How to choose between strawberry and regular papaya

Is pink or orange better?

Strawberry papaya vs regular papaya

Do you want to know if strawberry papaya or regular papaya is better for your skincare routine and overall wellbeing? You’re in the right place.

Hi, I’m Hazel

I gave up on skincare after years of issues with acne and sensitive skin.

But after going plant-based, my skin cleared up and even started to glow. Now I help women reveal their natural beauty with simple, delicious plant-based food.

I also used to be a nurse, and love nerding out on nutritional science (high-quality science, that is).

As usual, this post is based on the best nutritional evidence I could find with a focus on the simplest, most delicious foods

…because who has time to waste on actions that don’t work?

Telling them apart

One of the most striking differences between these two types of papayas is their appearance. 

Strawberry papaya boasts a yellowish-orange or freckled greenish-yellow skin that becomes more vibrant as it ripens. Inside, its flesh is a rich reddish-orange colour, making it visually appealing and perfect for brightening up any dish. It’s also known as the Hawaiian sunrise papaya.

Strawberry papaya

Regular papaya typically has a green skin that turns yellow when ripe, with orange or pinkish flesh inside. This vibrant colour difference makes both types of papaya attractive additions to your meals, whether you’re preparing a tropical fruit salad or a refreshing smoothie. The colourful appearance of papayas can make healthy eating more enjoyable and appealing.

Both contain small black seeds inside.

Which one tastes better?

When it comes to taste and texture, strawberry papaya and regular papaya offer unique experiences.

What does strawberry papaya taste like?

Strawberry papaya is renowned for its sweetness, with a flavour profile that includes hints of fresh peaches, melon, and berries. Its lower acidity makes it a sweeter treat that won’t overwhelm your taste buds. This variety is perfect for those who prefer a more palatable fruit that can be easily incorporated into various dishes.

Payaya on a kitchen bench top

What does regular papaya taste like?

In contrast, regular papaya has a mild, slightly sweet flavour with a musky undertone. This variety is more commonly available and can be used in both sweet and savoury dishes, adding a unique taste to your meals.

These taste differences can enhance your diet by providing options that suit different recipes and preferences. Whether you’re making a tropical smoothie, a fresh salad, or just enjoying the fruit on its own, the delicious sweet taste of strawberry papaya or the mild, versatile flavor of regular papaya will satisfy your taste buds.

Which one is easier to eat?

Strawberry papaya seeds are easy to remove due to the fruit’s shallower seed cavity. This makes strawberry papaya a convenient choice when you want a quick and easy-to-prepare snack. Simply slice the fruit lengthwise, scoop out the seeds, and enjoy its sweet flesh.

For regular papaya, the deeper seed cavity might take a bit more effort to clean, but it’s still a simple process. However it’s a lot easier to find ‘regular papaya’ compared to the pinker version. So maybe this make it the easiest in the end.

Ultimate these two different types of papaya can be easily incorporated into a busy lifestyle. Keep a few firm papayas at room temperature to ripen, and store ripe fruit in the refrigerator to have a healthy, delicious option ready anytime.

orange coloured papaya

Which one is better for my skin?

Both strawberry papaya and regular papaya are packed with nutrients that are essential for maintaining healthy, glowing skin. 

Regular papaya is rich in antioxidants. In fact it has twice the amount of antioxidants compared to banana (1). It’s an excellent source of vitamins including vitamins A, C, and E, B complex vitamins, such as pantothenic acid and folate, and minerals, such as magnesium and potassium (2). These vitamins are crucial for skin health, providing antioxidants that help to fight free radicals, reduce inflammation, and promote skin repair.

Unfortunately the researchers didn’t test strawberry papaya so we don’t know which one has more.

However reddish-coloured fruits like strawberry papaya contain lycopene, which is an antioxidant which can combat reactive oxygen species, a type of free radical (3). It may also improve blood flow, reduce inflammation and assist in age prevention (4, 5). 

But you can get lycopene from regular papaya too (5).

Both types of papaya are worthy of a place in your diet. They offer high nutritional value without the need for complex preparation, and while keeping your skin radiant and youthful.

The quick version:

Strawberry papaya, with its vibrant reddish-orange flesh and easy-to-remove seeds, is a prettier and sweeter option for those looking to enhance their skincare and overall health. However regular papaya is easier to find, and is also rich in antioxidants.

Which one is better for my health?

I would love to be able to tell you something like ‘strawberry papaya has vitamin a, vitamin c and vitamin e, while regular papaya has vitamin k and lots of dietary fiber. Then we would have a better idea what each fruit is best for. 

Unfortunately there’s a real lack of high-quality evidence regarding the nutritional value of papaya and I didn’t find anything at all on strawberry papaya vs regular papaya. 

We also know that colour matters when it comes to nutritional value and health impact. The more colourful the fruit is, the more nutrients it has. Also, the different colours indicate they they contain different nutrients.

So for the healthiest option, pick the brightest coloured papaya you can find.

Assorted fruits

Culinary Uses and Recipes

Both of these exotic fruits are incredibly versatile and can be used in various recipes to enhance your diet:

  • Papaya salad: A refreshing and healthy dish that pairs well with a fresh squeezed lime.
  • Smoothies: Blend papaya with other fruits for a delicious and nutritious drink.
  • Salsas and chutneys: Add diced papaya for a sweet and tangy twist.

These options provide you with diverse flavors for variation and help make sure that you don’t get bored.

Strawberry papaya vs regular papaya

Choosing between strawberry papaya and regular papaya depends on your preferences and specific needs. Both types offer significant health benefits, including improved skin health and overall well-being. Strawberry papaya, with its easy-to-remove seeds and sweet, vibrant flesh, is a convenient and tasty option. Regular papaya, with its rich antioxidant content, provides excellent support for skin health and nutrition. Ultimately, whether you opt for strawberry papaya or regular papaya, incorporating these nutrient-dense fruits into your diet can contribute to a healthier, more radiant you. So next time you’re deciding between strawberry papaya vs regular papaya, remember that both are great choices for boosting your health and enhancing your skincare routine.

FAQ: Strawberry papaya vs regular papaya

Why is it called strawberry papaya? 

Strawberry papaya is named for its sweet, reddish-orange flesh that resembles the colour of strawberries. It’s also known as the Hawaiian sunrise papaya.

What is the difference between strawberry papaya and Hawaiian papaya?

Strawberry papaya, or Hawaiian sunrise papaya, is a type of Hawaiian papaya. It is smaller, sweeter, and has a reddish-orange flesh compared to other Hawaiian papayas like the waimanalo papaya, which may vary in size and sweetness.

What kind of papaya is best?

The best papaya depends on your preference. If you enjoy sweet, smaller fruits, strawberry papayas or Hawaiian sunrise papayas are excellent. For larger, less sweet options, Mexican papayas or golden papayas might be preferable.

Are there 2 types of papayas?

Yes, there are primarily two types of papayas: Hawaiian papayas, which include varieties like the strawberry papaya and waimanalo papaya, and Mexican papayas, known for their larger size and milder flavor.

Which variety of papaya is the sweetest?

The sweetest variety of papaya is typically the strawberry papaya, known for its rich, sweet flavor. Other sweet options include certain Hawaiian papayas and golden papayas.


Most references below will link to the original peer-reviewed study itself. However sometimes I will link to a video over at instead, which is by far the single best resource of brutally transparent nutritional evidence you will ever see. Dr Greger tells a great story about the realities of the science and if I think you will benefit more from one of his videos, the link will take you there instead.

Happy nerding!

  1. Carlsen MH, Halvorsen BL, Holte K, et al. The total antioxidant content of more than 3100 foods, beverages, spices, herbs and supplements used worldwide. Nutr J. 2010;9:3. Published 2010 Jan 22. doi:10.1186/1475-2891-9-3
  2. Santana LF, Inada AC, Espirito Santo BLSD, et al. Nutraceutical Potential of Carica papaya in Metabolic Syndrome. Nutrients. 2019;11(7):1608. Published 2019 Jul 16. doi:10.3390/nu11071608
  3. Bin-Jumah MN, Nadeem MS, Gilani SJ, et al. Lycopene: A Natural Arsenal in the War against Oxidative Stress and Cardiovascular Diseases. Antioxidants (Basel). 2022;11(2):232. Published 2022 Jan 26. doi:10.3390/antiox11020232
  4. Abir MH, Mahamud AGMSU, Tonny SH, et al. Pharmacological potentials of lycopene against aging and aging-related disorders: A review. Food Sci Nutr. 2023;11(10):5701-5735. Published 2023 Jun 27. doi:10.1002/fsn3.3523
  5. Mozos I, Stoian D, Caraba A, Malainer C, Horbańczuk JO, Atanasov AG. Lycopene and Vascular Health. Front Pharmacol. 2018;9:521. Published 2018 May 23. doi:10.3389/fphar.2018.00521

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