Unpeeling the Facts: Banana vs. Potato

Banana vs potato

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Bananas and potatoes both have their perks. Bananas offer more essential vitamins and are great for a quick energy boost. Potatoes offer more fiber and potassium, making them filling and good for heart health.


Be beauty. Be plant-based!

As a former Registered Nurse and avid plant-muncher, I’m in love with how simple plant-based foods make it easy to be beautiful.

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When it comes to the banana vs. potato debate, who hasn’t wondered which one to pick up from the grocery shelf? It’s a tricky choice, especially when you’re aiming to look and feel your best. Don’t worry, this post will help you sift through the facts and make a decision that will leave you feeling nothing less than fabulous.

Banana vs Potato: Key Comparisons 

Carbohydrate Content

Let’s start with the basics: carbohydrates. You might be surprised to learn that a medium banana contains about 28 grams of carbs, while a medium-sized potato has around 26 grams. So, if you’re counting carbohydrates, a medium banana is your go-to.

Bowl of bananas

Raw Goodness

You might love a raw banana smoothie or enjoy munching on raw potato slices. But when it comes to raw benefits, bananas take the lead. They’re packed with essential nutrients like vitamin b6 and offer a good amount of mg of potassium. 

Raw potatoes, although not usually consumed raw, also have their share of dietary fibre but don’t offer as much nutritional value as bananas.

By prioritising these comparisons, you’ll be well on your way to making the healthy and rewarding choice that you deserve. Stay tuned as we dive deeper into other comparisons, including the tantalising topic of chips. Keep reading, beautiful!

Nutritional Goldmine: Banana or Sweet Potato?

Now, let’s elevate the discussion a bit and introduce another contender: sweet potatoes. When it comes to nutritional value, both bananas and sweet potatoes are champs. Bananas are a source of essential nutrients like vitamin B and dietary fibre. Sweet potatoes, on the other hand, offer less sugar and a lower glycemic index, making them a good choice for weight loss. 

So, if you’re eyeing a slimmer figure along with health benefits, sweet potatoes might just be your new best friend.

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Chips: Crunchy and Healthy?

The crispy crunch of chips—there’s nothing quite like it, right? But wait, which is the healthier option, potato chips or banana chips? 

Banana chips

Here’s the lowdown: traditional potato chips often contain unhealthy fatty acids and are high in sodium. Banana chips, however, contain less sodium and offer a touch of natural sweetness. Although neither option is a health superstar, banana chips take the edge when you need that crunchy fix.

By keeping these quick comparisons in mind, you’re not just making better food choices—you’re investing in a more beautiful and healthier you. Up next, we’ll delve into the health benefits of these popular foods, including green bananas and the much-adored sweet potato. Keep going, beautiful, you’re doing great!

Beauty Benefits: Skincare and Weight Loss

When we talk about beauty, it’s not just about what you see on the outside; it’s also about taking care of yourself from the inside. And guess what? Both bananas and potatoes can help you shine in your own unique way.

Banana vs potato: Woman eating bananas

Skincare Wonders

Bananas, especially yellow bananas, are rich in essential vitamins like vitamin C, pantothenic acid, and vitamin E. These nutrients can help fight free radicals that age your skin. Potatoes aren’t far behind. They also contain vitamin C, which helps with skin elasticity. Depending on your personal preference, you can even use slices of these nutritious foods as a natural face mask!

Weight Loss and Overall Health

Both bananas and potatoes can support your weight loss journey, but in different ways. Bananas are a good source of fibre and have natural sugar, which provides a quick energy boost without the crash. Potatoes, especially sweet potatoes, are lower in calories and are a good choice for those looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

The Potassium Factor

Let’s not forget the much potassium in both these foods. Potassium is essential for overall health and can even help control water balance in your body, reducing puffiness and bloating.

Tailoring to Your Needs

Whether it’s the B vitamins in bananas or the fibre in potatoes, each brings something special to the table. Align these benefits with your health goals to lead a more balanced and healthy lifestyle.

In the end, the choice between bananas and potatoes might come down to personal preference and specific health goals. Both are versatile and can fit into a beauty regimen that makes you feel as good as you look.

Health Benefits: Banana vs Potato

Health Benefits of Bananas

Bananas are more than just a tasty snack; they are full of good things your body needs. They have essential nutrients like vitamin B , potassium and dietary fibre. These can help keep your heart healthy and your stomach full.

Health Benefits of Potatoes

Don’t count out potatoes just yet. They have their own set of good things, like resistant starch and grams of protein. A medium-sized potato has about 425 mg of potassium and 2.1 grams of fibre. That’s a lot! While they might not have as many vitamins as bananas, they make up for it with other nutrients.

Bowl of potato salad

How They Affect Your Blood Sugar

Blood sugar levels are important to keep an eye on, especially if you’re aiming for a balanced diet. Bananas have natural sugars that can raise your blood sugar, but they also have fibre that helps balance it out. Potatoes, on the other hand, can make your blood sugar rise quickly if they’re cooked in certain ways like frying. Sweet potatoes are a better option here; they have a lower glycemic index, which means a slower rise in blood sugar.

Beyond Basics: Sweet Potatoes and Green Bananas

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes aren’t just tasty; they are good for you too. They have less sugar and a lower glycemic index compared to regular potatoes. This means they are better for your blood sugar levels. They can even help with weight loss and give you a lot of the nutrients you need.

Green Bananas

Have you ever tried green bananas? They are a hidden gem. Green bananas have resistant starch, which is good for your gut. They also have less sugar than ripe bananas, making them a good choice for keeping your blood sugar low.

Banana vs Potato in a Balanced Diet

So how can you make these foods work for you in a balanced diet? 

Remember, it’s not just what you eat but also how you cook it. For example, frying potatoes might add unhealthy fatty acids, but baking or boiling them means you only eat the good stuff. 

Same goes for bananas; using them in a smoothie with other fruits can add more essential nutrients to your meal.

Both bananas and potatoes can fit into a balanced diet if you pay attention to how you prepare them and what you pair them with. Variety is the key to getting all the nutrients you need.


By now, you should have a solid idea of how bananas and potatoes compare. From their carbohydrate content to how they fit into a balanced diet, each has its pros and cons. Remember, the best choice depends on your own health goals and lifestyle. Whether it’s the mg of potassium in a banana or the grams of fibre in a potato, you’re now equipped to make an informed choice.

FAQ: Banana vs Potato

What is healthier than potatoes?

While potatoes are a nutritious food and a staple food in many diets, there are other options with fewer calories or a lower glycemic index. Sweet potatoes, for example, have a lower glycemic index and fewer calories, making them a good option for weight loss and blood sugar control. They also have a lot more antioxidants. Leafy greens like spinach and kale are also lower in calories and rich in essential minerals, making them a healthier choice depending on your goals.

Is one banana a day enough potassium?

One medium-sized banana provides about 400 mg of potassium, which is approximately 9% of the daily value for this essential mineral. While a banana can contribute to your daily potassium needs, it’s not enough to meet the 100% daily value. You would need to include other potassium-rich foods in your diet, like spinach or beans, to fully meet your needs.

How do bananas and potatoes affect digestive health?

Bananas are a good source of dietary fibre, which is beneficial for digestive health. Potatoes also contain fibre, especially in the skin, but are not as rich a source as bananas. 

Do potatoes have much sodium?

No, potatoes themselves do not contain much sodium. However, how you prepare them can add sodium to the meal. 

What are the varieties of potatoes and how do they differ in nutrition?

There are many varieties of potatoes, including Russet, Yukon Gold, and red potatoes. Generally, all potatoes offer similar basic nutrients like carbohydrates and fibre, but some may have a high glycemic index, affecting blood sugar more rapidly.

Can I eat bananas if I’m watching my sugar intake?

Yes, you can, but it’s good to know that bananas contain natural sugars. The sugar content varies depending on the ripeness of the banana. Green bananas have less sugar compared to yellow bananas. If you are watching your sugar, green bananas can be a good choice.


Bananas at The Nutrition Source, Harvard TH Chan Public School of Health

Robertson TM, Alzaabi AZ, Robertson MD, Fielding BA. Starchy Carbohydrates in a Healthy Diet: The Role of the Humble Potato. Nutrients. 2018;10(11):1764. Published 2018 Nov 14. doi:10.3390/nu10111764

Your Guide to Potato Nutrition at potatogoodness.com