Preserving Summer: How Can You Freeze Lychee?

Can you freeze lychee - Lychee sorbet

Can you freeze lychee?
Yes, absolutely you can freeze lychees! Just peel and deseed the lychees, lay them out on a baking sheet and freeze. Once frozen, transfer them to a sealed container or freezer bag and they’re ready! Discover this and more as you explore the delightful world of lychees, whilst enhancing your journey to radiant health and beauty with this exotic, nourishing fruit.


Be beauty. Be plant-based!

As a former Registered Nurse and avid plant-muncher, I’m in love with how simple plant-based foods make it easy to be beautiful.

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Eating More to Weigh Less: Fruitful Freedom

Amongst the gorgeous, fruity options of nature, there’s a little, blushing tropical wonder waiting for its moment in your fresh smoothie or vibrant salad bowl – the lychee. Now, we also understand the clock doesn’t always sync with your health desires. Can you freeze lychee? Yes! Discover show to help this exotic treat to beat the clock and wait for you in its juiciest form, even during off-season.

Freezing lychees doesn’t just offer you a taste of the tropics at any time; it’s a brilliant way to extend the lychee season to suit your schedule. What busy woman doesn’t want that?

Fresh Lychees Vs. Frozen

But first, I know the thought that’s niggling at the back of your mind: “Will freezing change my lychee?” . We all love how fresh lychees have that undeniably subtle sweet flavour and a juicy, supple texture. But does freezing these delicate darlings completely destroy them?

Can you freeze lychees - bowl of lychees

The good news is that when frozen correctly, lychees retain many of their delightful characteristics. The white, juicy flesh remains sweet and slightly floral, although it might not be as juicy as its fresh counterpart. As for the texture, expect a bit more firmness in your frozen lychees. It might feel a touch less supple, but nothing too drastic. There are also minimal losses to nutritional value, so your vitamins and minerals are still largely intact.

So, while fresh fruit is great when possible, frozen lychees also get the green light. They’re a wonderful option when you’re looking for a burst of sweet fruitiness in your smoothie or just a cold, refreshing snack on a hot day.

How Can You Freeze Lychee?

Do you wanton enjoy the sweet and juicy burst of a fresh lychee, smack in the middle of winter? It sounds like a fantasy, but not anymore! Lychees can indeed be frozen, so you can enjoy this delicate fruit year-round, without compromising its essential nutrients and unique taste.

Here’s how you can make this tropical treat a permanent guest in your kitchen:

First, choose your freshest lychees. Remember, the freezing process can only maintain quality, not enhance it. So the juicier, the better. Once you’ve got your whole lychees sorted out, it’s time for a little prep.

Peel your lychees and deseed them, being careful to keep the white flesh intact. Trust us, you’ll want to savour every bit of that sweet, juicy flesh. 

Peeled lychees

Once they’re ready, place your lychees in a single layer on a baking sheet and let them freeze for a few hours. Freezing them individually first prevents them from sticking together later.

After they’re nicely frozen, transfer your lychees to an airtight container or a sealed freezer bag. You could also use a plastic bag, but make sure to squeeze out all the excess air. 

And voila! You’ve got yourself a bag of frozen lychees, ready to bring a tropical twist to your dishes whenever you wish. The key here is ensuring your lychees are stored in a truly airtight environment it retains their sweet, distinctive flavour and keeps freezer burn at bay.

But are you also wondering what happens to your lychees once they’re frozen?

In the next section, we’ll explore how to pick the perfect lychee, because whether it’s for freezing or immediate consumption, you always want the cream of the crop!

Picking the Perfect Lychee

In your quest for radiant health and beauty, it’s essential to choose only the best for your body. Picking the perfect lychee, whether from a lot of lychees or a bag of lychees, is a sensory experience in itself, and getting it right can make a world of difference to your palate and your plate.

Bowl of lychees

First, let your eyes be your guide. Fresh lychees have a vibrant reddish-pink shell. Any signs of brown spots or blemishes might indicate the fruit is past its prime. The skin should be a little rough but intact, and the whole lychee should feel firm when gently squeezed.

Next, follow your nose. A ripe lychee will give off a sweet, floral aroma. If it’s missing, the fruit might not be ripe yet. If it’s too strong, the fruit might be overripe.

Lastly, consider the weight. A good lychee has a heft to it. This usually signifies that the fruit inside is juicy and ready to eat.

So, there you have it, your guide to selecting the crème de la crème of lychees! Now you can confidently pick the perfect lychees to relish fresh or store in your freezer for that taste of summer, anytime you want.

The Lure of the Lychee

Now that you’ve learned how to pick your lychees like a pro, let’s uncover the unique charm that makes lychees a must-have in any health-conscious, beauty-seeking goddess’s fruit bowl. 

Lychees, with their rough exterior and juicy, white flesh, are the perfect metaphor for the unexpected sweetness that life can offer.

Peeling a lychee is like unwrapping a natural gift. Under the rind lies the sweet, translucent white flesh that wins hearts with its balance of tart and sweet flavours. It’s an exotic fruit, one that adds a touch of the tropics to your everyday. That juicy flesh can make a simple fruit salad feel like a gourmet dessert or turn your morning smoothie into a tropical treat.

Lychees: Your Tropical Partner in Health and Beauty

Incorporating lychees into your plant-based lifestyle means embracing diversity, savouring the unique, and making the most of what every season has to offer. 

Of course, that isn’t difficult with lychees.

Woman surrounded by giant lychees

However, lychees are not just about their irresistible taste. They also pack a punch when it comes to nutrition. They’re rich in vitamin C, helping you maintain that youthful glow, and are also a good source of several beneficial minerals like potassium and copper.

So here’s to embracing the exotic, savouring the sweet, and nurturing our beauty – from the inside out! Stay tuned for more exciting plant-based adventures and remember, you’re not just eating food; you’re eating life. Embrace it, enjoy it, and let it nourish you. Happy eating!

Storing Lychees Properly

Even the most seasoned plant-based goddess might pause for a moment when it comes to storing this delicate, exotic fruit. We all agree, there’s nothing quite like biting into a fresh lychee fruit with its juicy flesh, but keeping them that way can be a bit tricky. Worry not! We’re here with all the tips and tricks you need to store your lychees and preserve their freshness.

If you plan to devour your lychees soon after bringing them home, simply put them in a covered container or a bag and store in your refrigerator’s crisper drawer. They can stay fresh for up to a week this way. Remember, lychees, like most fresh fruit, love a cool, humid environment.

But what if you’ve got a lot of lychees and want to stretch that sweet goodness for a bit longer? This is where our star of the day, freezing, comes back into the picture. As we discussed earlier, freezing is a fantastic way to store lychees for a longer period. Just peel, deseed, freeze on a baking sheet, and then transfer to an airtight or sealed container.

Now, whenever you crave that sweet, tropical flavour, all you have to do is reach into your freezer. Your lychees will be as close to fresh as possible, whether you’re adding them to a fruit salad or blending them into your green smoothie.

Next, we’ll give you some more exciting ideas on how to incorporate both fresh and frozen lychees into your plant-based meals and snacks. Stay tuned, because lychees are about to take your culinary creations to a whole new level of deliciousness!

Lychee tree

Using Lychees in a Nourishing Plant-Based Diet

You’ve learned how to pick, freeze, and store your lychees. Now comes the fun part – exploring the versatility of this exotic fruit in your plant-based kitchen.

First up, let’s talk about whole fruit. Fresh lychees, with their juicy flesh and sweet-tart balance, are the perfect addition to your fruit salads. They not only add a tropical spin to the mix, but their juicy texture contrasts beautifully with the crunch of apples or the softness of bananas.

But the magic of lychees isn’t confined to salads alone. Have you considered adding them to your green smoothie? Frozen lychees are perfect for this. They lend a sweet, exotic flavour and a cooling touch, especially on those hot summer days. Plus, they pair wonderfully with leafy greens and other fruits like strawberries or pineapple.

If you’re feeling adventurous, why not try lychee sorbet? It’s a refreshing, plant-based dessert that’s sure to impress your taste buds. All you need are some frozen lychees, a splash of lemon juice, and a dash of sweetener. Blend them together, freeze the mixture, and voila – a homemade lychee sorbet!

Try this: Lychee Sorbet at One Green Planet

And let’s not forget about lychee salsa. Combine chopped lychees with some bell peppers, onions, cilantro, lime juice, and a pinch of salt for a sweet and tangy salsa that pairs perfectly with plant-based tacos or roasted vegetables.

The possibilities with lychees, fresh or frozen, are truly limitless. Experiment, mix and match, and let this sweet fruit inspire your culinary creativity.

More Ways to Enjoy Lychees

From the red lychee trees of Southeast Asia to your vibrant kitchen, there are countless ways to relish this exotic fruit. Whether you fancy a lychee cocktail or a bowl of lychee ice cream, this versatile fruit knows how to steal the show.

Lychee Cocktails and Martinis

First things first – have you ever tried a lychee cocktail or a lychee martini? If you haven’t, it might be a good idea to add these to your “must-try” list. The delicate balance of sweet and sour taste, paired with the floral notes of lychees, makes for a divine drink.

You can use canned lychees or fresh ones, as long as they’re peeled. The syrup from canned lychees also doubles as a sweetener. Simply muddle your lychees, add your favourite alcohol (or keep it non-alcoholic), and shake it up. Add a few lychee-juice ice cubes to keep it chilled without diluting the flavour. Yum! 

Voila, you’ve got a lychee cocktail that’s sure to impress!

Lychee Ice Cream and Sorbet

Next up, let’s talk about sweet treats. Lychee ice cream and lychee sorbet are fantastic ways to enjoy this fruit, especially during the summer months. For a healthier twist, try making your own at home. All you need are some peeled lychees (canned or fresh), a dash of sweetener, and a high-powered blender. The end result is a creamy, dreamy dessert that’s bursting with exotic flavours.

Dried Lychees

Dried lychees are another delightful treat. Available at your local Asian market, these snacks are perfect for those times when you can’t find fresh lychees. They’re chewy, sweet, and perfect for a long time snack storage. Just remember to store them in a cool, dry place to maintain their texture and flavour.

Remember, there are countless ways to enjoy lychees – and no wrong ones! Whether you prefer your lychees in a cocktail glass, in a dessert bowl, or in a snack bag, this versatile fruit is always ready to surprise and delight you. So, here’s to exploring different methods of savouring lychees, enjoying their bright red colour, and discovering your own best way to enjoy this gift from nature. After all, the journey to health and beauty is all about savouring the variety that life, or in this case, a lychee, has to offer!

Stay tuned for some thoughts on embracing lychees as part of your journey to health, beauty, and the vibrant life you deserve!

FAQ: Can You Freeze Lychee?

What is the best way to preserve lychee?

The best way to preserve lychees for long-term use is by freezing them. Peel and deseed the lychees, lay them on a baking sheet to freeze individually, then transfer them to a sealed container or freezer bag. For short-term use, lychees can be stored in the refrigerator in a covered container for about a week.

How should freezing of litchi be done?

To freeze litchis, begin by peeling and deseeding the fruits. Arrange them in a single layer on a baking sheet and place the sheet in the freezer. Once the lychees are fully frozen, transfer them to a sealed container or freezer bag. This method prevents the lychees from freezing into a solid lump and makes it easy to retrieve individual fruits as needed.

What does frozen lychee taste like?

Frozen lychees maintain the sweet, floral flavor of fresh lychees. However, the texture changes to a firmer, almost sorbet-like consistency, which can be a refreshing treat on a hot day or a delightful addition to smoothies and desserts.

What can I do with excess lychees?

If you find yourself with a surplus of lychees, apart from freezing them, you can also use them in a variety of dishes. Lychees make a great addition to fruit salads, cocktails, and desserts. You can also make lychee jam or juice. Drying lychees is another great option for long-term storage.

How long can lychee last in the fridge?

Fresh lychees, when stored in a covered container in the refrigerator, can last for about a week. However, their taste is best when consumed within the first few days. If you plan on storing them for longer, freezing is the best preservation method.

The Lychee Tree and its Fruity Offspring

Now that we’ve broken the ice (literally) on frozen lychees, let’s take a tropical detour to the roots of this exotic fruit. Native to Southern China, the lychee tree is a tall, evergreen beauty that produces this unique, luscious fruit. What’s fascinating is that one tree can be a home to different varieties of lychee.

Each variety has a twist on the classic lychee taste and appearance. Some of the popular ones are the “Sweetheart” lychee, with its heart-shaped fruit and tiny seed, and the “Emperor” lychee, famed for its large size and rich flavour. So, whether you’re buying a bag of lychees or sampling them straight from a lychee tree, remember, each one has a story to tell and a unique taste to offer!


Lychees 101: Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits at