue or just looking for a healthy snack, these summer stone fruits are a perfect choice.

Nutritional Benefits

When it comes to the nutritional value of plums and peaches, both fruits are powerhouses in their own right. 

Plums, with their antioxidant properties, are fantastic for fighting off free radicals, keeping your skin glowing and your body healthy. On the other hand, peaches are rich in Vitamin C, a key nutrient for immune health and skin elasticity. 

Both fruits provide a good dose of vitamin B, essential for energy production and overall well-being. 

Despite their high sugar content, these fruits are naturally sweet and offer a healthier alternative to processed sugary snacks. 

When it comes to plum vs peach for dietary fibre, both plums and peaches supports digestion and helps in maintaining a healthy weight – a significant factor for anyone mindful of their health and appearance.

Plum vs Peach At the Grocery Store…

When its stone fruit season, typically in the summer, both fruits are at their peak and widely available. 

For selecting plums, look for fruits that are slightly firm with a deep colour. 

Peaches should be a little soft to the touch and have a fragrant aroma. 

To store, keep unripe plums and peaches at room temperature until they ripen, then transfer them to the refrigerator to prolong freshness. Remember, the best choice between plums and peaches often comes down to what’s in season and your personal flavour preference for the dish you’re preparing.


Deng H, Long X, Wang X, et al. Comparative Analysis of Carotenoid Profiles and Biosynthetic Gene Expressions among Ten Plum Cultivars. Plants (Basel). 2023;12(14):2711. Published 2023 Jul 21. doi:10.3390/plants12142711

Muto A, Christofides SR, Sirangelo TM, et al. Fruitomics: The Importance of Combining Sensory and Chemical Analyses in Assessing Cold Storage Responses of Six Peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch) Cultivars. Foods. 2022;11(17):2554. Published 2022 Aug 24. doi:10.3390/foods11172554