Prune Juice vs Plum Juice: Which is Best?

Plum juice and prune juice

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Prune juice, made from dried prunes, is rich in fiber and has a natural laxative effect, making it ideal for digestive health. Plum juice, extracted from fresh plums, is lighter, rich in vitamins, and has lower sugar content, suitable for overall health and hydration. Your choice between the two should align with your health goals and dietary preferences.


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As a former Registered Nurse and avid plant-muncher, I’m in love with how simple plant-based foods make it easy to be beautiful.

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Welcome to our exploration of prune juice vs plum juice. Whether you’re sipping for health, beauty, or just the pure joy of it, understanding the nuances between each fruit juice can enrich your plant-based journey. From the sun-kissed orchards that gift us with fresh plums, to dried plums which are really prunes, every sip tells a story of nature’s bounty.

Prunes and Plums Explained

Prune Juice

Prunes, the star ingredient in prune juice, are essentially dried fruit made from specific types of plums, such as European or Californian plums (but not Japanese plums). These selected varieties are ideal for drying because they keep their flavor and nutrients intact, making them a nutritious choice for a healthy lifestyle. 

Prune juice, derived from these dried plums, offers a rich and robust flavor, catering to personal preference for a denser, more concentrated taste.


Plum Juice

Plum juice is a refreshing beverage made from the juice of fresh plums, known for its light and sweet flavor. It is typically derived from a variety of plum species, offering a range of tastes and nutritional profiles. Unlike prune juice, which is made from dried plums and has a denser, richer flavor and higher fiber content, plum juice is lighter both in texture and in nutritional density. 


Nutritional Content in Focus

When it comes to what’s inside that glass, both prune and plum juices boast impressive nutritional profiles. 

  • Prune Juice: A cup of prune juice is rich in insoluble fiber. This high fiber content aids digestion and is a key feature of prune juice.
  • Plum Juice: Squeezed from fresh plums, plum juice offers a variety of vitamins such as vitamin C and K.

Sugar and Fiber – A Delicate Balance

Let’s talk sweetness and fiber! When choosing between prune and plum juices, it’s important to consider their sugar and fiber content:

bottle of prune juice
  • Prune Juice: It’s a bit on the sweeter side due to its higher sugar content. But, it’s a fiber powerhouse, thanks to its high fiber content. Great for fiber fans, but those watching their blood sugar levels might need to be mindful.
  • Plum Juice: A champion for those who prefer less sweet tastes. It’s lighter, with minimal added sugar, making it a go-to for a guilt-free juice experience.
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Beauty Benefits: Prune Juice vs Plum Juice

Prune Juice

A star for digestive health with its high fiber content, prune juice can also play a role in your beauty routine. Rich in vitamins thanks to it’s rich colour, it helps in managing oxidative stress and combating free radicals, supporting skin health. 

However, be mindful of its natural sugars if you’re keeping an eye on blood sugar levels, and stay away from varieties with added sugar.

A moderate amount of much prune juice can also help maintain regular bowel movements, a key factor in both digestive system health and skin clarity.

Plum Juice

This lighter choice, with fewer calories is fantastic for those watching their weight. The vitamin C and vitamin K in fresh plum juice contribute to skin elasticity and help in reducing signs of aging. Vitamin B in plum juice also supports overall health, making it a beneficial drink for a wellness-focused diet. 

Prune juice vs plum juice - plum juice

Its beneficial effects on hydration and providing different vitamins cater to individual needs, making it a versatile option for both health and beauty regimes. Whether you’re looking for a post-workout refreshment or a gentle start to your day, these juices are excellent allies in your journey towards a healthier, more radiant you.

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Which Juice, When?

Wondering when to reach for that bottle of prune or plum juice? Let’s break it down:

  • Prune Juice: It shines in the morning or as a pre-bedtime ritual, especially if you’re after its higher fiber content for digestive support. Just keep in mind its high sugar content if you’re watching sugars.
  • Plum Juice: Perfect as a daytime refreshment. Its lower sugar and lightness make it a splendid choice for a vitamin boost without the extra sugar.
Prune juice vs plum juice

The Best Choice for Your Diet

Choosing the right juice can be a tasty part of your health journey:

Dietary Fiber

If fiber is what you’re after, prune juice, with its high amount of fiber, is your friend. It’s a fantastic choice for digestive health.

Diet and Lifestyle

Whether it’s a cup of plum juice for a light, nutritious drink, or a glass of prune juice for fiber richness, these juices can beautifully fit into your plant-based diet. Listen to your body and pick the juice that aligns with your health goals.

Making and Enjoying Your Juice

Ever thought about making your own juice? Here’s how to bring these delicious drinks into your daily routine:

Home-Made Plum Juice

Making homemade plum juice is quite simple and can be a delicious way to enjoy fresh plums. Here’s a straightforward method to create your own plum juice:


  • Ripe plums (about 1-2 pounds)
  • Water (optional, for diluting)
  • Sugar or honey (optional, for sweetness)
  • Lemon juice (optional, for a tangy flavor)
Glass of plum juice


  • Wash and Prep Plums: Rinse the plums thoroughly under cold water. Remove the pits and cut the plums into halves or quarters.
  • Blend the Plums: Place the plum pieces into a blender. Blend them until you achieve a smooth puree. For a thinner consistency, you can add a little water.
  • Strain the Juice: Pour the blended plum mixture through a fine-mesh strainer or cheesecloth into a large bowl or pitcher. Press the pulp with a spoon to extract as much juice as possible.
  • Sweeten and Flavor (Optional): If the juice is too tart, add sugar or honey to taste. You can also add a few drops of lemon juice for some added zing.
  • Chill and Serve: Refrigerate the juice for an hour or so until it’s cold. Give it a good stir before serving.
  • Enjoy: Pour the chilled plum juice into glasses and enjoy!

This homemade plum juice can be customized to your taste preferences and is a delightful way to enjoy the natural flavors of fresh plums.

Serving Suggestions: How about a refreshing glass of prune juice to start your day, or a cool cup of plum juice as an afternoon treat? Find your perfect portion to make the most of these delightful juices.

Homemade Prune Juice

Making homemade prune juice is a bit more involved than making fresh plum juice due to the nature of prunes being dried fruit. Here’s a simple method to prepare it:


  • Dried prunes (about 1 cup)
  • Water (about 4-5 cups)
  • Sugar or honey (optional, for sweetness)


  • Soak the Prunes: Place the dried prunes in a large bowl and cover them with water. Let them soak overnight, or for at least 8 hours, to soften.
  • Simmer the Prunes: Transfer the soaked prunes and the water they were soaked in into a large pot. Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce the heat and let it simmer for about 20-30 minutes. The prunes should become very soft.
  • Blend the Mixture: After simmering, allow the mixture to cool slightly. Then, blend the prunes and the liquid together using a blender to create a smooth consistency.
  • Strain the Juice: Pour the blended

mixture through a fine-mesh strainer or cheesecloth into a large pitcher or bowl. Press on the solids with a spoon to extract as much liquid as possible.

  • Sweeten (Optional): If desired, add sugar or honey to taste. Stir well to dissolve any added sweeteners.
  • Dilute the Juice (Optional): If the prune juice is too thick, you can dilute it with additional water until it reaches your preferred consistency.
  • Chill and Serve: Refrigerate the prune juice until it’s cold. Stir well before serving.
  • Enjoy: Pour the chilled prune juice into glasses. It’s now ready to be enjoyed!

Homemade prune juice can be a wonderful natural remedy for digestive issues and is a great way to incorporate more fiber into your diet. Remember, because of its high fiber content and natural laxative properties, it’s best to start with a small serving size to see how your body reacts.


And that wraps up our delightful journey through the world of prune and plum juices! Whether you choose the fiber-rich goodness of a glass of prune juice or opt for the lighter, vitamin-packed cup of plum juice, both choices can add a lovely zest to your health-focused, plant-based diet. Remember, it’s all about what suits your body and lifestyle best. So, why not try both and see which one resonates more with your taste buds and wellness goals? Here’s to making choices that not only taste good but also make you feel fabulous!

FAQ: Prune juice vs plum juice

Does plum juice have a laxative effect?

Yes, plum juice can have a mild laxative effect. This is due to the presence of certain sugar alcohols and phenolic compounds in plums. While not as strong as prune juice, plum juice, made from fresh fruit, can aid in maintaining a healthy digestive tract.

What juice cleans your bowels?

Prune juice is widely known for its laxative effect. The drying process of making dried prunes concentrates certain elements, making prune juice a natural laxative. Regular prune consumption can lead to better stool consistency and is beneficial for those struggling with constipation.

What is the main difference in the laxative effect between prune and plum juice?

The main difference lies in the intensity of the laxative effect. Prune juice, made from dried fruit, has a stronger laxative effect due to higher concentrations of fiber and sorbitol, a type of sugar alcohol. Plum juice, made from fresh fruit, has a milder effect.

Can drinking different kinds of juices improve digestive health?

Yes, incorporating different kinds of juices into your diet can contribute to good health, especially digestive health. Juices like prune and plum juice, rich in fiber and phenolic compounds, can aid in maintaining a healthy digestive system.

Are there specific types of plums that are better for juices?

The type of plum used can affect the nutritional value and taste of the juice. For example, European plums are often used for drying into dried prunes because they retain their nutrients and flavor well. For fresh plum juice, a variety of plums can be used based on personal preference.

How can I use prune juice as a natural laxative?

To use prune juice as a natural laxative, start with a small amount, such as half a cup. Some people find that drinking it warmed, like adding it to hot water, enhances its effectiveness. However, avoid consuming it in large quantities to prevent any adverse effects.

What are the health benefits of prunes beyond their laxative effect?

Beyond their laxative effect, the health benefits of prunes include high nutritional value, rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They also contain phenolic compounds, which have antioxidant properties, contributing to good health and potentially reducing the risk of certain chronic diseases.

Where can I buy prune or plum juice?

You can find both prune and plum juice at your local grocery store, often in the juice aisle. Prune juice is typically found near other fruit juices, and you might find plum juice near juices made from other fresh fruit.


Koyama T, Nagata N, Nishiura K, Miura N, Kawai T, Yamamoto H. Prune Juice Containing Sorbitol, Pectin, and Polyphenol Ameliorates Subjective Complaints and Hard Feces While Normalizing Stool in Chronic Constipation: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial. Am J Gastroenterol. 2022;117(10):1714-1717. doi:10.14309/ajg.0000000000001931

Van Der Schoot A, Katsirma Z, Whelan K, Dimidi E. Systematic review and meta-analysis: Foods, drinks and diets and their effect on chronic constipation in adults [published online ahead of print, 2023 Oct 31]. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2023;10.1111/apt.17782. doi:10.1111/apt.17782