Acne Miracle or Myth: Do Probiotics Cause Acne?

Do probiotics cause acne

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Probiotics might affect acne in different ways. For some, they can balance the good and bad bacteria in the gut, leading to clearer skin. But for others, especially with sensitive or acne-prone skin, probiotics could make things worse. It’s best to find probiotics that fit your specific skin needs.


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Welcome, beautiful reader. Are you wondering if probiotics cause acne?! Let’s unravel this together and discover how probiotics might affect your skin health, especially if you’re reaching for the glow of clear skin.

Probiotics, Gut Health and Your Skin’s Health

Probiotics are well-known for their benefits in digestion and enhancing our overall health. These good bacteria are key players in our immune system and play a vital role in maintaining the balance of gut flora, which is the mix of bacteria in our stomachs and intestines. Beyond gut health, probiotics also have a role in the skin microbiome—the tiny living things on our skin. They help fight bad bacteria and can be important for people with skin issues like acne.

Our body is connected in complex ways, and the gut-brain-skin axis is one example. This means that our gut health can affect our brain and skin conditions. When we use probiotics, we might change this connection. This change could either help or hurt our skin’s health, especially for those with acne-prone skin. Understanding this can help us take care of our skin from the inside out.

Probiotics cause acne

Probiotics and Skin Issues: A Complex Relationship

Have you ever noticed a few unwelcome pimples and wondered if the new probiotic you’re trying out might be to blame? You’re not alone. While we often hear about the fight between good bacteria and bad bacteria on our skin, the battle isn’t always clear-cut. Sometimes, introducing new gut bacteria through probiotics can trigger a response in your body that might show up as acne. 

But why would these health-boosting supplements cause such a stir? It could be due to a shift in your internal environment as your body adjusts to the new healthy bacteria. For those with acne-prone skin, this adjustment period can sometimes manifest as acne breakouts, adding to the list of pesky skin issues you’re already keeping an eye on.

Probiotic supplements

Probiotics: Friends or Foes for Acne-Prone Skin?

Deciding if probiotics are good or bad for skin with acne vulgaris is not easy. To understand this, we need to look at how the gut and skin work together. Good bacteria in our gut help with food and can make us feel happy or full of energy. However, these bacteria can also play a part in creating acne. This is the common name for the red spots that can make us feel less confident.

Sometimes, when there are more bad bacteria than good ones, it can make the body react with swelling, and this may cause acne. On the other hand, when there are enough good bacteria, they may help keep the swelling down and make our skin clearer

Taking a probiotic supplement might change this balance, so it’s important to pick the right kind of bacteria to help your skin.

Probiotics cause acne - woman smiling

Also, hormones can affect acne, leading to what’s known as hormonal acne, which is common in teenagers and adults. Probiotics might help with this by controlling how the body responds to hormones. But if the balance is not right, probiotics could cause acne flare-ups instead of helping. So, it’s a good idea to think about what kind of probiotic might be best for your skin type.

The Bright Side: Probiotics for Clear Skin

Probiotics aren’t just a topic of concern when it comes to skin health—there’s a positive side, too! The right kinds of probiotics can be quite helpful for keeping your skin healthy and clear. These good bacteria act like tiny guardians against the bad bacteria that can lead to skin problems or make your skin unhappy. Taking oral probiotics can send these helpers to your gut where they may calm down inflammation, which is often a cause of acne.

Applying probiotics on your skin, like in some skincare products, is another great way to use them. They can act like a barrier on your skin, keeping the harmful bacteria away and supporting the good ones that are already part of your skin’s natural protective layer. 

So, including probiotics in your skincare routine, whether you’re eating them or putting them on your face, might be what your skin needs to stay healthy and clear. The goal is to pick the kind of probiotics that get along best with your body and help keep your skin looking its best from the inside and the outside.

Finding the Right Probiotic Balance for Your Skin

Trying to get the right probiotic balance for your skin can be tricky. If you’re dealing with pimples and think your gut health may be the cause, picking the right kind and amount of probiotics might help

It’s important to choose probiotics that are made for acne-prone skin. You want just enough of the good bacteria to help, but not so much that it causes problems. Start slow with these good bacteria and see how your skin reacts. An example is Lactobacillus plantarum.

Adding probiotics to your daily routine should be done carefully. You can also put probiotics directly on your skin, which might help along with eating them. This can give your skin extra protection against the bad stuff that can give you acne. It’s more than just using a lot of probiotics; it’s about making sure they work well with your body to help you get healthier skin.

More probiotic supplements

What to Do If You Suspect Your Probiotics Cause Acne

If your radiant skin is disappearing behind redness and acne after starting probiotics, don’t panic. The first step is to pause and assess. Consider dialling back or stopping your probiotic intake and observe if your skin issues improve. This simple test can often tell you whether your acne breakouts are related to the probiotics or something else. It’s crucial to listen to your body and give it time to adjust. 

Sometimes, clearing out dead skin cells and giving your skin a break from any new products, including probiotics, can help. If cutting back on probiotics makes a difference, you’ll want to have a chat with a healthcare provider who can help you understand your gut-skin connection better. They might suggest different strains of probiotics or alternate methods to manage your acne-prone skin while still promoting a healthy gut.

When should I consider probiotics?

Understanding the signals your body sends can be like learning a new language. Does acne mean poor gut health? Not always, but it can be a clue. 

If your skin isn’t as clear as you’d like, considering the health of your gut microbiome might be a good step. To ‘wear’ your gut for acne means to nurture it with care, fostering a healthy environment that can reflect on your skin. So, how do you do this? 

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Start with the right diet, rich in fiber and plant-based foods, which can support a healthy gut. Then, if you decide to try probiotics again, choose strains known to be beneficial for acne. But remember, probiotics skincare isn’t just about swallowing a pill; it can also be about what you put on your skin. 

Topical probiotics might be helpful, acting directly on the skin’s surface to create a healthy barrier against bad bacteria and nurture the good ones. As always, it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional to find the perfect match for your unique skin needs.

The Search for the Best Probiotic for Acne

What exactly is the best probiotic for acne? This is a question many of our readers may ponder. The truth is, the answer varies from person to person. When looking for the best probiotics to help with acne, you want to search for strains that have been researched and shown to impact skin health positively. These beneficial bacteria may help manage inflammation and reduce the occurrence of acne breakouts. 

It’s also about the quality of the probiotic, ensuring it has live bacteria that can survive the journey to your gut. Consulting with a healthcare provider can help you navigate the vast array of options and find a probiotic with strains that have been linked to improving acne and supporting healthy skin.

Final Thoughts

Navigating the world of probiotics and skin health can be a complex journey, but it’s also an opportunity to get to know your body better. It’s important to remember that every person’s skin microbiome and gut microbiota are unique, so what works for one person might not work for another. 

It takes patience and sometimes a bit of trial and error to find the perfect balance for your skin. Always keep in mind that a holistic approach—one that includes a healthy diet, stress management, and proper skincare—is key for maintaining beautiful, healthy skin. Keep exploring and listening to your body, and you’re sure to find the path that leads to your most radiant self.


  1. Ai J, Ma W, Pan Z, et al. Ameliorative effect of Lactobacillus plantarum CCFM8661 on oleic acid-induced acne: integrated gut microbiota link to acne pathogenesis [published online ahead of print, 2023 Aug 13]. J Sci Food Agric. 2023;10.1002/jsfa.12921. doi:10.1002/jsfa.12921
  2. De Almeida CV, Antiga E, Lulli M. Oral and Topical Probiotics and Postbiotics in Skincare and Dermatological Therapy: A Concise Review. Microorganisms. 2023;11(6):1420. Published 2023 May 27. doi:10.3390/microorganisms11061420
  3. Kober MM, Bowe WP. The effect of probiotics on immune regulation, acne, and photoaging. Int J Womens Dermatol. 2015;1(2):85-89. Published 2015 Apr 6. doi:10.1016/j.ijwd.2015.02.001
  4. Manfredini M, Sticchi A, Lippolis N, et al. Characterization of Acne-Prone Skin with Reflectance Confocal Microscopy and Optical Coherence Tomography and Modifications Induced by Topical Treatment and Probiotic Supplementation. J Clin Med. 2023;12(14):4787. Published 2023 Jul 20. doi:10.3390/jcm12144787

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