Prunes vs Dates for Constipation: The Battle of the Bowel

Prunes vs dates for constipation - woman holding prunes

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When it comes to battling constipation, both prunes and dates are nature’s warriors. Prunes, with their high insoluble fibre content and natural laxative effects, often lead the charge. However, dates, rich in essential nutrients, offer their own gentle relief, making both fruits indispensable for digestive health.


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As a former Registered Nurse and avid plant-muncher, I’m in love with how simple plant-based foods make it easy to be beautiful.

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Hello, goddess on-the-go! With a diary that’s bursting and a heart that’s set on making the world a better place, your plate is full –  literally and figuratively. But here’s the thing: amidst the hustle and the countless goals, your health often takes a backseat. Don’t worry though, we’ve all been there; those pesky problems like constipation can be a dampener on even the brightest day. We’re here to unwrap a little secret for you—a natural, delicious remedy that can pave the way for better digestion and more glowing days, But which is better in the prunes vs dates comparison?


Let’s face it. Our lives are busy enough without irregularity. Enter prunes, a popular dried fruit with a legacy of easing occasional constipation troubles. This humble whole fruit might just be your secret weapon.

Whole Prunes

Prunes aren’t just dried fruits; think of them as nature’s fibre-packed gems. Originating from the family of stone fruits, their high-fibre content is a boon for your digestive tract. Consuming whole prunes ensures you’re ingesting enough water, and the delightful chewiness can turn them into your next favourite snack.

Prunes vs dates for constipation - prunes

The Laxative Effect of Prunes

What makes prunes champions against constipation? Beyond being a high-fibre food, there’s the presence of sugar alcohol. However it’s not the intoxicating kind, but sorbitol, the type enhancing prunes’ laxative prowess, making them a dual-action remedy. That’s why prune juice, which is mostly devoid of fibre, also works wonders. 

And before you start munching on these non-stop, a word of caution. Eating more than a dozen large prunes might mean a sorbitol overload, which for some could get things moving a bit too quickly.

Whole Prunes vs. Prune Juice

Should you relish the goodness of prunes by good old chewing or savour the natural sugars by sipping? Both are good sources of fibre and carry their unique set of benefits. Choose the type you can stick with.

If you’re always on the go, prune juice is the one for you. Acting as a gentle natural laxative, prune juice, unlike many other fruit juices, lacks added sugars, giving you pure, unadulterated goodness.

Prune juice

Serving Suggestions

For Severe Constipation

When things haven’t been moving, fresh dates or a generous serving of prunes might kickstart the journey. Start small, adjust as needed. Aim for regularity, not overdrive!

For Those Without Constipation

If your digestive system is on point, you might wonder if prunes are still your friends. Good news: most can relish up to 12 prunes daily without drama. Fun fact to drop at your next brunch: prunes have been used both to help those desperate for a bathroom break and those who can’t stop the breaks! A versatile superstar indeed.

For General Health

Want to keep things flowing or just introduce a tasty, fibre-rich element to your diet? Prunes are the answer. Blend them into savoury dishes for an intriguing twist or savour them solo.

Simplicity often holds profound solutions. In our quest for digestive happiness, prunes stand tall as unsung heroes. Whether munching or sipping, with prunes by your side, you’re set to face each day with energy and enthusiasm.

The Science Behind the Prunes

How do we know that prunes really work?

Studies and The Elderly: There was a study where elderly women with severe constipation were given around a dozen prunes daily. The results? Significant improvement within just a week. But hey, before you jump to conclusions, let’s dissect this a bit.

The Placebo Effect: In this study, while our prune-eating group was thriving, the control group was left hanging without any interventions. And guess what? Some studies suggest that nearly half the people given a placebo (a sugar pill with no real medicine) felt they improved. So, was it all in the mind?

Comparing Prune Intakes: To clear the air, a new study rolled out. Participants were split into groups: some had 8 prunes with water, others had 12 prunes with water, and the last group just had water. Even the water-only group was told their drink might help constipation (talk about staying hydrated!). Most previous studies settled on 10 prunes a day, but these researchers wanted to get cheeky and see if more prunes packed a bigger punch. The verdict? Both 8 and 12 prunes worked wonders in bulking up stools and making those bathroom trips more, well, regular. But between 8 and 12? No real difference, so why eat more if 8 does the trick?

Prunes vs. Metamucil: Ever heard of Metamucil? It’s made from psyllium and many reach for it to ease their bathroom blues. But hold on to your prunes, ladies! Turns out, prunes outshine even Metamucil, offering better stool frequency and consistency. 

Quite the showstopper, right?


Dates! These sweet delights that have graced our tables during festive moments and offered solace during those afternoon energy slumps. But beyond their delectable taste, dates are also quietly working wonders on our health.

Prunes vs dates for constipation - bowl of hallawi dates

The Constipation Combatting Power of Dates

Though prunes often steal the limelight when it comes to combating constipation, dates shouldn’t be underestimated. They offer a gentle laxative effect, assisting in the smooth functioning of the digestive system. What’s more, dates play an important role in promoting digestive tract health, ensuring not just momentary relief but long-term well-being.

Whole Dates vs. Date Juice

The age-old conundrum: to nibble or to drink?

Whole Dates: These sweet treasures are not just about flavour. They come packed with an impressive array of nutrients, making them more than just a sweet treat. Like prunes, dates also contain fibre, but with an added advantage: they bring along essential vitamins and minerals. Their natural sweetness can curb your sugar cravings, making them a great alternative to those sugary snacks which aren’t good for your constipation.

Date Juice: While less common than its prune counterpart, date juice can be a refreshing change. Naturally sweet and rich, it can be a healthier replacement for sugary drinks. Plus, it retains some of the health benefits found in whole dates, ensuring you’re not missing out completely.

Serving Suggestions

For Digestive Boost: While they might not pack as strong a punch as prunes, incorporating dates can still offer significant relief. A handful of dates can help ease the digestive process, especially if you’ve indulged in a heavy meal. Seven dates a day can increase bowel movement.

For Wholesome Nutrition: Dates are versatile. Blend them into smoothies for a natural sweetener, sprinkle chopped dates on salads for a sweet twist, or enjoy them with nuts as a satisfying snack. They’re not just about taste; they’re about overall health.

In the grand tapestry of health foods, dates shine as both a star and a support. They might be sweet in taste, but their benefits are seriously powerful. So, the next time you’re reaching for a snack or contemplating a natural sweetener, let the humble date be your pick. It promises both flavor and a flourish of health!

Fun and Tasty Ways to Incorporate Prunes and Dates

Embrace your inner chef, because it’s time to bring prunes and dates to the culinary forefront. Let’s embark on a tasty journey from farm to plate:

Sweet and Savoury Delights: Prunes and dates aren’t just confined to your snack bowl. They can be the show-stealers in various dishes. Think date and walnut muffins, prune-stuffed chicken, or date-based salad dressings. The options are endless!

Date muffin

Pairing with Citrus Fruits: Want to elevate the health benefits and taste of your prune and date dishes? Add a sprinkle of citrus! Whether it’s orange zest in your date pudding or lemon juice in your prune jam, citrus fruits not only enhance the flavor but also bring along their own set of health perks.

From their surprising health benefits to their culinary versatility, prunes and dates truly are nature’s little miracles. The next time you’re crafting a meal or looking for a snack, let these fruits take center stage. Your body, taste buds, and spirit will all sing in gratitude!

Prunes vs dates for constipation: Side Benefits

Oh, the versatile magic of prunes and dates! Beyond the much-talked-about digestive boost, these fruits are silently working wonders in other realms of your health. Let’s delve deeper into their lesser-known roles:

Weight Loss: Who would’ve thought that these sweet delights could be secret allies in your weight loss journey? High-fibre foods, like prunes and dates, create a feeling of fullness. They slow down the digestion process, making you feel sated for longer. The result? Fewer unnecessary snacks and a more controlled appetite.

Bone Health: Now, here’s where it gets interesting. Both prunes and dates have been linked to improved bone health. They contain minerals like boron and potassium which are essential for maintaining bone density.

Role of Vitamin K: Speaking of bones, let’s shed some light on Vitamin K—a crucial player in bone health. Present in prunes, Vitamin K ensures that calcium is adequately bound in bones and teeth. This very vitamin is also instrumental in reducing bone loss, making prunes an essential snack as we age.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): While prunes and dates offer relief from constipation, they may also have a part to play in managing IBS. Their fibre content aids in regular bowel movements, potentially reducing the symptoms of IBS. However, do consult with a health professional if you have IBS to find a balance that suits you best.

FAQ: Prunes vs dates for constipation

Q: Which are better for constipation, dates or prunes?

A: Both dates and prunes are fibre-rich foods and can be beneficial for constipation. However, prunes, often referred to as dried plums, are particularly rich in insoluble fibre which is known to aid bowel movements. While dates are a good source of fibre and contribute to a healthy diet, prunes might have a slight edge in terms of immediate constipation relief.

Q: How many prunes should I eat for constipation?

A: If constipation is a common problem, consuming about 8 to 12 prunes a day can help. However, it’s essential to remember that everyone’s body is different. Start with a smaller number, say four or five, and increase as needed. As always, consider the rest of your diet and ensure you’re consuming a variety of high-fibre foods.

Q: How long do prunes take to stop constipation?

A: Prunes, especially California prunes which are known for their high-quality, generally start showing their effect within a few hours to a day after consumption. However, it might vary depending on the severity of your constipation. For chronic constipation, consistent inclusion of prunes in your diet might offer more extended relief.

Q: How many dates should I eat a day for constipation?

A: Dates, especially popular varieties like Medjool dates, can be part of a healthy diet to combat constipation. Eating about 3-5 dates daily can be a beneficial addition. Remember, while they are a natural sweetener with no added sugar, they have a high glycemic index, so it’s essential to consume them in moderation.

Q: Are prunes just dried plums?

A: Yes, prunes are essentially dried plums. The term “prune” is primarily used to denote plums that have been dried for storage purposes. When incorporated into a diet, they become one of the best foods to aid digestive health. Have you ever wondered how a juicy plum transforms into a wrinkly prune? It’s all about sun-drying. Fresh plums are naturally dehydrated to remove moisture, resulting in the deliciously sweet and chewy prunes we adore.

Q: With so many varieties of dates available, which one is the most beneficial for constipation?

A: While all dates contribute to a fibre-rich diet, Medjool dates are among the most popular and are known for their juicy and soft texture. However, when it comes to constipation relief, most varieties should offer similar benefits as they are all a good source of fibre.


Eid N, Osmanova H, Natchez C, et al. Impact of palm date consumption on microbiota growth and large intestinal health: a randomised, controlled, cross-over, human intervention study. Br J Nutr. 2015;114(8):1226-1236. doi:10.1017/S0007114515002780

Lever E, Cole J, Scott SM, Emery PW, Whelan K. Systematic review: the effect of prunes on gastrointestinal function. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2014;40(7):750-758. doi:10.1111/apt.12913

Lever E, Scott SM, Louis P, Emery PW, Whelan K. The effect of prunes on stool output, gut transit time and gastrointestinal microbiota: A randomised controlled trial. Clin Nutr. 2019;38(1):165-173. doi:10.1016/j.clnu.2018.01.003

Mansouri A, Shahraki-Vahed A, Shadadi H, Sanchooli HN, Arbabisarjou A. The effect of prune on the severity of constipation in elderly women. Bali Med J. 2018;7(1):141

Nee J, Sugarman MA, Ballou S, et al. Placebo Response in Chronic Idiopathic Constipation: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Am J Gastroenterol. 2019;114(12):1838-1846. doi:10.14309/ajg.0000000000000399

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