How to choose between red okra vs green okra

Red okra vs green okra

Have you mesmerised by the strikingly rich red hue of red okra, but don’t know how it compares to the more common green okra?  Today, we’re diving into the colourful consideration of red okra vs green okra.

Hi, I’m Hazel

I gave up on skincare after years of issues with acne and sensitive skin.

But after going plant-based, my skin cleared up and even started to glow. Now I help women reveal their natural beauty with simple, delicious plant-based food.

I also used to be a nurse, and love nerding out on nutritional science (high-quality science, that is).

As usual, this post is based on the strongest nutritional evidence I could find with a focus on the simplest, most delicious foods

…because who has time to waste on actions that don’t work?

The quick version:

When choosing between red and green okra, consider both color and texture: red okra, with its vibrant hue and firmer texture, is great for raw dishes or where visual appeal is key, while green okra, typically softer, is ideal for stews and gumbos. Both varieties offer similar nutritional benefits, so your choice might hinge more on culinary needs and personal taste preferences.

Red okra vs Green okra

Bowl of red okra

There are several types of okra andeach bring distinct qualities to your table. 

Here’s a closer look at what sets the red okra vs green okra types apart and how they can enhance your culinary creations.

  • Green Okra: Often seen with bright green pods and pale green hues, this common variety is a staple in many dishes around the world. Known for its mild flavour and versatility, green okra is perfect for those who enjoy a tender texture in their meals.
  • Red Okra: This is a less common variety, although there are multiple red okra varieties, boasts vibrant red pods and burgundy stems. While red okra edible parts often turn brownish when cooked, they remain a fantastic choice for adding a splash of colour to salads and other raw dishes.
  • Texture and Cooking: Green okra tends to soften significantly when cooked, making it ideal for gumbos and stews. In contrast, red okra maintains a firmer texture thanks to its slender pods, making it suitable for frying or eating raw in salads.
  • Nutritional Insights: Both red and green okra offer similar nutritional benefits, including fibre, vitamins, and minerals. There isn’t much difference nutritionally, but the choice may depend on the desired presentation and texture in dishes.
  • Seed Pods: Both types contain seed pods that can be harvested and used for planting red okra plants or to discover new red varieties of okra.
  • Raw and Bright: Raw red okra stands out with its stark red colour, perfect for adding a visual element to fresh dishes, while bright green okra brings a classic look that’s both appealing and appetising.

Taste and Texture

Red okra vs green okra - green okra

The different texture and flavour profiles of red okra and green okra can transform your meals in a variety of ways:

  • Crispiness of Red Okra: Red okra holds its firm texture even after cooking, providing a satisfying crunch in dishes.
  • Softness of Green Okra: Green okra softens more during cooking, ideal for stews and gumbos where it can thicken the broth.
  • Taste Variations: Red okra has a more pronounced earthy flavour, while green okra is milder and often preferred for its subtle sweetness. 

Summary: Whether you opt for the crisp texture of red okra or the softer green variety, each brings its unique taste and cooking behavior to the table, enriching your culinary experiences.

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Health benefits 

Okra has diverse nutritional value and there are wide-ranging health benefits of red okra and green okra (1). Both varieties boost overall wellness with their nutrient-rich profiles.

  • Antioxidant Rich: Combat free radicals with okra’s antioxidants like vitamin c for better skin and health.
  • Vitamins & Minerals: Essential for health, both okras offer a bounty of nutrients.
  • Fibre Boost: The high fibre in okra aids digestion and supports a healthy lifestyle.
  • Digestive Health: Regular consumption helps maintain a smooth digestive process.
  • Overall Wellness: Contribute to heart health and blood sugar regulation through regular okra intake. 

Summary:Adding both red and green okra to your diet diversifies nutrient intake and amplifies health benefits, supporting everything from your skin to your digestive system.

What Is Red Okra Good For?

Red okra is not only striking for its vibrant colour but also offers culinary and nutritional value. 

Bowl of red okra

While the bold red colour can add a visual pop to raw dishes, it’s worth noting that this colour tends to fade to green when cooked. 

Despite this, red okra maintains its rich, earthy flavour and firm texture, making it ideal for dishes that require a bit of crunch, like stir-fries and fresh salads. Nutritionally, red okra shares many of the same benefits as green okra, including high fibre content, vitamins, and antioxidants that support overall health.

Is Red Okra Better Than Green?

When deciding whether red okra vs green okra is better, it’s important to consider that there isn’t definitive scientific research directly comparing the two. Both varieties offer similar nutritional profiles and health benefits, making them equally valuable in a health-conscious diet. 

The choice often comes down to personal preference regarding texture and taste, as well as how the okra is used in recipes. 

The aesthetic appeal of red okra might influence initial choices due to its hue but cooked green okra retains its green colour, so it’s more appealing in cooked meals.

Ultimately, both types are versatile and nutritious options for any kitchen.

Cooking with okra

Learn the best ways to cook red okra and green okra to enhance their natural flavours and textures.

Plate of green okra
  • Whole Okra Cooking: Roast whole okra pods to keep them crisp and tasty, perfect for a side dish.
  • Slicing Okra Pods: Slice okra for stir-fries or sautéing, allowing the pods to absorb flavours and soften slightly.
  • Using Okra Seeds: Toast okra seeds to add a nutty crunch to salads or as a garnish. 

Summary: From roasting to sautéing, each cooking method can be tailored to suit the unique characteristics of red and green okra, making your dishes both delicious and visually appealing.

Red okra vs Green okra

As we wrap up our exploration of red okra vs green okra, it’s clear that both varieties bring substantial benefits to the table. From their rich nutritional value to their versatile culinary uses, red and green okra are both stars in their own right. Whether you’re drawn to the earthy tones of red okra or the mild sweetness of green, incorporating these vegetables into your meals can enhance your diet with vibrant flavours and essential nutrients. So, don’t hesitate to experiment with both types of okra in your cooking adventures and discover the unique qualities each has to offer.


Most references below will link to the original peer-reviewed study itself. However, sometimes I will link to a video over at instead, which is by far the single best resource of brutally transparent nutritional evidence you will ever see. Dr Greger tells a great story about the realities of the science and if I think you will benefit more from one of his videos, the link will take you there instead.

Happy nerding!

  1. Elkhalifa AEO, Alshammari E, Adnan M, et al. Okra (Abelmoschus Esculentus) as a Potential Dietary Medicine with Nutraceutical Importance for Sustainable Health Applications. Molecules. 2021;26(3):696. Published 2021 Jan 28. doi:10.3390/molecules26030696

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